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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: One of the most important health problems of the country is parasitic infections, specially intestinal parasites which have relatively high prevalence rate through out the world. These infections can cause iron deficiency anemia, physical and mental retardation among children and family members. Since, mothers come to account as the base of the family and each their deviation of health can consider as a risk factor for them and the other family members, this study was conducted to determining prevalence rate of intestinal parasitic infections among mothers and associated demographic factors.Material and Methods: This survey is a descriptive analytical study which cross - sectionaly was done based on systematic randomized sampling method on 1650 Mothers in three regions of the town. Their faces were examined three times by formalin ether concentration technique. Of course for gathering data about demographic factors, questionnaires, were filled all infected mothers.Results: Of 1650 case, 801 mothers (48.5%) were infected by intestinal infections: 110 mothers (% 13.73) were infected by pathogenic intestinal infections; Giardia Lamblia 89 case (%5.39) was the commonest infection, Entamoeba histolytica 12 cases (%0.72), Hymenolepsis nana 5 cases (%0.3), Ascaris 3 Case (%0.18) and tenia Saginata 1 cases (%0.6) respectively. 691 mothers (%86.2) were infected by nonpathogenic intestinal infection; E. Coli 313 Cases (%19), Blastocrstic hominis 267 cases (% 16.18), Endolimax nana 67 cases (%4), Iodamoeba buetschlii 34 cases, (%2) and Chilomastix mesnili 10 cases (%0.6), respectively.Conclusions: In this survey, there was no significant relationship between infection rate and demographic factors like age, job, level of literacy and residence region. However, the findings showed that the highest rate of pathogenic intestinal parasitic infections were %7.8 (43 cases) in down town, %6.72 (37 cases) in town center and %5.45 (30 cases) in uptown.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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Introduction: The rapid increase of antibiotic resistance especially among gram negative bacteria, has made the researchers to find an alternative substitutions for uneffective antibiotics and the candidate was herbal plants which their antimicrobial effects were understood traditionaly from the past. Since Oak seed hull (Quercus brantii) has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of diarrheal diseases, the role of methanol extract of the plant on few gram negative entric bacilli were evaluated and compared with some in-use antibiotics.Material and Methods: The methanol extract of the active constituents of the plant was concentrated with distillation apparatus in vacuum and was then diluted with methanol to yield different concentrations. The antimicrobial activity of the extract was then examined by standard MIC and disc diffusion method on E. Coli, Proteus, Shigella and Salmonella and compared with those of gentamicin, nalidixic acid and co-trimoxazolein the next step.Results: The results showed that the antibacterial effect of the methanol extract on proteus and E.coli was significant and directly related to its concentration but was not the same for shigella or salmonella. Some concentrations of the extract had a similar or better effect compared to nalidixic acid or co-trimoxazole. While the effect of %80 extract was not significant in general, except for salmonella that its effect was equivalent to 25 mg co-trimoxazole.Conclusions: The overall results showed that although Oak seed hull has some antibacterial activity, but it seems that its anti-diarrhea effect is due to Tanins which cause water absorption and protein precipitation in the intestine as well.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: In the past decade, spinal anesthesia had been usual method of interest for anesthesiologists in cesarean section. Hypotension is a common complication (45%-100%) of spinal anesthesia which can cause mortality and morbidity in mother and fetus if it can not be controlled. Prevention of hypotension and minimizing variation of blood pressure following spinal block is one of the most important considerations of the anesthesiologists.Material and Methods: Two groups of patients were chosen randomly. In the first group, we used ringer solution (500 ml) for prehydration and in the second group prehydration and intravenous ephedrine were used before block.Results: There was a meaningful difference in blood pressure during 5 minute after spinal block between two groups. (p<0.0001)Conclusion: administration of low dose intravenous ephedrine before spinal block, can be effective in preventing hypotension and severe and sudden variations of blood pressure during 5 minute after spinal anesthesia in Cesarean section.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 18)
