One of the most important factors in suitable site selection for cloud seeding
projects is to study the atmospheric flows and the winds conditions of the region.
The present research has been perfonned in centeral Iran, using the data of
speed and direction of the winds on the upper levels of atmosphere in Kennan,
Bandar Abbass, Shiraz and Isfahan stations and surface wind data of the Earth in
Kennan ,Bandar Abbass, Baft, Yazd, Shiraz and Isfahan synoptic stations.
Windroses of the atmospheric standard levels show that the highest
ffequencies of winds and the direction and the speed of air flows are in the west
and south- west of these regions in the rainy cold months. In rainy days, more
than 80 percent of the winds blow in west at the 700 Hpa level of these stations.
In the same rainy days, the direction of prevailing winds is in the middle and upper
levelsof atmospherein these stationsis between1800-3300and the highestspeeds
at the 700 Hpa, the 500 Hpa and the 300 Hpa are 54 kts, 98 kts and 162 kts,
respectively. The direction of prevailing winds at the surface are between 1800-
3600 and the highest speed is 18kts. Is south and south -west and even south-east
winds" direction at the 850 Hpa of Bandar Station in, rainy days, in addition to the
high mountains of Kennan, are close to the sea in the south. These flows receive.
heat and humidity while passing the south waters and strike the southern slops of
the mountains. When they enter in to the centerallran, they can play an important
the mountains. When they enter in to the centeral Iran, they can play an important
role in increasing instability and precipitation. Based on the fmdings of the present
research, it is concluded that using the above mentioned positive points is vel)"
necessary to carry out the cloud seeding projects and that radar can be installed in
the central mountains of south Kerman and Shir-Kuh in a place which can cover