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Background & Aims: Spermatogenesis dependent to Hypophyseal Gonadotropin hormones. Secretion of Gonadotropin hormones is controlled by Hypothalamic Gonadotropin releasing hormones. GnRH analogues disregulated Hypophyseal-Gonadal axis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of GnRH-agonist administration on seminiferous tubules in immature rats.Materials & Methods: In this study the immature rats (aged 25 days) were divided into two experimental groups (n=5) and two control groups (n=5). Subcutaneous injection of GnRH-a (0.1mg/ml) and NaCl (physiologic Serum) were carried out every 24 hours for 5 days, respectively in experimental and control groups. After dissection, the testis were excised and processed for histological study 5µm serial sections.Results: The results showed that there was not significant difference in diameter of tubules between first experimental group and control groups, but there was significant difference in lumen diameter, thickness of epithelium and the number of cell layers in seminiferrous tubules.Furthermore, there was not significant difference in diameter of tubules between second experimental group and two control groups, but it is significant in lumen diameter, thickness of epithelium and the number of cell layers (p<0.05) In addition the morphometric findings showed that there was not significant differences in diameter of seminiferrous tubules between two control groups, but the difference in lumen diameter, thickness of epithelium and number of cell layers was significant.Conclusion: We found that GnRH-agonist (buserelin) induces spermatogenesis in immature male rats.

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Background and Aims: Zinc as an essential element has an important role in organogenesis and fetal growth. Normal serum zinc level in adults is between 80 and 150 mg/dl. Daily zinc requirement increases during pregnancy by 25%. Lower serum zinc level in pregnant women is associated with higher rate of maternal and fetal complications. Considering the importance of zinc and its role in pregnancy, this study was conducted to evaluate serum zinc level in pregnant women with preeclampcia.Methods & Materials: 227 normal pregnant women and 227 pregnant women with preeclampsia were enrolled in this case-control study. Serum zinc concentration was measured by atomic absorption method. Data were collected using questionnaires. And were analyzed using SPSS software and statistical test including ANONA, Chi-square, t-test and Pearson correlation. P-values less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Mean serum zinc in pregnant women with preeclampsia and control group were 55.76 and 65.99 mg/ml, respectively. Frequency of zinc deficiency in case group (80%) in comparison to control group (60%) showed significant difference (0.000). There was no significant correlation between family salary, number of pregnancies, and body mass index with serum zinc level. Conclusion: This study revealed significant lower serum zinc level in pregnant women with preeclampsia in comparisons to control group. Considering risks and complication of zinc deficiency in pregnant women, we recommend further interventional studies to evaluate the effectiveness of zinc supplements during pregnancy.

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Background and Aims: Scleroderma is a connective tissue disorder characterized by thickening and fibrosis of the skin. Many researchers have postulated in the past that scleroderma may be a risk factor for osteoporosis because this disease not only by a chronic inflammatory state, but also by many secondary complications may predispose the patients to osteoporosis. There is conflicting evidence in the literature as to whether or not an association between SSc and decreased BMD exist. The aim of this study is to evaluate bone mass in scleroderma patients in Mashhad.Materials & Methods: We selected 20 female patients with scleroderma, mean age 40.6, and after taking medical history and physical examination, bone densitometry was performed with DEXA method in Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad. The results interpreted with WHO criteria as normal, osteopenia and osteoporosis and then compared with the normal women with similar age.Results: Seven patients (35%) had osteoporosis, 9 (45%) had osteopenia, and only 4 (20%) had normal bone density. In scleroderma, patients bone density disorders were more common than normal women with similar age and the difference was more significant for steoporosis patients.Conclusion: Scleroderma has a direct effect on the bone density and can increase the risk of bone density disorders.

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View 933

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Background & Aims: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common and serious barrier affecting hospitalized patients. Critically ill patients in intensive care units have risk factors increasing threat of a deep vein thrombosis. Nevertheless the data in this topic is lacking.Patients and Methods: One hundred and sixty three patients (53.6% male) in surgery, pulmonary and neurology intensive care units were studied during this cross sectional study in Imam Hospital during an 18 month period. Prevalence of deep vein thrombosis was estimated in each ward and separately in: smokers; patients with cardio-pulmonary disease; diabetes mellitus and history of major surgery; malignancy or previous deep vein thrombosis 48 hours after admission; and also Doppler sonography was used.Results: Prevalence of deep vein thrombosis was 53.6%, 46.3% and 45.3% in surgery, pulmonary and neurology intensive care units respectively and 48.5% in general ( 35.7%, 31.2%, 21.7% and 28.3% in patients receiving prophylaxis). 53.6% were older than 40. The rate was 62% in smokers; 55.6%in cardio-pulmonary patients; 72% in patients after a major surgery; 51.6% in diabetics; 1.8% in patients with a malignancy; and 1.2% in patients with history of a previous DVT. DVT was more common in veins of leg, femur, and pelvis and most of them were acute.Conclusion: Prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in our study population especially in patients receiving a prophylaxis is higher than other reports. Considerate use of pharmacologic and clinical methods of prophylaxis is recommended.

