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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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پیش زمینه و هدف: چهار اصل اخلاق پزشکی یعنی احترام به اختیار انسان Respect for autonomy، سود داشتن کارها eneficence، عدم اضرار به دیگران on maleficence و عدالت justice به قضاوت های عمومی اطلاق می شوند و به عنوان پذیرفته های اخلاقی بررسی اعمال انسان ها مورد استفاده و ارزش یابی قرار می گیرند در این موارد اختلاف نظر زیادی وجود دارد از جمله تعیین قلمرو اختیار و استقلال افرادی که قدرت تشخیص ندارند یا هم چون جنین، نوزادان، بیماران دچار مرگ مغزی، زندانیان و ... که می تواند پزشک یا تیم پزشکی را در مرحله تصمیم گیری دچار تردید و بحران سازند. به خصوص با توجه به این که تعریف و قلمرو این چهار اصل نسبت به یک جهان بینی با جهان بینی دیگر فرق می کند علی الخصوص در ارتباط با مکتب اخلاق اسلامی بایستی به دقت تبیین شود. در این مقاله سعی شده است بعد از تشریح این اصول به میزان سازگاری آنها با مبانی اخلاق و معارف اسلامی پرداخته شود.مواد و روش کار: این پژوهش به صورت توصیفی و کتابخانه ای است و سعی شده است پس از توضیح مفاهیم به صورت نظری و مبنایی نکات تشابه و تمایز به کارگیری اصول پذیرفته شده اخلاق پزشکی با اصول اخلاق و معارف اسلامی شناسایی و تبیین شود.یافته ها: در بررسی مکاتب اخلاقی گوناگون معلوم شد اصول و موازین چهارگانه اخلاق پزشکی برگرفته از مکتب سودگرایی و سودمندی می باشد و مکتب اخلاقی اسلامی مکتب غایت گرا و وظیفه گرا می باشد. به طوری که در بعضی از مبانی همدیگر را پوشش و در بعضی از مبانی سازگاری لازم را ندارند.بحث و نتیجه گیری: از آنجایی که دین اسلام یک مکتب غایت گرا و وظیفه گراست و غایت نهایی در کارهای اخلاقی رستگاری و قرب الهی است و انسان دارای دو ساخت وجودی جسم و روح بوده و صاحب کرامت و عزت می باشد و فلسفه وجودی او رسیدن به تکامل و قرب الهی است به همین جهت اخلاق پزشکی در اسلام در چهارچوب پارامترهای است که در دین مبین اسلام بیان شده است و در آن به رعایت تقوی الهی، احساس تکلیف و مسوولیت در مقابل خود، خدا، جامعه، تعالی روح و مراتب وجودی او و نیت و انگیزه الهی و همچنین لذاید معنوی تاکیده شده است که خود این متغیرها می تواند بهترین ضمانت اجرایی اصول و موازین اخلاقی در حرفه پزشکی باشد و می تواند نیروهای پزشکی را از تردید و بحران در مراحل تصمیم گیری و اجرای پروژه ها و سوژه های خود در آورده و جبران کننده ضعف ها و کمبودهای دیگر مکاتب اخلاقی باشد که نوعا مبتنی بر خواسته های انسانی، لذاید دنیوی و بهبود زندگی مکانیکی انسان ها هستند.

