The subject of this research is the analysis of the inter-relations between environmental structure and social anomie. The case of study was Azadi square and its surroundings in the city of Tehran.
Keeping an eye on two important factors: the socio-economic structure of the society, and the fact that Tehran is a metropolitan city, as the most important factors of the formation of social harms, the remain objective is to analyse the effects a new factor, that is, the manmade environment on, the emergence and progress of social harms in a specific urban area.
Thus having established the hypotheses and the questionnaire of the research, different types of social harms and anomie existing in Azadi square were recognized, tried to analyze the relations between these behaviors and the structure of the environment, where these behaviors occur.
Crowded urban places, big squares and roundabouts, bus terminals, residential quarters, with people who make more geographical moves, suburban regions and so on, are ideal places for various types of social harms and crimes to occur, because it is in such places that safety, stability and ethics are attacked.
In Azadi square, which is an example of such places, the existence of various crimes have deterred its natural settings of becoming a cultural and symbolic place, which it could and should have been, and have also ruined it's credit.
The consequences have become efficient elements in developing and supporting social anomie. The most important anomie evident at Azadi square and its surroundings are caused by the enduring presence of unstable crowd who, as the most basic role in the square, that is, the traffic role, commute. The commuting of about 500000 unstable crowd through the settings of the square round the clock without establishing any effective and useful relations have made a good opportunity for hiding and occurring of anomie behaviors. The adjacency of the bus terminal and Al-Mahdi park to the Azadi square have an undeniable effect on the progress of social harms and occurrence of social anomie in this square. The vastness of the square and the existence of dull and dark corners in some parts of the square, along with all other positive facilities and capabilities that there are in the square, have made it a safe place for crime. Drug business, addiction, prostitution, mendicancy, insecurity, vagrancy, pick pocketing, robbery, are examples of the social harms that have been noticed in the square and it's surrounding environment.
Social harms and anomie can be controlled to some extent in urban surroundings by providing environmental arrangements, and traffic regulations along with basic and structural reformations. Efforts to improve the cultural quality of the square, optional usage of the existing values, supporting the symbolic role and cultural nature of the square must be made. Making it safe for pedestrians, bright and clear places, as well as decreasing the number of commuters by moving some of the public means of transportation to other places, are only a few suitable ways to design and build a good place in order to decrease social problems and difficulties of Azadi square.