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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    5 (ویژه نامه معماری و شهرسازی)
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The optimal exploitation of existing opportunities for tourism economy requires essential studies, design, and planned based on scientific research methodology and techniques such as Analytical Hierarchy Process.Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) helps managers and planners to study of several scenarios, to determine alternative's priority regarded to impact of criteria and comparison of their values in the same time, and to determine desirable alternatives by the use of relationship between indicator and alternatives.The purpose of this paper is determining the method of the use of multiple criteria decision-making technique in regional tourism planning. In this paper, primarily, theoretical bases and application of AHP in regional planning have been applied with focus on tourism development, the tourism activities of Neyshabour County, selected as case study and were planned by this technique. The main result of this analysis is determination of priority of tourism sites.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1993

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The present paper will investigate the future sustainable structure of rural areas, by having special consideration for ecology and energy problem, and by vernacular urban design methods. This research will assess the essence of experimental elements by the inhabitant, and recent scientific findings. The main concentration will be on the physical design of rural area in hot arid and sunny regions, in order to have active and healthy environment, and to concentrate on the sustainability of future rural generations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban sprawls in Iranian cities are going to destroy the existing historical and cultural cores of traditional cities. In this regard, the definition of specific areas for historical urban cores and classification of historical and cultural sits are needed in addition, providing related action criteria, ordinance, and design codes are needed too. These ordinance and design criteria and performance criteria might be provided by experimental and case study research. Regarding to this approach a case study research has been done in Qazvin traditional bazaar. The research are reinforced by various method and techniques including, field observation, interview and information gathering in libraries. First of all, the architectural forms of bazaar have been revived. Then, various types of activities are studied and the land use pattern of whole area is analyzed. Developments, system of formal and functional element have been analyzed in detail and also in integration mode. As a result, some specific recommendations have been presented for development, re development and rehabilitation of Qazvin traditional bazaar.

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We have not been able to strengthen and support our philosophical concepts with our historical and cultural heritage. As a consequence, we have not approached the modem sciences in a pro-active manner. As long as our values are based on greater profitability, mere practical facility, and achieving economic objectives and so on, we will encounter difficulties due to our poor understanding of technology.In today's world all aspects of life are connected to technology and it is imperative that we should have deep understanding of technology rather than take a superficial view.We must examine the rightful position of technology in today's world and it its interconnection with people. The status of technology has to be established based on the changes caused in society, the world and human values.Technology is moving forward at a pace. After we have used technology for such a long time, we still do not understand its nature and its full implications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Since presenting the Islam religion, Muslim architects try to manifest Islam beliefs and principles in their works.The existing essay is discussing the effects of Islam beliefs and God central role on the styles of building. In this regard, it is focused on the influence of the basic Islam doctrine that there is but one God (monotheism) on the architecture of building parts and details. By using the inscriptions including divine verses, centralizing mosque structure and providing connection between inner and. outer parts of building, Muslim architects make their attempts to benefit from their arts as means for spiritual improvement and movement toward supreme Heaven Beholder.In this research, the important role of monotheism and its effect on the Islamic architecture has been studied and Sheikh Lotf-Allah mosque has been considered as an outstanding sample of representing love and religious beliefs of Muslim architects. The result of this study is indicated in this essay.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Contemporary Industrial evolution and it, s Influence on Iranian cities, is important Issue in relation to socio- economic urban Transformation. The goal of this essay is investigation of Industrial Programs and Their implementation in Iranian cities. The Paper also is going to describe the ideas of Industrial Planners Concerning for heavy Industrial Programs in Iranian selected cities. Due to emergence of Industrial evolution in Iran Since 1970s, the Focal Point of research is related to review this Period and next decades.

