The place of positive emotions such as "happiness" and its relationship with different aspects of personality and effective factors involved this subject such as : participation in athletic activities is not obvious, so the purpose of this research, was to find a relationship between different aspects of personality with happiness in a population of athlete and non-athlete female students in Tabriz University. For this purpose, the following questions were taken into consideration: 1- Which aspects of personality dose every athletic and non athletic female student have and are there any differences in these aspects, or not? 2- In which of these two groups is the rate of happiness greater, and is rate is int1uenced by personality aspects? For achiving these goals. after determining the acceptable validity and reliability of the Oxford happiness questionaire, different personality aspects of 51 athletes (with mean age of 21.14±1.76) and 62 non-athletes (with mean age of 21.53±2.35) from among the inventory of ninety (90) item Eysenck personality (test) was elicited and its relation with the happiness variable was investigated. The Collected data were analysed using Karl Pearson"s correlation coefficient test, and t test in SPSS 7.5 software. The results showed that the experimental athletic group, in comparison with non - athletic group, had more extroverted personality and the significant difference between thes two groups was α< 0.05. Also, athletic experimental group had a higher- happiness rate than that of non-athlete
group. This significant was α<0.01 and this is while, therc is a highcr correlation coefficience between extroversion and happiness in mm-athlctcs (α <0.01). On the other hand, neuroticism aspects of athletic group was lowcr than those of non-athletic group. This difference was anout α<0.05. There
was a high negative correlation coefficience between neuroticism and happiness (α<0.01). Disregarding the negligible diffcrence, there was no any significant difference between psychoticism of expcrimcntal groups. As a result, regular participation in favorable athletic activities as a pleasant and optimal social activity, can provide the means for happincss and growth of personality. Meanwhile, athletic activities are not determiners of pcoplc"s personality and proving the opposite (that athletic activites arc dctcrmincrs of people"s personality) reguires further investigation.