Background and objectives: in the recent century, one of the most important problems and difficulties among families is anger that can be the origin of numbers mental disorders. Emotional and cyclothmic disorders are the most common representation of premenstrual syndrome. Therefore the researcher has tired to achieve a study with the aim of determining relationship between variables of anger and severe (density) premenstrual syndrome.Materials & Methods: this research (survey) is a descriptive- analytic study. The case study includes 152 high school students, who through sampling method- multi-stages. By the classification, cluster and random method, were selected. In order to collect the data, we use a evaluation form of signs, before premenstrual for surveying the rate of outbreak and severe (density) signs. Also, we used a standard Staxi questionnaire, in order to survey experience and presentation of anger.Findings: the results of this research indicated that 54.7% units of those researched suffer from premenstrual syndrome. From the point of relationship of variables of anger with sever of signs premenstrually the results showed that among anger-in, trend to anger and sever (destiny/violent) of anger on the time of testing with severe signs premenstrually is a meaningful relationship, (but) between variable of control of anger and anger – out with sever of signs premenstrual syndrome has no meaningful relationship. These results also showed that unit (attacked) by premenstrual syndrome, in comparison to units without syndrome, meaningfully, in sub set of severs of anger during the test, trend to anger, anger-in and anger– out have acquired high (degrees).Conclusion: Regarding the high spread a of anger among adolescents, and its relation to disorder of premenstrual syndrome, the necessity of attention to health and mental health of premenstrual synorme, the necessity of attention to health and mental health of a addescents, nationally has been revealed. In respect to findings of recent research, (responsible), of education system and families, have an important task, that to choose plans, tranining in field of premenstrual syndrome, and the effective factors on premenstrual syndrome and methods of therapeutics. This disorder will help with hygiene and health of adolescents.