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An examination of the spatial aspects of the country's traditional architecture necessitates an overall understanding of its building components and a recognition of its cohesive elements. The geometr of this architecture is a result of the gradual combination of its smaller elements and its fundamental building blocks which together create a balance as they come together to produce a distinctive larger whole.Such forms, therefore, are not solely the results of one designer's sense of architectural beauty or deliberate engineering decisions, but they are very gradual results of a process in which the science of building meets the realities of what is practical.The building elements and the physical and geometrical attributes of such architecture have significant effects on the overall spatial look and feel of the result.The process of natural formation is often the result of certain Special Forces and deciding factors. Similarly, the reality of the spatial formation in the Iranian traditional architecture obeys these rules and forces just the way the nature obeys and acknowledges them. .From this point of view, the beginning of morphing of the traditional architecture has fundamental differences with that of the modem architecture. This is to say that the traditional takes place via organic building blocks in a certain standardized environment and the modem is shped as the result of a conscious mental effort and expert human pre-planned design.In any case the recognition of the physical texture of the traditional architecture is of particular importance for identifying it.In nature the natural shapes and entities obey the laws of physics, chemistry, geometry etc and this is the very strength of such natural shapes. While generally a natural and organic activity, the traditional architecture only obeys the laws of physics and geometry (and not chemistry) because the building material are more natural less synthetic.The traditional architecture is usually after the rules of "paring" or "matching" of the building material and elements with the aim of achieving a sustainable balance between the various forces exerted upon the building.These rules have been made available to the traditional builder via experimenting with and observation of nature mixed with some basic rules of geometry. The traditional builder's efforts are reflected in his attempt to oppose the gravitational forces of the earth. For the observer of such architectural works this effort is understandable and appreciated only by viewing the work in the context of the needed forms used in such architecture. It is only putting together various building elements is a fundamental part of traditional architecture.The manner in which an entity is built is an inseparable part of how the entity was designed because the formation of the exterior and the look of it happen as the work is being completed. It does not happen beforehand and as a separate design step.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main purpose of the article, as the topic itself shows, is defining an eternal geometry(as a basic foundation and unavoidable structure)for the Islamic architecture. Therefore, as an abstract of this article, (giving a short but conclusive definition of the main subject),and in order to avoid from some possible misunderstandings in the mentioned subjects and meanings in the article, the following points seems to be useful:A. The referring meaning of the word "Geometry" (or its Arabic synonym "Hindiseh") by the author in this (article) is completely different from the common meaning of it in architecture (or the Euclidian Geometry) and its closed and limitful field of rules of some mathematical meanings and physical shapes and forms. But by the phrase "Hindiseh Jaavidan" or "Eternal Geometry" the author means the Unique, Wholistic and Comprehensive Truth, which according to the Quranic literature, is known by some Arabic terms such as "qadr", "taqdeer" and "muqaddir", "muqaddar", "qadeer", and so on. The meaning which points to the comprehensive and wholistic system of rules governing all various systems of measurement essential for the whole universe and its every individual parts's or thing's coming into existence (in their both physical being and meaningful identity).B. According to the above mentioned description, the referring meaning of the phrase "Natural Geometry" (or "Hindisi-yi Tabee 'at" or "Taqdeer") by the author in this article can be imagined as a symbolic light through which everything in the universe become visible, readable and understandable for every other thing in the whole cosmos of varieties and multiplicities (in both qualitative and quantitative groups of limits and measures). The limits and measures without which everything's essential mutual relation and harmonic suitable cooperative sharing life with every other thing in the world seems to become impossible.C. Then, in a similar symbolic structure, the other important meaning of "Geometry" or "Hindisih" to which the author is going to point to is "The Essential Geometry" or "Hindisik-yt Dhaatee". According to the Holy Quran, for every possible matter of being in the physical world, there is a limitless, unchangeable, eternal specific and determined Truth in The Presence of God which, as same as all other Truthful Meanings in such a Sacred Presence is free from all limits essential for the material world such as: matter, physical shape and form, length, width, thickness, color and other similar limits.D. And at last, the author's purposed meaning of the subject of "Islamic Architecture" in this article, is an orderly and unitary structure which in its both whole and parts, and in its both physical structure and meaningful identity obey the One Divine System of Rules named Islam. And, at last, by the word of "Islam" means the universal governing order of both physical and spiritual worlds.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Landscape architecture is one of the professions which despite having a rich background in the history of man do not have a long history as a field of study in academic environments. The achievements of this profession, which is rooted in the nature, in different aspects such as social, ecological and aesthetics, have been stabilized for civilians. This major in Iran, which can be considered as one of the initiators of the profession in human history, has just started its activities and has only been presented in recent years in MS level. This research aims to study the general approach taken toward teaching and learning the content related to the major of landscape architecture based on the three value categorization proposed by Thomson. The data obtained through attitude questionnaires which are distributed among both professors and students are analyzed using statistical methods. Obviously this is an effort to start a movement which can be followed by further fundamental research to know the major of landscape architecture in a better way.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Cultural interaction is frequently discussed as one of the most important constructive factors in general, and in art and architecture in particular. Without dwelling on the chronological and archaeological details of the interaction between Iran and other civilizations, the present paper describes the constructive role of this interaction in the past and compares it with contemporary phenomena.Historical experience has shown that if an interaction occurs in the direction of cultural landscape continuity and/or in shadow of a historical-cultural advantage, there follows a breakthrough in art and architecture. This point becomes clear in Iranian culture, in particular during moments of a climax such as the Achaemenid period.Takhte-jamshidl (Persepolis) and Pasargadae have been chosen as case studies of the constructive role of Iranian-Greek cultural interaction in the evolution of Iranian architecture during the Achaemenid period.Juxtaposing these ancient paradigms to modern urban and architectural developments in the same region, we can better understand the reasons for both the positive results of cultural interaction in the past and the emergence of problems in modern times. The imperial Persian state, which so greatly impacted developments in the ancient near eastern and classical world during the sixth and fifth centuries BC, united a large number of nations and civilizations in a single world empire with a unique ideology, employing symbols and concepts of universal cultural interactions. The universal character of Persian imperial rule is also reflected in the synthesis of Iranian and foreign elements that led to the formation of a distinct, composite Achaemenid style in architecture.the importance of the management of exploitation of the past’s values and experiences, as well as the rank universal knowledge for credit exaltation of art and Architecture of Achaemenian period, and also Recognition and analysis of this process of architectural evolution and of the individual contributions to it by different civilizations, and especially that by Greek, provide us with insights that can also be instructive for the genesis of modern theories.

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A bridge is a structure built to span a gorge, valley, road, railroad track, river, body of water, or any other physical obstacle. Designs may be built higher than otherwise needed in order to allow other traffic (particularly ship traffic) beneath. The Oxford English Dictionary traces the origin of the word bridge to an Old English word brycg, of the same meaning, derived from a hypothetical Proto-Germanic root brugjo. There are cognates in other Germanic languages (for instance Bruke in German, brug in Dutch, brugv in Faroese or bro in Danish and Swedish). The word for the Pope, pontiff, comes from the Latin wordpontifex meaning "bridge builder". The purpose of a bridge is to allow people or cargo easy passage over an obstacle by providing a route that would otherwise be uneven or impossible. The first bridges were spans made of wooden logs or planks and eventually stones, using a simple support and crossbeam arrangement In Iran because of river and mountain existent, bridges play an important role and one of our important periods of building bridges has been Safavian which we want to explain more detail of its bridges structure and categorized them into different groups.

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