Introduction: The goal of this study is determination of various nutrients consumption that is needed for pregnant women and comparing it with Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). Also we introduced the factors that affect nutrient intakes in Urmia-Iran. Materials & Methods: 118 pregnant women in 12-16 weeks of gestational period were assessed in dietary nutrient intakes by 24 hour recall for three days (two week days and a weekend day). Dietary intakes were evaluated by FPII soft ware package. The soft ware outputs were compared with RDA standard tables' values. Average of consumption, percent of consumption efficacy and number of women that intake less than RDA recommendation were calculated. Results: The results showed that the average of energy intake was, 2304±636 Kcal/day and protein was 75.76±29.2 gr/day. But 39 percent of women have recived less energy and protein than RDA recommendation. The average intake of different vitamins were: VitA 1441 mg, VitB1 2mg, VitB2 or riboflavin 1.47 mg, VitB3 or niacin 21.79 mg; VitB6 1.91 mg, VitB123.46mg, folic acid 180.3 mg, pantothenic acid 2.40mg, VitC 141mg and VitE 20.78mg. The average of minerals were Ca 838 mg, Cu 1.72 mg, Fe 28.9mg,Mg 162mg, P 735 mg, K 2536mg, Si42.8 mg and Zn 9.4 mg. Discussion: Some reports (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) have showed that in many undeveloped countries, the RDA registered nutrient intakes was not completed to pregnant women. Our results in parallel with some reports showed that many pregnant women in Urmia-Iran also received fewer nutrients than RDA registered recommendation. The low dietary nutrient intakes can threat fetus - mother health and newborns. We concluded that the main factor in biasing to RDA recommendation is the consumers' knowledge to nutrients intake role. The availability of nutrients and economo - social position of pregnant women had less effect on nutrients intake in our study in Urmia - Iran. We concluded that the education of pregnant women about gestational necessities have major role in preventing of mother, prenatal and neonatal health.