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View 943

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Background & Aims: This study was aimed to asses the risk of recurrence after a first unprovoked seizure in children.Materials & Methods: In a prospective study we recruited 156 children who were presented with a first unprovoked seizure and followed for at least 8 months after the first seizure.Results: Seventy two (72) children (46.2%) experienced subsequent seizures. The cumulative risk of seizure recurrence was 15%, 37.5%, 48% at 1, 6 and 12 months, respectively- following the first seizure. The median time for repeated seizure was 4 months with 62.5% of recurrence occurring within 6 months, 88.88% within 1 year and 100% by the end of two years. On multivariable analysis, risk factors for recurrence of seizure consisted of: abnormal EEG; female gender; occurrence of first seizure during sleep; and abnormal CT scan at the time of occurrence of first seizure. On univariable analysis, history of febrile convulsion, history of neonatal problems, family history of unprovoked seizure, and abnormal neurologic exam increased the risk of recurrence.Conclusion: This study revealed that the risk of seizure in our patients was relatively high. Those who had abnormal EEG, female gender, abnormal CT scan, and occurrence of first seizure during sleep are at greater risk for recurrence of seizure.

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View 1381

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Background & Aims: The illustration of gastrointestinal cancer has been changing dramatically over the past several decades. The incidence of upper gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies varies widely based on geographic location, race, and socioeconomic status. In this study the frequency of sporadic and familial cases of GI cancers in West-Azerbaijan province from 2002-2005 was determined.Materials & Methods: In this retrospective study, by reviewing medical history of 1500 patients with gastrointestinal cancer, 983 patients in whom identification of their detailed family histories was possible entered in the study. Diagnosis and classification was made using clinical and para-clinical criteria. All selected patients had biopsy specimens that were oriented, fixed, sectioned and stained by the hematoxylin and eosin technique.Results: Results showed that 96.95 %( 953) of the cases were sporadic and 3.05 %( 30) of the cases were familial. 63.07% (620) were male and 36.92% (363) were female. The frequency of stomach cancer was significantly higher in males compared to the female group. The mean age ± standard errors of the patients in all sporadic and familial cases were about 61.96 ±12.6, 62.62±1.7, respectively.Conclusion: Our study showed that the frequency of the gastrointestinal (GI) cancers in West Azerbaijan province is higher in comparison to other parts of Iran and also there is a significant association between the developments of gastrointestinal (GI) cancers and the age of the patients.

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View 1349

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Background & Aims: There are clear evidences that zinc and selenium trace elements are required for maintenance of normal metabolic and physiologic activities. Over 300 zinc methaloenzyme have been described to date. Selenium is essential in a number of important metaloenzyme. They are necessary for efficient scavenging of peroxides and for protection of the cell impairment and immunodeficiency. Numerous Iranian women use oral contraceptive pill (OCP); therefore, the study of possible alteration in their blood biochemical markers is important.Materials & Methods: A cross sectional study of the effects of OCP on zinc and selenium levels was performed. The study group consisted of 50 women (22-37 aged) using OCP and 50 women not using OCP as control. Serum zinc and selenium levels were estimated by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.Result: Use of OCP resulted in significant decrease in serum zinc level but no statistical differences were found in serum selenium of the OCP user as compared whit control group.Conclusion: As might be expected from the multiple biochemical function of zinc; therefore, it s supplementation in OCP user might be of clinical benefit. It is expected that no significant decrease in serum selenium of contraceptive user (LD) arose from its protective effects against properties of oral contraceptive pill.

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View 808

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Background & Aims: Kawazaki disease (kd) is one of most common vasculitis in children. We report the clinical features and management of patients with Kawazaki disease in West Azarbaijan, between 1999 to 2005. The kids were diagnosed on the basis of standard diagnostic criteria.Materials & Methods: Forty-two children (22 girls and 20 boys.) fulfilled the diagnostic criteria. The mean age was 3/8= 3/3 years old (range 0/2 -13 years) clustering was seen during the winter months; fever, redness of lip and tongue, and skin rush was common (%86, %93), but lymph adenopathy and extremities changes was seen only in %64. %62 cases.Results: Thrombocytosis was present in %88 of the patients, %93 patients received ivig. Cardiac abnormalities in %12. There was no mortality in frequent complications and manifestations. Gull bladder hydrops, gangrene of finger, aseptic meningitis, and hepatitis were observed.Conclusion: Kawazaki disease needs to be considered in different diagnosis of all children with persistent unexplained fever.

