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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 35)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 35)
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    4 (TOME 35)
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One of the most important factors in suitable site selection for cloud seeding projects is to study the atmospheric flows and the winds conditions of the region. The present research has been perfonned in centeral Iran, using the data of speed and direction of the winds on the upper levels of atmosphere in Kennan, Bandar Abbass, Shiraz and Isfahan stations and surface wind data of the Earth in Kennan ,Bandar Abbass, Baft, Yazd, Shiraz and Isfahan synoptic stations. Windroses of the atmospheric standard levels show that the highest ffequencies of winds and the direction and the speed of air flows are in the west and south- west of these regions in the rainy cold months. In rainy days, more than 80 percent of the winds blow in west at the 700 Hpa level of these stations. In the same rainy days, the direction of prevailing winds is in the middle and upper levelsof atmospherein these stationsis between1800-3300and the highestspeeds at the 700 Hpa, the 500 Hpa and the 300 Hpa are 54 kts, 98 kts and 162 kts, respectively. The direction of prevailing winds at the surface are between 1800- 3600 and the highest speed is 18kts. Is south and south -west and even south-east winds" direction at the 850 Hpa of Bandar Station in, rainy days, in addition to the high mountains of Kennan, are close to the sea in the south. These flows receive. heat and humidity while passing the south waters and strike the southern slops of the mountains. When they enter in to the centerallran, they can play an important the mountains. When they enter in to the centeral Iran, they can play an important role in increasing instability and precipitation. Based on the fmdings of the present research, it is concluded that using the above mentioned positive points is vel)" necessary to carry out the cloud seeding projects and that radar can be installed in the central mountains of south Kerman and Shir-Kuh in a place which can cover 170°-340°

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (TOME 35)
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Archaeology, as a multi - inter disciplinary science, interacts, above all the human sciences" branches with geographyand "GIS". That is because the earth and environmentare the mostimportantfactorsin fonningculturesand civilizationsas the main topics of archa~ology.It is said that everyarchaeologicalquestionstarts with a geographical one. Surely geology together with geography and their relevant branches are used for archaeological interpretations. On the other hand, archaeology resembles geography in investigating lands, tribes, cultural backgrounds and communities regarding mainly the GeographicaV environmental developments of every region. In other words, it is the recognition, revealing and introduction of cultural geography that could be considered as a branch of geographical studies. This has recently led to a new course in geography called "Geo - Archaeology". Regarding the archaeological studies of Iran, 9 geographical regions have been known in archaeological paradigm. Each of which includes independent cultural regIons. One of these geographicalregionsis Jazmourianbasin,locatedinthe south- east Geo - cultural region ofIran; that is one of the most unknown geographical zones deserving to be more investigated by means offield studies. Jazmourian basin includes some regions of the three provinces of Kennan, Baluchistan and Honnozgan which through ancient historical geography, confonns to Makan, Gadrosia and Achofajia, located between Sakestan and Kennania. The two main rivers of Bampour in the east and Halilroud in the west flowing to Jazmourian depression are situated in this region and are the main factors fonning the culture and civilization of this region through thousands of years ago. The present article has tried to gather the documents, investigate and introduce those geographical and geological characteristics laying the way for one of the most significant and :tTuitfuldomains of Iran"s cultural regions. Part of this article is the results of the author"s field studies and documentation in the region.

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View 2061

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (TOME 35)
  • Pages: 

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International boundaries are lines which demaxcate the outer limits of a territory under the sovereign jurisdiction of a Nation - State. Boundary is the factor for distinction and separation of a political unit or a country from another. The functions of the boundaries change over the time. The boundary of Iran - Afghanistan has been formed and fixed in the process of nation - buiding during the past two centuries. But crossing of the boundary line from the ground without natural or human bondaries, have caused some challenges in its security and control functions. This paper studies the siuation of Iran - Afghanistan boundary and its effects on the behavior of the people and states and concludes that the boundary has not been succesful in its control function due to the unilater acts and structural problems. The paper also concludes that the Afghans behaviour toward the boundary has been actional !n the form of emigration, narcotictraffic and insecurity, whereas Iranian"s behaviour toward the boundary has been reactional with the aim of more control and suppressing the crisis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 4244