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Background & Aims: Four principles of medical ethics, i.e. respect for autonomy, beneficial, nonmaleficience and justice have been attributed to general judgments. They were utilized and evaluated as unquestioned ethics through which man's act are being investigated. There are many discrepancies, such as determining the realm of freedom, and the independence of the individual who do not possess discernment in these codes, or they could be cases such at fetuses, infants, coma-patients, prisoners, etc that make doctors and medical teams face serious problems and doubt in decision making. Since the definition and the realm of these four principles differ when we compare different weltanschauungs, the system of the Islamic ethics should be justified accordingly. Having explained the principles, attempts have been made to measure the degree of consistency between these principles and the Islamic ethics and thoughts.Materials & Method: This research is descriptive and comparative. Having explained the similarities and differences as well as usages of the unquestioned principles, the research tries to explain and compare the principles and bases of Islamic ethics and thoughts.Result: Investigations of various ethical schools show that the principles and quadruple measures are obtained from utilitarianism whereas, the system of Islamic ethics is derived from teleology and deontologism. In this regard, these two systems (Islamic ethics and medical ethics) cover each other in some bases, while they are inconsistent in some other parts.Discussion: Since Islam is a teleological and deontological religion, the ultimate goal in its moral system is the welfare of man and getting closer to God. In this respect, man, from the divine religions' point of view, has two aspects: body and soul, and has a great place and dignity in the existence. So the reason of his existence is reaching his proper evolution and getting closer to his Lord. That is why; Islamic-medical ethics is in the framework whose parameters are elaborated in the structure of Islam.Accordingly, man is to consider the virtue of God, to observe his own responsibility before God, himself, and society. He has emphasized to use his efforts for the transcendence his spirit, the stages of his existence, intention, divine in motivation and spiritual pleasures. These variables would be the best guarantees for the ethical measures and principles in the domain of medical occupation. This therefore can free the medical team from doubt and decision making crises, the execution of research projects, and compensate the weakness of the other ethical schools which are based on human being's desires, mortal pleasures and the improvement of the medical life.

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Background & Aims: With regard to this fact that Hasanlu dam is established on Sorgol wetland and the soil of that region is from the salt and alkaline, it's clear that the chemical quality of water has affected the soil of that area. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the changing process of water quality and to predict the water quality in the maximum water level as healthy drink.Materials & Methods: The data that shows the quality and quantity of Hasanlu dam from the time of its construction and being measured in 2006 and also the field works of sampling, station for monitoring chemical quality of Hasanlu Lake were analyzed in West Azerbaijan laboratory. Regression analyses in the MS-EXCEL environment were done. Statistical relationships existing between chemical water quality parameter changes and capacity of the dam were the important factors when the water was at its maximum level. (Confidence level equal %99).Results: All water quality parameters (expect for Bicarbonate Ion that its concentration effected with biological reaction and the Co2 of air) included Mg+2, Ca+2, Na+, K+, CL-, SO4-2 that had inverse correlation with the capacity of the dam.Conclusion: We compared the predicted water quality of the lake in its maximum level with W.H.O chemical drinking water standards, we predicate that the quality of the lake water is available up to final level of the chemical water quality for drinking; therefore, by building treatment plant we can supply drinkable water for other cities that are around or near the dam.

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Background & Aims: Penetrating or blunt traumatic injuries of the vertebral arteries is not common. The clinical presentation and outcome of vertebral artery trauma are primarily related to associated injuries rather than to specific arterial lesion itself. The mechanism of traumatic injury is critical in determining the appropriate diagnostic and treatment regimens. The aim of this study is to evaluate the mechanisms and angiographic findings in vertebral artery traumas.Materials & Methods: Eleven patients with vertebral artery injuries were studied by angiography in Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tabriz.Results: 82% of our patients were male and 18% were female. The average age was 37.20±12.41 years old. The most common cause of the injury was blunt trauma and the most common site was the origin of vertebral arteries. The most common type of vascular injuries was complete arterial occlusions.Conclusion: Penetrating trauma was thought to account for more than 95% of all cerebrovascular injuries in the past but it appears that blunt injury may account for one third of the cases. In developed countries, blunt vertebral artery injuries occur principally with spinal injuries and in our country occur with upper thoracic rib fractures. Therefore, in our country many cases of blunt vertebral artery injuries, specially associated with cervical spine traumas' are missing so aggressive diagnostic screening is necessary for accurate diagnosis.

