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داده های مورد بررسی در علوم اجتماعی و خصوصا در جامعه شناسی اغلب دارای ساخت سلسله مراتبی هستند. در طول دو دهه گذشته، تلاش زیادی از سوی محققان به منظور ایجاد روش های آماری مناسب برای تحلیل این نوع داده ها صورت گرفته است. در نتیجه این تلاش ها، هم اکنون مجموعه مهمی از مدل ها، که مدل های خطی سلسله مراتبی نامیده می شود، همراه با برنامه های کامیپوتری پدیدار گردیده است. ما در این بررسی، با توجه به کارهای صورت گرفته، اهمیت تحلیل چندسطحی را در تحقیقات اجتماعی نشان خواهیم داد. همچنین ویژگی های این متد را خاطر نشان خواهیم ساخت. علاوه بر این، در این بررسی منطق مدل های خطی سلسله مراتبی مورد بحث قرار خواهد گرفت. ما به بعضی از تحقیقاتی که مدل چندسطحی را به کار گرفته اند اشاره می کنیم و به تحلیل فرضیه های مورد آزمون، ساختار داده های سلسله مراتبی و منبع داده های چند سطحی آن ها می پردازیم. در پایان نیز به مشکلاتی خواهیم پرداخت که این نوع مدل ها با آن مواجه هستند.

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Democracy and collective identity are intimately linked and together they form a major area of interest within the contemporary sociology. In Iran, discussion on these topics began with the rise of the Constitutional Movement culminating in the 1905 constitution. Today, due to Iran's multi-ethnic make-up, and also due to the process of globalization, the discussion of democracy and identity has gained an added momentum. The present research conducted amongst the Iranian ethnic groups, focuses on people's attitudes towards democracy as it relates to their collective identities. In the theoretical section along with adoption of a macro approach, a conceptual micro framework has been developed which is based on theories of attitude, democracy, and identity. The population of the research consists of all members of the ¥1ajor ethnic groups residing in the cities of Tabriz, Zahedan, Ahwaz, Esfahan, Sanandage, and Khoramabad.Over 1200 persons were selected through a multi-stage cluster sampling method. The questionnaire was the main data collection technique. The results are indicative of positive and significant relation between people's collective identities on national and global levels, and their attitudes toward democracy as explained and predicted by the main independent variables such as identity, satisfaction, education, ethnicity, and use of the Internet.

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The data studied in social sciences in general and in sociology in particular, have a hierarchical structure. During the past two decades researches have made serious efforts to develop appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of such hierarchically structured data. As a result an important set of models by the name of hierarchical linear models, along with computer programs, have emerged. This study, considering works already accomplished attempts to demonstrate the significance of multilevel models in social research. Moreover, the characteristics of this method will be pointed out. In addition, and more importantly, the logic of linear models will be discussed. Some of the researches in which multilevel models have been used will be referred to. We will also analyze hypotheses which are being tested, and look into structure of hierarchical data and their multilevel data source. Finally, we will discuss some of the problems with which these models are involved.

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This study investigates the effects of the internet use on Tehran's cafe-net users. The network theory is adopted as the theoretical framework upon which our hypotheses are based and thus devised. The study's hypotheses include measuring the effects of different aspects of the internet use (social-nonsocial) the degree of use within a 24-hour period, intensity of the user's social communications in the real world, and user's experience and skills in internet use on social isolation. A total of 204 persons among the Tehran's cafe-net users were selected through quota-random technique who filled the questionnaires. Based on multivariable regression analysis the above hypotheses were tested. The results show that there is a significant and reverse relationship between the length of the internet use (within a 24-hour span) and social isolation. In addition, the results indicate that social use of the internet decreases social isolation.

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This paper is based on the theoretical framework of Peter Berger, who uses phenomenological sociology to explain changes occurring to the institution of religion, to religiosity and religious attitudes in transitioning nations. Parallel to the expansion of modern institutions in developing nations, not only the relation between the institution of religion and other institutions changes but consciousness clusters rebated to modern institutions also undergo change. In this paper religiosity and religious attitudes of students of Amirkabir University of Technology as one of most important modern consciousness carriers (scientific worldview, engineering mentality) has been measured. The empirical data indicate that while religious beliefs of students are strong, and while their practice and individual involvement in religious rituals stand at a mid level, their practice and social involvement in religious rituals is low. The results are indicative of a tendency among the students towards private religion, a selective approach to religion, and an inclination towards religious pluralism. Therefore one might say that the empirical data confirm points mentioned in theoretical framework.

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The relative stability of kin-marriage in the past decades necessitates the study of its characteristics and the trend changes of such widespread marriage pattern in Iran. The present paper using the method of secondary data analysis, and utilizing the data made available by the National Iranian Census of Socio- Economic Characteristics of Households (2001), attempts to study inter-generational differences of kin-marriage in Iran. Toward such end, the behavioral and attitudinal patterns of households' siblings (the second generation) about kin-marriage is studied and compared with that of the parents (the first generation). The findings indicate that inter-generational differences of kin marriage, as related to the individual's characteristics, have not resulted in a decrease of the utility (desirability) and vogue of inter-generational kin-marriage in the second generation. On the other hand, the data suggest that both generations are influenced, behaviorally and attitudinally, by modernization and urbanism. The relationship of ethnicity with two generations' marriage pattern is indicative of a stable cultural int1uence exerted on kin-marriage pattern. The relationship of behavioral and attitudinal patterns of the siblings with their parent's marriage pattern, and the differential impact of parents' characteristics on girl and boy siblings' attitude constitutes yet another item in the l1ndings of this paper.

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The activity known as peer reviewing is a critical and constructive assessment of the manuscripts submitted to journals. Such review is carried out by specialists who are considered to be the writer's true counterparts. Peer reviewing scientific articles in the Persian language is somewhat of a novelty. Thus, we initially examine concept, terms, and developments pertaining to the process of refereeing scientific manuscripts. Then, in order to provide a model of such a process for the Iranian research journals, the refereeing process as practiced in the Iranian Journal of Sociology will be studied. The type of peer review used in the Journal of Iranian Sociology is based on a mode called double-blinded refereeing. This research has examined the features of refereeing process, in the foresaid journal, considering general characteristics of the process itself and general characteristics of the reviewers such as age. gender, discipline, academic ranking and the like. Documents constituting the material of our analysis are 798 peer review forms concerning 418 papers. These documents are the products of cooperation among 126 reviewers which consist of 104 male, and 22 female persons. The duration encompasses four years commencing in the second half of 2002 And terminating in the first half of 2006. Around 5700 hours of scientific work have been spent on the process which started with the receipt of manuscripts by the referees and by a selected committee of the Editorial Board. The average time spent, since the receipt of manuscript till notifying the writer of the result, was 13.6 hours. The rejection rate exercised by referees of the Iranian Journal of Sociology is over 80 percent. As indicated by the findings, the rejection rate as exercised by the external (outside-of-the-Journal) referees is a little higher than the rate of rejection exerted by internal (members of the Editorial Board) referees. The results of logistic regression test show that among the referee's demographic variables there were significant relationships between the academic disciplines, their being external or internal, and that the remaining variables borne no significance relative to the outcome of reviewing.

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