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مقدمه: از مهمترین مشکلات بهداشتی کشور، آلودگی های انگلی به خصوص روده ای است که در نواحی مختلف جهان نیز از شیوع نسبتاً بالایی برخوردار است. این آلودگی ها از معضلات جدی سلامتی جامعه هستند که باعث بروز آنمی فقر آهن، عقب ماندگی ذهنی و جسمی و روانی دیگر بین اعضاء خانواده مبتلا می شوند. از آنجا که مادران رکن اساسی خانواده محسوب می گردند و هرگونه اختلال در سلامتی ایشان می تواند عامل خطر برای سایر افراد خانواده باشد، لذا پژوهش حاضر به منظور بررسی میزان شیوع عفونتهای انگلی روده ای در بین مادران مراجعه کننده به مراکز بهداشتی و درمانی شهر اراک طراحی و اجرا شده است. روش کار: این پژوهش یک مطالعه توصیفی- تحلیلی و از نوع مقطعی می باشد. نمونه گیری آن به صورت تصادفی سیستماتیک برروی 1650 مادر مراجعه کننده به مراکز بهداشتی و درمانی سع منطقه پایین، مرکز و بالاشهر اراک انجام شد. از هر مادر سه بار آزمایش مدفوع به عمل آمد و نمونه ها به روش فرمالین اتر در آزمایشگاه دانشکده پزشکی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج: نتایج حاصل از سه بار آزمایش مدفوع مادران نشان داد که از مجموع 1650 مادر مورد بررسی، تعداد 801 نفر (48.5%)، آلوده بع انگل های روده ای (اعم از بیماریزا و غیربیماریزا) بودند که از این تعداد 110 نفر (13.73%) آلوده به انگلهای روده ای بیماریزا به قرار ژیاردیالامبلیا 89 مورد (5.39%)، آنتاموباهیستولتیکا 12 مورد (0.72%)، همینولپیس نانا 5 مورد (0.3%)، آسکاریس 3 مورد (0.18%) و تنیاساژیناتا 1 مورد (0.06%) بودند. همچنین 691 مادر (86.2%) آلوده به انگلهای روده ای غیربیماریزا به ترتیب آنتاموباکلی 313 مورد (19%)، بلاستوسیستیس هومینیس 267 مورد (16.18%)، آندولیماکس 67 مورد (4%)، یدآموبابوچلی 34 مورد (2%) و کیلوماستیکس 10 مورد (0.6%) بودند. نتیجه گیری: در این مطالعه ارتباط معنی داری بین میزان آلودگی و عوامل دموگرافیک مانند سن، جنس، شغل، تحصیلات مادر و شوهر وی و همچنین منطقه شهری محل سکونت مشاهده نگردید. اگرچه نتایج نشان داد که بالاترین میزان ابتلا به انگلهای روده ای بیماریزا به ترتیب در پایین شهر 7.8% (4.3 نفر)، در مرکز شهر 6.72% (37 نفر) و در بالاترشهر 5.45% (30 نفر) بوده است.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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Introduction: This research is a study for evaluating the rate of satisfaction of physical and psychosocial needs of third grade girl students of secondary school of Arak by their parents.Material and Methods: In this research 556 girl adolescents were studied. Samples were selected by clustering method. Data were collected by questionnaire (contain 57 question) completed by studied units. After collect the data, results were analysed by statistical methods.Results: 69.1% samples were high satisfied, 29.3% medium and 1.6% low satisfied in relation to physical needs by their parents and 69.6% were high satisfied, 28.2% medium and 2.2% low satisfied in relation to psychosocial needs by their parents. The rate of satisfaction for physical needs is statistically correlated to the variable such as age of the students (p<0.05), age of the mother (p=0.03), age of the father (p=0.0001), education levels of the parents (p= 0.0001), job of the father (p=0.0001), job of the mother (p=0.0007), rank of birth (p=0.008) and total children of the family (p=0.0001). Result of the research showed that rates of satisfactions for psychosocial needs of the samples have a meaningful correlation with variables such as age of the student (p= 0.003), education levels of the mother (p=0.0001), job of the parents (p=0.0007) and total children of the family (p=0.0001).Conclusions: Finally the result of this research indicates that families economic discords affect cause an important role against in sufficiency of psychosocial needs in adolescents. Therefore it should be suggested to perform a more developed study about the above subject in order to obtain the most accurate conclusion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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Introduction: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (lBD), including crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), belong to the group of inflammatory disease with unknown origin, which primarily involve the gastrointestinal tract but also have extra intestinal manifestations. In western studies, an annual incidence of 5-11 in a hundred is thousand's estimated and no similar epidemiological studies have been performed so far in Iran. In this study our goal is to determine the pattern of IBD and it's clinical aspects in Arak.Material and Methods: In this study of 20 months duration (from April 2000 to Sep 2001), all the patients with suspected IBD, referred to specific clinics, were evaluated by careful clinical, para-clinical, colonoscopy and histo-pathological tests and finally the diagnosis of IBD was made according to these criteria and then the collected data was statistically analyzed.Results: From the total number of 108 patients, diagnosed with IBD, 97 cases (89.8%) had UC and (10.2%) had CD. From the patients with UC, 41 (47.4%) were female and 21 (52.6%) were male and in CD patients, 8 cases (72.7%) were female and 27.3% male. 58.8% of UC cases were under 40 years of age, in 19 cases (19.6%) of patients with UC, the duration of the disease was less than a year. Rectal involvement existed in all the patients with UC. Extra-intestinal manifestations were rare except anemia. Patients with CD were all under 30 years old and ileocecal involvement existed in 8 of them with major manifestations of mal-absorption syndromes. Recurrent fistulas led to 2 deaths.Conclusions: Although this is not a broad epidemiologic study, our effort was to detect the maximum number of patients with IBD and in regard with 19 cases with less than a year history of the disease, the annual incidence, of IBD, in Arak is estimated to be more than %3.04 in hundred thousand in the UC from of IBD, less complications (cancer, stenosis and toxic colon) were found in comparison to western studies and in the case of CD, the prevalence is much lower but is accompanied by more serious GI complications. It is likely that IBD is no less prevalent in this region than the west but it is more missed and undetected which can be resolved by better evaluation of the patients upon admission.