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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of compassionate mind training on depression and anger rumination in students with depression symptoms. This study employed a semi-experimental method and used a pre-test, post-test design with experimental and control groups. The statistical population consisted of 315 female students with mood disorders that were referred to the counseling center of Bu-Ali Sina University in 2016-2017. Through screening, 78 students were identified with depression syndrome (scored above 20 in Beck Depression Inventory); among them, 30 subjects were randomly selected and placed in two experimental and control groups of 15. The experimental group received 8 sessions of 90 minutes Compassionate Mind training twice a week and the control group was given no intervention. The tools of this study were anger rumination scale (Sukhodolsky, et al), and Beck depression inventory (Beck, et al). Results of covariance analysis showed that compassionate mind training decreased depression but there was no statistically significant reduction in anger rumination scores. Therefore, compassionate mind training can be used as effective method to decrease depression symptoms in students.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the game-based empathy training on communication skills and stereotypical behaviors of autistic students. This quasi-experimental study was carried out as a pretest-posttest with control group. The statistical population of this study included all students of the Besharat autism spectrum center of Rasht city in the academic year of 2015-2016. Among them, a sample of 8 people was selected and placed in two experimental and control groups. Both groups were pre-test and the examination group received empathy training in 18 sessions of 45 minutes, while the control group did not receive this training, and at the end, a post-test was performed for both groups. To collect the data, Lelord – Barthelemy's Autistic Behavior Evaluation Scale and the Early Social Communication scale of the Mundy et al. were used. The results of Mann Whitney test showed that empathy education is effective in increasing communication skills and reducing the stereotypical behavior of autistic students. Based on the results of this study, it is possible to use game-based empathy training to enhance student communication skills as a complementary method for improving autistic behaviors.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of integrating Acceptance and Commitment therapy with compassion on worry and rumination of divorced women in Tehran. The research method was quasi-experimental based on a pre-test, post-test design and control group with follow-up. The statistical population were divorced women with worry and rumination in Tehran during of 2016-2017 year who were referred to one of the Counselling Centers of Well-being in Tehran. They were 20 divorced women who were selected using available and purposive sampling method. Then they were randomly divided into experimental and control groups (10 persons in each group). The experimental group was received 10 weekly 120 minutes’ sessions of CFACT techniques, but the control group did not receive any intervention. The research instruments were Nolen-Hoeksema’ s Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) and Meyer’ s Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) Scale. Data were analyzed by using mix analysis of variance. The results indicated that ACT integration with compassion influenced on worry and rumination of divorced women. Therefore, the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy integration with compassion is an effective treatment on worry and rumination of divorced women.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of strategies of cognitive emotion regulation and social problem solving in the relationship between attachment styles and interpersonal problems of people with delinquency history. The research method was descriptive with the correlation based on path analysis. The research population included males with a history of delinquency in Shiraz, who were 20 to 30 years old in the winter of 2018. The sample has selected by using of Snowball method and 320 participants entered into the final analysis. The data were collected by using of Colling Reid Attachment Questionnaire (RAAS), Index of Peer Relations (IPR), Cognitive Emotion, Regulation Questionnaire-Short Form (CERQ – P-Short), and Social Problem Solving Inventory Revised (SPSI-R). Data were analyzed by using of path analysis. The findings indicated that the causal model had a goodness of fit. According to the findings, both secure and insecure attachment styles explained interpersonal problems, by increasing adaptive cognitive emotion regulation and efficient problem solving. Also, both variables of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation and inefficient problem solving had a direct and significant relationship with the interpersonal problems of people with delinquency history, but did not mediate the relationship between attachment styles and interpersonal problems. In general, in the sample of people with a history of delinquency, both of the secure and insecure attachment styles by increasing the use of adaptive cognitive emotion regulation and efficient social problem solving, can help to reduce the interpersonal problems of these individuals.

