In religious thought, faith has been treated as the most eminent value. However, this question has always been propounded: Do all believers have equal and similar faiths and hence equal values? In other words, can faith and blasphemy increase or decrease or not? Accepting either side of the problem involves questions such as: are faith and blasphemy simple or compound affairs? Is action related in their reality or not? Answering these questions, Islamic scientists have different viewpoints. This essay is to decipher and compare the viewpoints of two Islamic superior thinkers, Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi. According to Mulla Sadra’s documentations such as his Quranic interpretations and his general fundamentals of philosophy including principality of existence, analogicity of existence, substantial motion and his theological views such as regarding faith and blasphemy as existential things, this conclusion has been drawn that from his point of view, faith and blasphemy can be weak or strong.But Ibn Arabi did not enter in numerous discussions concerning faith and blasphemy in his works and also his expressions in this relation are equivocal and cause uncertainty in his opinion. Regarding prevailing reasons and documents showing confirmation of existence and oscillation in faith and blasphemy, justifications should be presented in order to obviate these contradictions. In the case that contradictions are justified, it can be said that he also believed in decrease and increase in faith and blasphemy. However, in admissibility of accepting decrease and increase in faith and bleaphemy, although his fundamentals don’t have variety the same and consolidation as Sadra’s. Detailed speeches, documentations and attitudes of these two thinkers should be searched within this essay.