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generalized anxiety disorder is one of the essential disorders among children. The maim aims of the present research was the study of prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder among fifth grade pupils and the effectiveness of inner and outer self statement on its reduction. Thus 2000 (1000 girls and 1000 boys) were selected and to responded to The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED). Results revealed that the prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder in girls and boys respectively is 11/08% and 9/4% that significantly is higher in girls (p<0/05). 96 persons with generalized anxiety disorder randomly were selected and grouped in two experimental (with inner and outer self statement) and one control groups. Raw data analyzed with independent t test, one way and two ways analysis of variance. Results suggest that teaching of outer self statement is significantly more effective than inner self statement (p<0/05) and both two experimental groups were more effective than control one. There was not any difference on gender and interaction between groups and gender.

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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between mental health and cognitive function of frontal lobe. In these cross sectional study we used General Health Questioner (GHQ 28) and test for evaluation of executive function of frontal lobe (Trail Making Test, Verbal Fluency Test and Digit Span Test) for evaluation of mental health and executive function of 150 older adults that participated. in this study. We use Spearman’s correlation coefficient for evaluation of relationship between mental health criteria and executive functioning.Results showed that there were significant correlation between digit span performance and depression, anxiety and physical pain (P value respectively 0.004, 0.039 and 0.007). Also there were significant correlation between verbal fluency performance and depression and anxiety (P value respectively 0.006 and 0.001). Finally there were significant correlation between trail making performance and anxiety (P 0.014).Moreauer it was found that depression, anxiety and executive function of frontal lobe was referred to age related cognitive decline of frontal lobe. Cortical striatal- pallidal-thalamus- cortical pathway mediating both cognitive executive function and depression, anxiety and aging causes dysfunction in this pathway. Practical use of this study and future interventional study can be helpful for therapeutic use of cognitive rehabilitation in treatment of geriatrics depression.

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The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of cognitive- behavioral method on social cognition among male delinquents with aggressive crimes. The research method was experimental with pre- test and post- test design and control group. The statistical population was male delinquents living in a correctional center in Tehran in 1386 that committed aggressive crimes. The sample consisted of 48 boys that randomly selected and assigned in experimental and control groups. For data collection subjects completed social problem solving inventory-revised (SPSI-R) of D’Zurrila, Nezu, and Maydeu Olivares, and two questionnaires, anger-control and communication skills, that were designed by the researcher. Three experimental groups were used in this research. The first group received 10 instructional sessions about social problem solving and communication skills, the second group received 8 instructional sessions about anger control, and the third, as integrative group received 18 instructional sessions. Instructional sessions were based on cognitive- behavioral method. For data analysis, test of MANOVA showed that cognitive- behavioral method was effective for improving social cognition (in areas of anger-control and communication skills and constructive and dysfunctional dimensions of social problem solving) among delinquents. Comparisons between groups with ANCOVA indicated that differences of mean in anger-control skills (p<./01), communication skills (p<./01), and dysfunctional social problem solving skills (p<./05) were significant. Differences between groups in constructive social problem solving skills, however was not significant. Results of follow up test, Bonferrony, indicated that differences of mean between experimental and control groups in all groups in anger-control and communicational skills was significant. In comparisons with the control group, however only in integrative group, dysfunctional social problem solving was improved among male delinquents. In none of the groups differences of mean between experimental and control groups was not significant on constructive social problem solving.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between religious attitudes, mental health and immune system. The sample consisted of 240 medical students of Shahid Beheshti University and Tehran University. Two group[s of 30 students were randomly selected with low and high religious attitudes. The instruments were Religiousness scale and SCL-90-R questionnaire. Also the number of T-helper Cells (CD4), T-suppressor cytotoxic cells (CD8) and Natural Killer cells (CD56+CD16) were measured. The results revealed that there were a positive relationship [between mental health and religious attitudes. Also, there were a positive relationship between religious attitudes and immune system. There were significant differences between high and low attitudes students in mental health and immune system.