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Background & Aims: The roots of human's sexual responses lay in two biophysical and psychological operating systems. Sexual malfunctions of individuals may also be originated from physical or mental sources. Several variables control the sexual responses and affect health of sexual behavior. Sexual disorders also affect marriage and are considered the source of tension. The present trial aims to study the diversity of sexual response disorders among married men and women and to identify the effective variables such as age, sex, persistence of sexual problems, physical illnesses, mild mental disorders, marital relation tensions, tendency to treatment, and the type of treatment.Materials & Methods: We applied a descriptive method in this research and collected data from available samples (32 married females and 61 married male) referred to Family Health Care Clinic by a researcher- designed questionnaire. The average age of the samples was 36.4 (S=9.5). Interviews, clinical examinations, and follow ups are applied to all of the test subjects.Results: Results indicated that erectile disorders among males (49.1 %) and anorgasmia or orgasmic disorders among females (38.7%) were the most frequent problems of patients. Premature ejaculation among male and veganism’s among female patients were the second major group of problems. Duration of sexual problems was less than 12 months among one-third of the samples. However, 22.2% of them were involved with sexual difficulties for more than 5 years. On the other hand, 30.2% of them were also involved with different mild mental or some kinds of physical problems. Almost 47.7% of patients reported tension in their marital relation, where in 9 cases these tensions led to divorcement request from judicial authorities.Conclusion: The present study revealed the diversity of sexual response disorders and their predictive variables among married couples. We discussed the result compliance of the present studies with findings of other studies overseas. The finding-application-analysis is also presented to have a better understanding of the variables, which causes sexual disorders.

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Background & Aims: Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] and homocysteine (Hcy) levels are now widely accepted as key events in the development of atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. Artedosclerosis results from thickening and stiffening of arterial wall. If this thickening occurs in retinal arterials, it is called retinal arteries arteriosclerosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the changes of serum Lp(a) and Hcy as risk factors of retina arteriosclerosis compared to the control group.Materials & Methods: The study group consisted of 60 men (mean age 64.3±6.8) with retina arteriosclerosis proven by slit lamp biomicroscope with super filed lens and the control group consisted of 54 healthy men (mean age 66.7±8.0) that had no history for coronary heart diseases, diabetes, or other metabolic diseases. Cholesterol and triglyceride concentration were measured by spectrophotometric methods. Lp(a) was assayed by turbidimetric procedure and Hcy concentration was measured by ELISA method.Results: Statistically significant differences were observed between the patients and the control group in lipid profile, Lp(a) and Hcy (p<0.05 in all cases) except in HDL-C levels, while there was no meaningful difference between the mean serum Lp(a), Hcy, and lipid profile in different grades of retinal arteriosclerosis (p>0.05 in all cases). A significant correlation between Lp(a), and arteriosclerosis grades (p<0.01 , r=0.61), Hcy and arteriosclerosis grade (p<0.01, r=0.72) and between Lp(a) and Hcy (p<0.01, r=0.67), levels were found.Conclusion: Results of this study suggest the association of increased serum levels of Lp(a) and Hcy with pathogenesis of retinal arteriosclerosis. These finding suggest that measurement of serum Lp(a) and Hcy concentrations could be a useful laboratory method in confirmatory diagnosis and treatment of retinal arteriosclerosis.

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Background & Aims: Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of lateral curvature of the spine. 2-3% of children under 16 years old have idiopathic scoliosis greater than 10 degrees, but less than 10% of them require treatment. One treatment method is surgical correction and fusion and different types of instrumentation have been used. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of segmental fixation of the spine with Cotrel - Dubousset (CD) instrumentation that we have used in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients since 1999.Materials & Methods: Thirty patients (22 girls and 8 boys) with the average age of 10-18 years, had gone under one or two stages of the operation from 1999 to 2004. The amount of curves in sagital and coronal plans were measured on standing radiographs with cobb method. Control radiographs were taken immediately after the operation, then 3 month ,6 month later, and then yearly until 4 years.Results: The patients were followed up for 21 months. Average correction was 44.8% in coronal and 10.6 degrees in sagital plans. Apical vertebral rotation didn't correct significantly, and average rate of it was 0.46 degree. The average correction of apical vertebral translation was 3 cm (1.5-4 cm). Standing and sitting height was increased to 5 cm averagely.Conclusion: CD instrumentation is a suitable method for correction of spinal deformities in both coronal and sagital plans, specially to preserve thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis, and there is no requirement for post operative external immobilization.