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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Introduction: Clinical education is the most important part of nursing and midwifery education. It is recognized as the heart of professional education. Clinical education includes more than half of nursing and midwifery education and is the base of acquired professional skills in students. So to improve the quality of clinical education its condition must be considered. Material and Methods: This is a descriptive - analytic study to investigate the view of nursing and midwifery students about clinical education condition. The sample was all of nursing and midwifery students in their fourth semester of education. The data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of five parts: demographic characteristics, educational planning, clinical education instructor, the health and medical care team and educational equipment and space. Results: The results showed that most of the student's view on educational planning was good and moderate (each 38.2%), on clinical instructor was moderate (34.4%), on health and medical care team was bad (50%), and on educational equipment and space was good (37.2%). The comparison of nursing and midwifery students view showed that there was no significant difference on educational planning, clinical instructor and educational equipment and space.Conclusions: Educational program planners have to consider important factors affecting clinical education, specially the health and medical care team and their way of acting, who the majority of the sample of this study had a negative view on them.

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    1 (18)
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Introduction: The first hours after birth are a critical for parent infant bonding. Touch of skin to skin contact between the infant and mother is necessary development of future parent child attachment, also increase mother care from infant.Material and Methods: This research is random clinical trial. 43 women is group with skin to skin contact and 43 women without contact were compared. All of them were primigravida with wanted pregnancy and term newborn. Method of collection data were questionnaire and check list. In case group immediately after birth care, newborn be held with mother for skin to skin, eye to eye contact and breast feeding for 15 minutes. In control group did not so contacts. Mattered affectionate behavior recorded during feeding in two steps. One in post partum filed and another in mothers home after one month. The data obtained by descriptive statistics and T.Test. Results: The mean age of group with contact were 20.6% and control group were 20.34%. %15.2 of group mothers with contact and 53.5% control group mothers knew fetus sex. In first step before leaving the hospital the highest affectionate behavior in two groups related to looking at infant and lowest to kissing. T-test had significantly different in touching (p=0.01) and talking (p=0.02) in group with contact. Another step, was done after one month, all of the mean affectionate behavior in group with contact were high and the highest behavior related to looking at the infant in two groups.Conclusions: Data showed that maternal affectionate behavior in group with contact were higher than in control group. First minutes and hours after birth are critical periods, and are necessary to contact between mother and newborn.

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    1 (18)
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Introduction: Tuberculosis is one of the most important health problems in all around the world. Despite of progression in effective treatment, the disease reduction rate in countries in very slow or ever in significant.Material and Methods: This research is conducted in a descriptive-analytic method among 38 hospitalized patients at internal and infectious disease services in vali-Asr hospital (may 97 to may 98).Results: 15 men (39%) and 23 women (61%) were identified. The major population was observed at age 61-70 and the least over 80 and under 20 years old. The men's mean age was 56.5 years (SD=185) and women’s 54 (SD= 16). The citizen's mean age was 47.6 and country people 64.6, that their difference is significant (P<0.002). The mean time of onset of symptoms until diagnosis was 4.6 months (SD= 3.4) among men and 2.3 months (SD=1.5). For women and this difference is significant (p=0.01). The above delay was observed 3.2 months for pulmonary tuberculosis (both smear positive and smear negative) and 5.3 months for extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, which were 50% Lymphatic, 20% bone, 12.5% pritone and female genital (8, of 38). 70% were smear positive, WBC were in normal range (3000-10000) among 79%. 74% were anemic, the men's mean hemoglobin was significant more than in women’s (p=0.03).Conclusions: According to there are not significant signs for tuberculosis, physician must be more attention to clinical patient finding.

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