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Quality of life is a multidimensional concept which shows the patient's understanding of his physical and psychological well-being (32). According to this definition, the patient's understanding and attitude is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of his life. MS patients' quality of life has been reported significantly lower than those of patients with chronic illnesses such as : rheumatoid arthritis, bowel inflammation, diabetes and epilepsy (31, 20, 19). MS is one of the most common self-immune, non-traumatic and progressive central nervous system illnesses with unknown etiology. It strikes about 0.1% of total population in young ages (29). Ms is a chronic and often disabling disease which negatively affect different Aspects of person's life and his family (26).The aim of this survey was to study the attitude of Ms patients toward different dimensions of quality of their life and the role that counseling and psychology services could play in this regard. Population of the study consisted of patients referring to the country's MS associations and sample included 10% of the available patients (1000 individuals). The research instruments include a self-made questionnaire and semi-structured case interviews. Results indicated that there was a significant difference between men and women attitude toward emotional and psychological factors which begun or exacerbate their illness. Factors causing educational failure have affected women students more than men students. Also, economic problems and unemployment have been stronger starting or exacerbating factors for women than men. Family issues such as: inappropriate childhood, parents' divorce or conflicts, spouse infidelity, spouse re-marriage and death of loved ones have had more psychological pressure on women than men. Both sexes believe that responsibilities of today's women are more, their social contacts are less and they are more left alone than men. There is a significant difference between patients' religious attitudes and what they believe could be their cure (p=0/00001). Sex has not been an important factor of attitudes toward QOL. Attitudes of married and single patients toward physical, psychological and economic aspects of their quality of life are significantly different, but were not significantly different toward family, social and recreational aspects. Attitudes of employed and unemployed patients were the same only toward physical aspects of their illness, but different toward other five aspects, to the benefit of employed patients. The most important factors causing the disease from women's point of view were: personal, emotional and psychological problems and from men's point of view were: vocational and economical problems. Agitation and nervousness were considered the most disease exacerbating factor. 73.7% of the patients would like to receive guidance and counseling services. 79.6% had not received such services yet. The most important suggestion of the study, besides physical and medical treatment, is paying attention to the patients' emotional, psychological and social problems through complementary services of counseling, psychology and social work in order to change patients' attitudes and enable them as to their social life. Training such personnel as nurse- counselor, to satisfy some of the before mentioned complementary services could be promising.

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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to examine dysfunctional attitudes and coping style in individuals of primary hepertension in comparison with normal person.Methods: The sample of the study included 50 persons with primary hypertension (22 female & 28 male) that went on Shahid madani Clinic in Tabriz and also 50 normal persons (20 female & 30 male) which were chosen in comparison with patient group. Then we administered Beck & Viysman dysfunctional attitudes (DAS) and Folk man & Lazarus coping style questionnaires. The design of the present research, according to subject’s identity and the considered purposes was a kind of describtive-comparative design. The collected data were analyzed by T and MANOVA tests.Result: Primary hypertension is a kind of psycho physiological disorder that in addition to biological and dangerous body factors as a physiological process, psychological factors such as people attitudes and judgment of life events, the style of assessing if they are under stressor and the way they cope with them, they all have essential role on its appearance and expansion. So the result of the present study showed that there was a significant difference between individual with primary hypertension in dysfunctional attitudes and coping style in comparing with normal person.

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The Purpose This study was the effect of telling Storeis on Children's Adjustment. Research method was experimental with two groups of experiment and control, with pretest and posttest. statistical population comprised the entire infertile women in Isfahan in, spring and summer of 2006. The sample size comprised 20 subjects in the treatment group and 20 subjects in the control group selected randomly. The measurement instrument comprised 24 questionnaires researcher made questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, analysis of covariance and analysis of variance (F) was employed whereupon the results indicated that: The guilt feeling scores of the training group was significantly lower than the control group (P<0.0001).

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