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Background & Aims: It's been over 10 years that b-INF for the treatment of MS was presented to the world of medicine. As there are some doubts about the pathophysiology of MS, there may be some differences between our patients and other ones; therefore such a study is essential for our patients.Materials & Methods: This is a descriptive-analytic and clinical trial study. According to clinical and para-clinical findings, the patients with the diagnosis of relapsing remitting MS were included in this study. Severity of disability (according to EDSS) and the number of attacks were estimated before and after the treatment with IFN b. Side effects of IFN b were evaluated too.Results: Among 42 patients, 73.8% were female and 26.2% were male. The mean age of onset was 29.21 years old. The mean relapsing rate before and after 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years of treatment were 2.43, 2.29, 3.28 and 0.57, 0.41 and 1.78 respectively; the difference between these two was significant (P<0.05). The mean EDSS at the months of 0, 24 and 36 decreased significantly (P<0.05). The most common side effect of IFN- b in our study is flu like syndrome.Conclusion: Epidemiologic findings of this study such as M/F ratio and age of onset are similar to other studies. Statistical tests revealed the effects of IFN b on decreasing disabilities and relapse rate, but there are no differences of these effects between males and females.

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Background & Aims: Urologic complications occur in 1% to 30% of patients in different series. These complications are ureteral necrosis and stricture, urinary leakage, renal pelvis necrosis, ureterovesical steposis and symptomatic ureterovesical reflux. Ureteropyelostomy with using the recipient's ureter is one of options for management ofureteral complication after renal transplantation. We present our experience in managing ureteral complication after renal transplantation in 7 patients through performance of ureteropyelostomy using the recipient's ureter.Materials & Methods: from Feb 2005 to Feb 2005, 128 renal grafts were performed at our hospital. An exteravesical reimplantation technique (barry or barry_tagochi ureterovesical anastomosis) was used. Ureteropyelostomy using the recipient's own ipsilateral ureter were performed in 7 cases. Mean time between transplantation and ureteropyelostomy, kidneys sonography and Cr before and after surgery, leakage, flank pain, fever, symptomatic UTI, and history of failed operation were reviewed.Results: Imaging shows uvj stenosis in 4 patiants, ureteral necrosis in 2 case, and upj obstruction inl case. Mean time between transplantation and ureteropyelostomy was 72 days. Mean Cr before and after surgery was 4.4 and 2.2 respectively. Comparison of graft sonography before and 1 month after the surgery showed improvement of hydronephrosis in 6 patients and its diminishing in 1 case. In native kidney no new hydronephrosis was shown. None of the patient had flank pain, leakage, and wound infection. Symptomatic UTI was seen in 1case that improved with medical therapy. Pyonephrosis with fever occurred in 1 patiant who had severed hydronephrosis in native kidney before surgery.Conclusion: Ureteropyelostomy with using the recipient's native ureter is a safe and effective treatment for management ofureteral complication after renal transplantation.

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Background & Aims: Evaluation of trauma management is usually by TRISS scoring and the outcome is compared to data from Major Trauma Outcome study (MTOS). Same study was designed in Urmia.Materials & Methods: TRISS scoring was performed for multiple trauma cases during Apri12005- March 2006 in Shahid Motahhari hospital and was compared to MTOS via W-M-Z statistics.Results: 260 consecutive patients were included in the study, 210 men and 50 women. Mean age was 30.31 yr. 91% sustained blunt trauma, the vast majority resulting from traffic accident (92.5%). Observed mortality was 52 and predicted mortality 42. The W-M-Z statistics were: s 3.8%-0.891-0.27.Conclusion: The value of M- statistic> 0.880 predicted that this study was comparable to MTOS data. Z statistic between ranges -1.96- +1.96 defined standard treatment and there was no significant mortality difference. TRISS scoring and MTOS comparing are valid for multi-trauma patients, outcome analysis in Iran.