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The aim of this study was to compare the Experiential Avoidance and tolerance of emotional disturbances in women with substance abuse and normal. This research was a causal-comparative study. The statistical population of the study consisted of all women (addicted and non-addicted) Residents of Kermanshah city in the fall of 2018. For each group, 30 women were selected by available sampling from the statistical population and 30 non-addicted women from family members and first degree affiliated as comparative groups and matched according to entry criteria and with the presence of the researcher responded to the experimental avoidance and emotional distress tolerance questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and Analysis of one-way variance (ANOVA). Results showed that women substance dependency in experiential avoidance scores and component tolerance, absorption, regulation, had a significant difference with the normal group. These results revealed that women substance dependency compared to normal avoidance further experimental and emotional distress tolerance are lower. Therefore, it is suggested that therapeutic and educational interventions be used to reduce the experimental avoidance and increase the emotional distress tolerance skills.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Aggression Replacement Training on impulsivity and positive and negative cognitive emotion regulation in delinquent adolescent boys. For this purpose, quasi-experimental method with pre-test-post-test and follow-up was performed. Among the statistical population of all adolescent boys of correction and rehabilitation center in Tehran city 40 subjects were selected using convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Before the intervention, participants completed Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11) and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Then, the experimental group received 8 sessions of 90 to 120 minutes of training in the "Aggression Replacement Training Program" and the control group did not receive training. After completing the training sessions, as well as two months later, both groups completed the questionnaires again. The results of mixed variance analysis showed that in impulsive scores, positive cognitive strategies and negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies for delinquent adolescents, due to the main effect of time steps, the main effect of educational methods, and the interactive effect of time steps with educational methods, the significant difference is visible. According to the findings of the study, Aggression Replacement Training can be used for improving the behavior of adolescents and for preventing the occurrence of aggression and delinquent behaviors.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group self-compassion focused therapy on flourishing in menopausal women. The present study was a quasi-experimental interventional pre-test, post-test with control group and two months’ follow-up period. The statistical population of all 47-55 year-old menopausal women referred to Golshahr’ s Health Center in the spring of 2018 in Chahardangeh city. Among them, 30 participants were selected by available sampling method and then randomly were replaced in two 15-participant groups of control and experimental. Both groups completed the flourishing questionnaire in the pre-test and then participants in the experimental group participated in 8 two-hour sessions on a weekly basis in group self-compassion focused therapy. After the end of treatment, both groups were re-evaluated in post-test and follow-up stages. The results of mixed model of ANOVA and repeated measures showed that group self-compassion focused therapy has been effective on flourishing in experimental group in post-test and follow-up. Also this treatment affected all the components of flourishing such as positive emotions, relationships, meaning and achievement and caused a significant increase in the components in the experimental group. This effect was preserved, except in the component of relationships with other components in the follow-up period. It is suggested to the therapist to use this type of treatment in enhancing women's flourishing in menopausal transition and also elimination some of the problems in menopausal women.

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The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on couple’ s marital self-disclosure. The research method was semi-experimental (pretest, posttest with control group). The statistical population consisted of all couples referring to one of the counseling centers of Isfahan in 2015. Of these couples, 32 couples with low marital self-esteem scores were selected based on interviews and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. CBT was applied for experimental group during the nine 90-minute sessions, while the control group did not receive any treatment. The instruments used in this study were diagnostic interview and Waring et al marital self-disclosure questionnaire. Two-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and two-way Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) were used for analyzing the data. The results showed that CBT has been significantly increased the couple’ s marital self-disclosure. Also, results indicated that CBT has significantly been increased the relational, financial, sexual and imbalance self-disclosure. But the effect of gender and the effect of interaction between gender and CBT on marital self-disclosure and its dimensions weren’ t meaningful. Based on the results, training based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be used for moderating the couples' marital problems, including low self-disclosure.

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The purpose of present study was to investigate the mediating roles of self-esteem and self-regulation in the relationship between basic psychological needs and psychological well-being. 464 students (350 female, 114 male) were selected from Islamic Azad university of Tehran using convenience multistage method. The participants completed the Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale, the Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory, the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire, and the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale. The hypothetical model was tested by path analysis. The results indicated that needs satisfaction had direct and positive effect on the psychological well-being, and needs frustration had direct and negative effect on the psychological well-being. The findings showed that basic psychological needs satisfaction indirectly related to more psychological well-being through self-esteem and self-regulation and basic psychological needs frustration indirectly related to less psychological well-being through self-esteem and self-regulation. Accordingly, self-esteem and self-regulation played mediating roles in relationship between basic psychological needs satisfication and frustration and psychological well-being and increasing self-esteem and self-regulation can play an important role in increasing the components of psychological well-being.

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The present study was conducted aiming to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy on cognitive strategies of emotion, distress bearing and alexithymia in the patients suffering from borderline personality disorder. the research method of the present study was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest and control group design. The statistical population of the present study included the people with borderline personality disorder suffering from consultation centers in the city of Tehran in 2017. Non-probable voluntary sampling method and random replacement were used in the present study in a way that 30 people were voluntary selected and randomly replaced in the experimental and control groups from those with borderline personality disorder referring to consultation centers in the city of Tehran. The experimental group received teaching intervention during two months in eight ninety-minute sessions. The questionnaires of emotion cognitive regulation strategies, distress bearing, alexithymia and borderline personality disorder were applied. The data from the study were analyzed through ANCOVA method via SPSS13 software. the results showed that schema therapy has been effective of emotion regulation, distress bearing and alexithymia in the patients with borderline personality disorder (p<0. 001) in a way that this therapy could increase distress bearing and positive emotion regulation in the patients with borderline personality disorder and decrease alexithymia and negative emotion regulation. according to the findings of the present study, schema therapy can be suggested as an efficient method to increase distress bearing and emotion regulation and decrease alexithymia and negative emotion regulation of the patients with borderline personality disorder.

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