Introduction: Post-cesarean anxiety is associated with increased pain, using analgesics and increased hospitalization time. Auriculotherapy may be useful as a complementary medicine to reduce anxiety. So, this study was performed with aim to evaluate the effects of auriculotherapy on anxiety in patients after cesarean section.Methods: This two-group randomized clinical trial study was performed on 66 pregnant women who referred to Mashhad Omolbanin hospital for caesarean section in 2015. In the intervention group, 2-3 hours after the operation, Auriculotherapy (in shenmen, subcortex, uterus, pelvic and abdominal points) was performed for 20 minutes. Before, one and two hours after the intervention, anxiety was measured by Spielberger anxiety questionnaire and blood pressure and pulse rate were evaluated. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 16) and statistical tests of independent t-test, paired t-test, Chi-square and Fisher test. P<0.05 was considered significant.Results: There were no significant differences between two groups in terms of demographic characteristics, mean of state and trait anxiety before cesarean and state anxiety before the intervention (after cesarean) (P>0.05). No significant difference was observed between two groups in terms of mean anxiety one hour after the intervention (P=0.332). Two hours after the intervention, anxiety reduced in auriculotherapy group, but increased in control group, although the difference was not significant (P=0.876). Also, no significant difference was found between two groups in terms of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate (P>0.05).Conclusion: The use of auriculotherapy has no effect on reducing maternal anxiety after cesarean up to two hours after the intervention; therefore, it is recommended to perform further studies regarding the effects of auriculotherapy on anxiety after cesarean for longer time follow-up.