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Background & Aims: Renal transplantation is the choice of treatment for chronic renal failure. Applying suitable ureterovesical anastomosis technique can prevent most risks for kidney graft. Extravesical ureteroneocystostomy is becoming popular in renal transplantation because of the low complication rate and technical ease. This decrease in complication was due to limited bladder dissection and the need for a shorter ureteral segment from the donor. We evaluated the incidence of urologic complications by using Barry-Tagochi ureteroneocystostomy in 114 cases of renal transplantation.Materials & Methods: We recorded all urological complications after performing extravesical Barry- Tagochi (new technique) ureteroneocystostomy in the recipient kidney that was developed from Sep 2004 to Sep 2005 (mean follow-up 12 mouths). The urological complications included complicated hemturia, urinary fistula, ureteral stenosis, VUR, and operative time. All patients underwent baseline VCUG and ultrasonography within 3-6 months of transplantation and as clinically indicatedResults: The incidence of urological complications was 6 (5.25%) patients that included one urinary leakage (0.86%) and four ureteral stenosis (3.5%) which the ureters required reimplantation, with one complicated hematuria (0.86%) and with any symptomatic VUR, range of operative time was 4 minutes (mean 8.15). Mild reflux was noted in 2 patients in VCUG and reoperation was not required.Conclusion: Extravesical Barry-Tagochi (new technique) ureteroneocystostomy is a simple and rapid technique with acceptable urologic complications so this technique is the first choice of our center.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Vasectomy is a simple, effective, safe, and cost-effective method for family planning and prevention from reproduction which needs participation of men. The purpose of this study was to determine personal, social and economical characteristics, knowledge, and attitude of male volunteers to vasectomy in the field of family planning in Urmia.Materials & Methods: The method of this study was descriptive, cross sectional and, retrospective. Target populations of this study were all men who were vasectomized from first of March to the end of March, 2001. The Data were collected from a questionnaire in the health centers No 6 and Nikhah-Urmia city. The collected data were analysed by SPSS based on the aims of the study. Descriptive statistic and chi-square test were used to find the relationship among the variables.Results: The results of the study showed that, overall 419 men with average age (39.9±6.98) were vasectomized in Urmia. 92.6% of men live in Urmia and 7.4% live in rural areas. 36.1% of men were self employed 42.2% had primary and secondary education. The mean numbers of children were (3.0±1.36), boys, (1.66±1.03) and girls (1.29±1.04). These men had knowledge about methods of reproduction and the majority of them had positive attitude to family planning. The most important way that made them familiar with vasectomy was the personnel of health centers (%42.5). They said the factors that helped them accept the operation was: 1. their own decision, 2. their wives encouragimg.Results also indicated that there was a statistical relationship between education, knowledge, attitude of men and their wives (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of this research, it is possible to make a positive view in males by increasing their knowledge about vasectomy and this can make them have a share in controlling the population, and ultimately it causes to develop the country.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Dermoid cyst or benign cystic teratoma is one of the most common tumors in women during reproductive period of life. Teratomas are tumors that contain elements derived from more than one of the three embryonic germ layers. Fistulization of cyst to rectum is an infrequent occurrence and also rectal bleeding from that fistula is rare.An 18-yr-old girl with a history of anemia and chronic lower abdominal pain referred to emergency ward due to rectal bleeding. Blood hemoglobin was 6g/dl. Rectal examination and colonoscopy revealed bleeding and hair extraction from a fistula tract in proximal of rectum. CT scan showed gascontaining cystic mass with fistulization to rectum. Emergency surgery was performed after blood transfusion.Cystic left ovary was fistulizated to rectum and there was bleeding from fistula. Cystic ovary was removed, and then rectal repair colostomy was done. Pathological report confirmed dermoid cyst (benign cystic teratoma).This is a case report of fistulisation of ovarian dermoid cyst with lower GI bleeding. There are same reports about fistulisation of this kind of ovarian cyst to urinary bladder, but it is a rare one to rectum and should be considered in differential diagnosis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Congenital anterior tibiofernoral subluxation is an extremely rare disorder. All reported cases accompanied by other abnormalities and syndromes. A 16-year-old high school girl referred us with bilateral anterior tibiofemoral subluxation as the knees were extended and reduced at more than 30 degrees flexion. Deformities were due to tightness of the iliotibial band and biceps femuris muscles and corrected by surgical release. Associated disorders included: bilateral shoulders dislocation, short metacarpals, metatarsals, and right calcaneuvalgus deformity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hydrocephalus is an abnomal enlargement of the ventricles due to an excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid resulting from a disturbance of its flow, absorption or secretion. In general, the ntreatment of hydrocephalus is a CSF Shunt. Complications of CSF shunt are numerous but extrusion of ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter throught vagina is very rare. We report a 1.5 year old girl that referred our hospital with cateter extrusion from vagina, so our treatment was interesting.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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