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (TOME 35)
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The interactions arid linkages between city and countryside are increasingly recognised as central factors in the processes of social economic and cultural changes. Despite this ,most development theories and practices are implicity based on a dichotomous view of urban and rural areas, population and activities. Urban planners usually concentrate their efforts on urban nodes, with little attention to agricultural and rural-led developments, while rural development planners defme rural areas as those areas consisting only of villages and agricultural lands and exclude urban centres ITom this landscape.This paper presents how rural-urban interactions including the spatial linkages (flows of goods, money, capital, people, information, production, technologyand wastes) among the city and countryside and sectoral interactions affect both rural and urban changes. The fmdings of this study indicate the interactions and linkages between the urban centre of Qazvin and 65 pen-urban residential" areas and villages in the same province. They also show that the effects of. rural -urban interactions upon the rural areas have included more inorganic effects. Urban .and. rural development need to be considered as a complementary processe rather thari competing for limited resources.The benefits of such an integrated approach will be far outweight the costs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3316

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (TOME 35)
  • Pages: 

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Identification and mapping of archaeological sites by traditional field surveys is money and time consuming. Remote sensing and geographical infonnation systems (GIS) provide more effective approaches for these purposes. In this research, 125 archaeological sites of the Mianab Shoushtar region in southwest of Iran have been studied. Capabilities of TM , IRS , SPOT and ETM satellite images for identification and relationship between the location of the archaeological sites and physical environment characteristics (elevation, distance to major rivers , land cover class and distance to fannlands ) by predictive models were studied. The results showed that approximately 90 percent of the archaeological sites were located in only 27 percent of the region. This was extracted by weighting method. Approximately 85 percent of the archaeological sites identified by logistic regression method were located in the high potential regions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1771

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (TOME 35)
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ObselVationin Geography has been changed, becausetoday"s.theol)" and techniques in Geography have been improved.CellularGeography,CellularAutomata in Geography, Fuzzy, Neural NetwOlk,Genetic Algorithm,Chaos and Fractal Geography are among the new approaches. This case in Micro and Macro levels is important for the Geographers and Urban Geography planners. Today satellite image, webcam picture and films and Online image information are used in the big cities of the world including Tehran which uses webcam for traffic control, but urban planners do not use image processing data yet. This data can support urban electronical hyper map. This paper analysis the state of wt>an plimning and utilization of image online processing. How can we use this data and image information? Method of pattern recognition can relate the real world and urban electronically hyper map. Therefore the region 5 of Tehran Metropolitan was selected as case study. This paper run algorithm for analyses of online image~.A window of object is defmed as P equal to Picture. Then the equation is P Export = PTotal- PBackgroUnd. Next number of the edge of image shows a moving automobile. This algorithm can be run and linked to urban electmically hypennap online. Consequently we can apply it for every similar subjects such as environmentalscience, geographicalscience and geography& urban planning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 875

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (TOME 35)
  • Pages: 

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Human settlements change during the time. Many of the existing urban settlements have been small villages in the past. Various socio-economic, geographical, political and legal factors influence rural-urban transition. Some rural settlements have a shorter transitory time because they are positively affected by these factors. However, current general classification of human settlements into rural and urban settlements which is mostly based on population statistics does not fully reflect the nature and contents of the transitory rural settlements. These settlements during the transitory process contain some rural elements as well as some urban elements. Transitory rural settlements are those settlements that are experiencing urban characters while still have not been officially considered as urban settlements.To increase the effectiveness and consistency of the pianning activities, special attention should be paid to these types of settlements. Understanding the nature of these settlements and their spatial patterns are the preliminary steps in this regard. This paper introduces the concepts of rural transitory settlements and applies them within the study area, which includes three provinces in the North West of Iran to [md out their spatial patterns in the region using various spatial analytical techniques within a GIS ftamework.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1684

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (TOME 35)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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The climatic effect on agriculture has an exclusive importance particularly in the dry fanning areas. The amount of dry fanning yield, putting aside the genetic characteristics of wheat variant, agrology states, technology of cultivating, yielding and harvesting and etc. depends greatly on the climatic occurrence. Among them, the precipitation quality and the status of coincidence with temperature, precipitation interval and temperature variation in the growing term of plants are very important. Accordingly, the possibility of access to the relations or a system that can predict the amount of yield in a region is not unlikely. In this research the relationship between the climatic parameters and the yield of dry wheat has been defmed by I1II.tegrativPeanel Model. Using the resulted coefficient of the model and the statistics related to the applied factors in it, the amount of yield in any year was estimated. The results of the Integrative Panel Model indicated that 71.57% of the yield of dry wheat variation (dependent variable) is Defin .....ed by independent variables (the date of the fIrst effective precipitation, the date of the last effective precipitation, the number of more than 1 mm and less than 20 mm precipitations in a day, the number of more than 20mm precipitations in a day, the amount of vernal precipitation, the amount of autunmal precipitation,

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