Economic Sceince is living in many aspects quite isolated from the facts that illustrate pains, privations and discriminations from one hand and astonishing spilage and regrettable waste of resources on the other. Despite the fact of the fluencies and spilages, this science has become disabled to present fundamental reports because of its very abstract view and Descartian geometric approach to the external world as well as through paying close attention to the useless neo-classical presumptions and models. Economic Science should change its way and methodology if its due to be inspired by the realities as well as to replace the new realities for the old toward unsatisfied necessities. The present economic ways and solutions are for the riches not to enable people.
In this essay I regard to vital established challenges in methodology of economic. These challenges are rooted in philosophical views as well as ideological beliefs and class position. With regard to how they explain the reality and what they advise, the liberal classic, neo-liberal, Keynesian, structural-functional, praxis and radical economists are quite different. However the neo-classic and neo-liberal economics have prevalenced particularly in last two decades under the pressures of the World Bank and IMF theoricians and in the same direction with the mainstream huge worldwide capitalism and has imposed on themselves as doubtless official methodology, but they not only were unable to remove the poverty, injustice and backwardness-i.e. these main economic goals-but they caused the resources and values to be transferred from deprived countries to the wealthy centers, having overruling economics and
armies. This task was taken place by the economists through acceptance of unjust predominant orders of the present universe, as a science, and at the same times negating of the economic as a science of advise, interferences and will, as well as rejection of social conflicts and historical dynamism.
This essay has come to the conclusion that dicourse and challenges in economic methodology not only are regarded as many important necessities in the present time, but would be essential in the economic thought in the first decades of twnty first century. All concealed mistakes and misleading conservations in positivist, Descartian view, neo-classical approach and so on have greatly been responsible for economic disasters, as well as erroneous thinking, theorizing and advising in this field. Also it is necessary to recognize mistakes in planning systems and in policies, but more importantly, methodology should be changed toward system, rootey, evolutionary, and practical approaches, as well as the methods that are based on will, wisdom, ideal and needs of the vast
people and social groups.