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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study has been to identify the employees Organizational Commitment of Fajr and Bidboland Gas Companies, and to determine the preferences of the factors affecting the O.C, and utilize the consequeces of research to increase the level of employees commitment. O.C simply means believing in the organizational values and goals, sense of loyalth and emotional attachment to it, moral obligation and desire to remain with the organization. On the basis of AlIen and Meyer theory (1990), O.C has three components: Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment. This survey is cross-sectional and a correlation type of research. The 407 subjects of study have been selected by the stratified and proportional random sampling method. The results of the research done by regression and path analysis methods have shown some differences and similarities to the previous studies. The perceived organizational support variable affected by the other variables of the model has a strong direct positive effect on A.C. and N.C. Out-of-organization job opportunities variable has had a strong direct negative effect on c.c. Also, the sense of organizational justice, organizational participation, and promotionaI opportunities has had indirect positive effect on A.C. and N.C. Attitude toward work has had a strong direct positive effect on A.C. and C.C. in Bidboland. In both companies, job security has had low indirect positive effect on A.C. and N.C. Education has had indirect negative effect on C.C. in both compaines and on N.C. just in Fajr. The data have strongly supported the analytical model based on Structuration and Systems Theory. According to the results of the study, implementing more and effective support to employees, participating people in decisionmaking, considering organizational justices and solving employees problems have been suggested to the managers. With regard to the theoretical and empirical results of this research, as well as the results of previous studies, applying the other research methods, such as: metanalysis, longitudinal, observation, and quasi-experimental, have been suggested to other researchers.

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About Five decades have passed over the first empirical field investigations on the types and degrees of Religiosity, as well as the developments threreof. As for the first Religiosity model, presented in early 60s by Gerhard Lensky, the related dimensions and indices have tolerated a number of modifications. Two features did, however, exist in all: having been originated in Christianity, and affected by western historical-social developments. The two characteristics continued to add to the difficulty of applying the models to conflicting religious and social backgrounds. This however, has never made the investigators deprived of the possibility of doing practises on Religiosity with some of the more famus measures. Enjoying a background of one decade of doing Religiosity investigations in Iran, during which the shortcomings of the currently used models and frameworks were revealed, a new spirit prevails in the country to creat and apply measures originating in Islamic docrtines and compatible with the rela ted social conditions; a comprehensive model and a standard measure are now seen in the perspective. The present article attempts to follow the same objective on the pictured ground by way, first, of providing the reader with a definition of Religiosity then, presenting to them some of the most famous models, to pave the way for creation of a "Religiosity measurement model for Iran" on the background of studies and criticisms of them. Religiosity has its own dimensions and components, resulting from different aspects of religion, and, in turn enjoys relations with different aspects of mans existence. The proposed model on the one hand endeavors to meet the logical relations and proportions among these entities and, on the other, to reveal the manifestations of Religiosity, such as its deep "effects" and "implications", that are measurable.The final section of the present research comprises mentions of a few basic iems necessary for running and development of the model into a practical measure, as well as explanations on a number of basic terms. Comments on the part of the specialists regarding the shortcomings, as well as proposals regarding any related reinvestigation will highly be appreciated by the author.

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The formation and quality of university students participation in institutions and associations are affected by different individual and social variables. In this essay, Some of the main. factors to explain socio-cultural participation is investigated. Personal characteristics and social trust are independent variables that have measured in variables frame as Universalism, social alienation, futuralism, locus of control and social trust in two levels interpersonal trust and institutional trust. Dependent variable of this inquiry is socio-cultural participation that is measured by three items: Participatory Spiritual, Participatory Activities and Associational Membership. Personal characteristics such as Orientation Universalism, futuralism, locus of control and lack of social alienation associated by social trust explain the students motivation for socio-cultural participation. According to findings of this essay, independent variables have significant relation to dependent variables, although sum explained variance is too low. Thus macro and metaindividuals must be considered out of university institution.

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This study deals with the reflections of the neo-liberal globalization on the sentencing policies. Main aim of the study is to demonstrate the relations among globalization, poverty and sentencing policies, and to determine the general framework and meaning of todays penal reform processes. In this article, the reform principles of the new sentencing acts, and the social, economic and political dimensions of the penal reform movement are examined. The transition from the policies of social welfare to social control has introduced tougher sentencing acts, and prison population has increased rapidly all over the world. The main dynamics of the new sentencing policies are the prevention of social reactions which have grown against abandonment of welfare state, exploitation of prison labour and privatization of prisons. The article considers the evolution of sentencing policies as an important element of the reconstruction process of the state.

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Job dissatisfaction, not anly may lead to decrease Job efficiency and to increase the costs, but it may also, result in underming individul commitmenil to social values, norms trust, and even to the organizations objectives, as well. Recently, Some demonstrations as strikes have been occurred among the teachers to show their Job dissatis Faction. As the Consequence of this situation, could be harmful for the society, this paper aims to study the determinant factors of job dissatisfaction among the teachers. The Sample group for the field research are 20q persons randamly selected among the whole statisical population of 4673 teachers working in Neishabour city. The findings of this research show 49 percent of the sanple hase indicated their satisfaction to their job, and in the rest of 51 percent, feeling of deprivation, unjust worke conditions, job status, and education leuels have been the main factors to explain job dissatisfaction.

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لوونت هال لئو

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در مقاله حاضر لئو لوونت هال به مرور کارهای قبلی خود در زمینه جامعه شناسی ادبیات می پردازد. این مقاله به لحاظ روشن کردن دیدگاه یکی از اعضای برجسته مکتب فرانکفورت در باره نظریه انتقادی و کاربرد آن در جامعه شناسی ادبیات حائز اهمیت است. نویسنده با اشاره به گروه های منزوی و در حاشیه، مانند فقیران بزهکاران، کولی ها و زنان، می کوشد نشان دهد که از نظر او ادبیات هم پیمان با نظریه انتقادی پژواک صدای محرومان و رانده شدگان جامعه است. به باور وی نظام سرمایه داری نوپدید با توسل به فرهنگ توده ای سعی می کند ادبیات را به صورت کالایی مصرفی درآورد و آن را چون ابزاری برای نظارت اجتماعی به کار برد.

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