This research has been done in 100 patient with diagnosis of pelvic mass, since winter 1376 to spring 1378, in Amir and Emdad hospital were confined to bed and operation. This study is cross sectional.After the confined to bed, the biography and evaluation of tumor-makers "include CA125- aFp-BHCG-LDH, these tests have been done by Elyza except LDH by simple biochemistry", the surgical operation was done on the patient. After finding the answer of pathology, the –comparison among diagnosis before surgical operation with final diagnosis to calculate the sensitiveness of sonography and tumormarkers.The results of research show that in 100 patient considered. The origin of 67 masses were of ovary and 21 of uterine, That 17 masses were leiomyoma, and 12 masses were except of ovary and uterine. 74% masses were in Reprudactive age. More of 90% masses were benign. We had only 6% malignancy that they were seen more in prepubertal ages (100% malignancy) and menopause ages (25% malignancy). In this study the sensitiveness of sonography at diagnosis of benign masses: was above 90% and about the malignancies masses however there were few patients, may be the accuracy of calculation was little. (50%).We conclude that sonography as a cheap and accessible facility with high sensitiveness, specifically in Benign masses is useful at diagnosis before operation of pelvic mass. Also to asses the tumor markers at diagnosis of distinct of masses is useful. In this study, we control the ratio of tumor markers, at each malignancies, the ratio was high with regard to the kind of mass. Meanwhile, It was very high at comparison with natural quantities and benign causes (In two pt's with serouscystadeno carcinoma, CA125 was above 200 u/ml and in pt's with Endodermal sinus tumor, afp was 268 ng/ml, since tumor marker increase in benign causes. So the measure of tumor markers, alone is not enough for distinction of benign mass from malignancy in study befor operation.Therefore to take the biography and accurate physical examination by doing sonography and tumor markers, altogether, they are advantage at intime recovery of surgical Indication.