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View 876

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Bachground & Aims: An overweight person's body connot metabolically use insulin due to excessive adipose tissue. It seems that the leptin deficiency is related to increased susceptibility to infection. This study was conductced to illustrate the effect of supplemental calcium and vitamin D on serum leptin, body composition, and adiposity in type II diabetic patients.Materials & Methods: The studied subjects were selected among type II diabetic patients (n=53). Twenty eight patients were daily supplemented by calcium (1000 mg/day) plus vitamin D (400 IU/day) and 25 patients by placebo for 13-14 weeks. The patient’s diets were analyzed by 24 hours recall method. The body composition and adiposity was tested by bioelecterical impedance analyzer. The serum ionized calcium, and leptin were measured at both groups in pre- and post-intervention stages.Results: The placebo group showed no significant differences among pre and post intervention phases but serum leptin revealed a significant increase. These parameters were also significantly altered in Ca+D group. Furthurmore, at this group the percent of body fat and body water was increased and decreased respectively. Serum calcium, body weight, waist curcomference, BMI and lean body mass had no alterations between pre- and post- intervention stages. Energy intake did not have any significant difference between intervention periods at both groups but Ca+D group had significantly lower physical activity from placebo group.Conclusion: Our study has detected the significant effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on serum leptin level among type II diabetic patients. Thus, this study can imply the usefulness of calcium supplementation in diabetic type II patients.

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Background & Aims: Although there is little evidence that modest amounts of fructose have detrimental effects on carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms, larger doses of fructose have been associated with numerous metabolic abnormalities and induce oxidative stress in human and laboratory animals. This study was done to investigate the effects of high fructose enriched diet (65.1%) on plasma lipid profile and some markers of oxidative stress in heart and kidney in rats.Materials & Methods: Sixteen Male adult Wistar rats with body weight of 213±5 g were divided into two control and Fructose groups; each group consisted of eight rats which received their appropriate diets for a six-week period. Food and fluid intake thrice and body weight changes were monitored weekly. At the end of the experimental period, plasma was collected and used for measurement of HDL-C, LDL-C, total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG) and total antioxidant capacity by appropriate kits. The heart and kidneys were homogenized in phosphate-buffered saline (pH7.4) and in their Supernatants Glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehayde (MDA) were measured by appropriate kits. Independent sample T-test was used for statistical analysis in SPSS.Results: Fructose made no significant difference in body weight, fluid intake, and total antioxidant capacity (P>0.05). Fructose significantly decreased food intake of rats at the end of experimental period (P=0.000). Fructose significantly increased TG (P=0.040) in plasma and MDA in heart (p=0.000) and kidneys (P=0.002), reduced activity of GPX in heart (P=0.052) and kidneys (P=0.018) and SOD in heart (P=0.047) and kidneys (P=0.034) of rats compare with the control group.Conclusion: This study shows that Fructose enriched diet significantly increases TG in plasma, MDA in heart and kidneys and reduces GPX and SOD in heart and kidneys of rats. Using this diet may enhance metabolic dysfunctions and oxidative stress in rats.

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In order to develop the capacity of adapting changing circumstances, trainee doctors need to equip themselves with skills in acquisition, appraisal, and application of new knowledge.With a history of more than 150 years, the utility of the journal club as an effective instrument for medical education is no longer debated. There are many studies to find suitable forms of journal clubs, including its main aims. Reviewing some valuable studies, this article tries to provide simple advises to create or refine journal clubs.

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Aneurysms in coronary arteries are rare entities; however, with potential severe complications. Atherosclerotic lesions account for the majority of cases of coronary aneurysm. The right coronary artery is the most frequently involved artery; followed by the left descending artery (LAD).The patient was a 73-year-old male with the history of typical pectoris angina. Coronary angiography revealed a giant coronary artery aneurysm arising from the proximal segment of LAD and measuring 40 and 28 mm in diameter, as well as, significant stenosis of the LAD, RCA and LCX. Atrial fibrillation (Af) was accompanied with chest pain occurring immediately after coronary angiography. It was controlled with medical treatment so normal sinus rhythm occurred.Although most patients with coronary aneurysms are asymptomatic, manifestations of myocardial ischemia may occur. They are usually diagnosed incidentally during investigation for ischemic heart diseases. In spite of controversial persist regarding the use of management aneurysm; no doubt that surgical therapy is reserved for caseas with large aneurysm or with myocardial ischemia due to significant coronary artery stenosis. Literature review showed no atrial fibrillation after coronary angiography in coronary aneurysm. We recommended cardiac monitoring after coronary angiography in patient with coronary aneurysm.

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View 734

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Hydatid disease is common in Iran and involves any organ such as: liver, lung, brain, thyroid and so on. The aim of the present paper is to report a very rare cyst in mediastinal region. Due to the effects of these cysts on vital organs in thorax, it had to be removed immediately.

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View 987

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Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) is a lymph proliferative neoplasm caused by human T-lymph tropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), which is also the etiologic agent of HTLV-1-associated with myelopathy or tropical spastic para paresis. HTLV-1 is distributed worldwide, but is endemic only in certain parts of the world such as southwestern Japan, the Caribbean, Africa, parts of South America and Khorasan, the northeastern province of Iran.We describe two patients, one male and one female, respectively 45 and 53 years old and born in Urmia with clinical, laboratory, and morphologic finding characteristics of ATLL, and anti-HTLV-1 positive serums. Both diagnosed and treated as ATLL by chemotherapy and expired 9 months after the diagnosis. Our findings confirm the presence of HTLV-1 in West Azerbaijan. With respect to that, there is no defined treatment for HTLV-1 infection and its complications, so studies to determine the prevalence rates may be necessary in establishing prophylactic measures to reduce the rates of viral transmission.

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