Suffering is a cognition derived from feeling undesirable conditions. Different religions take it as an important event in religious life and especially discuss about its origin and its goal. Buddhism as a human-centeric religion deals with suffering, its reality and its causes. According to Buddhism, the origin of suffering is in man himself. This religion is to represent a way for salvation of all sufferings but it does not say anything about the origin and the goal of suffering because ontologically it does not believe in a purposeful and ultimate Being. But in the Bible, as a Theo-centeric text there may be three possible causes for suffering: man's act (for example sin), the act of a purposeful God, the act of an aimless and will-centered God. So, God's attribute (for example being purposeful or aimless) is very important in relation to man's suffering. Therefore we find both agent and ultimate causes for suffering in the Bible. It means that the Bible takes into account the origin and the goal of suffering. On the contrary, Buddhism considers only the origin of suffering and seeks a way to save us from it.