During history, human beings always have been exposed with insects mischiefs and so have born many injuries such as malaria, plague, yellow fever and typhus. Military person is subjected more, because of settling in borderline area maneuvers and battle fields. During imposed war between Iran and Iraq many diseases such as leishmaniasis, papatasi fever, and scabies were occurring. Because of vastness and extent of situated area by military, using insecticide is impossible; as a consequence, using repellents are preferred. During recent decades, the method of impregnation of military uniforms with permethrin has been suggested. In this method, effective and safe dosage of permetrin is about 0.125- 0.250 mg/cm2. In this way, military persons are protected against many arthropods such as tick, mite, lice, fleas, bedbug and mosquitoes. Durability of permethrin on military uniforms is about 6-12 month. In some cases, the effectiveness is remains after 5-6 times washing. Up to now many countries have investigated about these Insectisides. The majority of results were satisfied. Considering this issue, many modem armies such as USA, French, Australia and Pakistan are utilizing this kind of uniforms in their Armies. In conclusion, Concerning of military uniforms impregnation with permetrine surveys should be accomplished.