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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mudskipper species diversity in the Khur-e-Abee protected area in the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf in Hormozgan Province was studied monthly. Sampling was done from March2011 to February 2012 is 56º 24' 58” E, 27º 11' 28” N geographical position. A total of 730 specimens belonging to 3 species and 1 family werecollected by hand. Three species were identified; Boleophthalmus dussumieri, Scartelaos tenuis and Periophthalmus waltoni. The monthly sampling of mudskipper species composition showed that S. tenuis (45.75%), P. waltoni (30.48%) and B. dussumieri (26.02%) were first, second and the third in abundance respectively. Shannon species diversity index (1.09), Simpson index (0.62) and Pielou species index (0.99) were highest in October Whereas the Margalef species richness index (0.62) was the highest in December.

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Epinephelus coioidesfish is cultivated in Emam Khomeini Fisheries Research Center under Southern Aquaculture division. This fish is used in histology, histopathalogy, toxicology, physiology, cellular and molecular biology, studies. The Zangi creek water is contaminated due to petrochemical, industrial, agricultural and commercial communication pollutants. The water that the fish are cultivated with is obtained from Zangi creek and the fish which are exposed to this water are contaminated. In the histopathological experiments performed by Haemotoxylin- Eosin staining method in the brain, disorders such as karyolysis and necrosis of the nucleus, vaculation and oedema as well as hyperanemia are apparent. These defects are more obvious in the medulla oblongata, diencephalon and cerebellum of the brain. These disorders could be due to contamination of Zangi creek water such as heavy metals, organic derivatives of heavy metals, aromatics, organophosphates and etc.

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This research investigates the main factors for the possibility of converting Shahid Rajaee port to a free trade-industrial port. In the first stage of this research, the main factors influencing the formation of a free trade-industrial port have been recognized with the help of primary and secondary data in five distinctive groups. In the second stage, those main factors have been evaluated by the aid of questionnaires which had been distributed among 338 experts of Bandar Abbas city, Shahid Rajaee port and Shahid Bahonar port. In total, 254 of the questionnaires (75% of the total volume of the sample of the research) have been returned. Software packages such as SPSS and LISREL have been used for statistical analyses. After investigating the various objectives of the ports of the world, the main possible reasons for the failure of free zones of Iran have been presented in this paper. Furthermore, various cases have been analyzed and studied. Finally, it has been found that Shahid Rajaee port is a place with sufficient potential in order to be converted into a free trade-industrial port.

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Grillages consisting of intersecting beams are supporting shell structures of the ships in different places such as bottom, deck and sides. Different methods available for strength analysis of plated grillages are studied from the viewpoints of characteristics and limitations. Finally, the way to assess the strength of such structural elements is investigated. This study is based on preparation of a software for analysing the grillages. Using the software, it is possible to analyse grillages used in the ships’ structures for any type of boundary and loading conditions that are simply selectable by users. Getting the required input data from the user, elastic deflections and stresses induced as a result of applying concentrated or distributed loads are calculated at the intersections of the longitudinal and transverse members, relieving the need to complicated numerical calculations. To corroborate the accuracy of prepared software results, two models of plated grillages are analysed and comparing the results confirms that.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, hemocytes defence cells and total plasma protein had been studied in immune system of freshwater CrayfishAstacus leptodactylus. About one-hundered freshwater Crayfish (A.leptodactylus) with average weight of 25-40g were purchased from aras damreservours in west Azarbayjan province and transported to Iranian artemia research center of orumya province. (25 pieces of Crayfish were considered surplus for possible losses) Before experimernt the Crayfish were acclimated for two days in the laboratory and then disinfected by oxytetracycline antibiotic and finally, an equal number (15 pieces of Crayfish in each glass aquariums) transported to 5 glass aquariums. In order to study hemocyte and plasma total protein, the hemolymph samples were withdrawn from abdominal second segments of Crayfish in interval hours (0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 144, 240 and 336). Result showed that the mean of hemocytes was 27-114 CFU ml-1, and the highest and lowest value of hemocytes were 180 and 12 CFU ml-1 in 12 and 336 hours after experiment times, respectively. Also based on the results, the semigranular cells (SGC) and granular cells (GC) were approximately comprised about 58-65% and 28-37%, respectively and hyaline cells (HC) about was 3-6%. Based on total plasma protein results, the mean of total plasma protein was 1-2 Gr dl-1, and the highest and lowest value of total plasma protein were 2.8 and 0.5 Gr dl-1 in 12 and 336 hours after experiment times.

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Factors such as overfishing, reduction in water flow, overuse of water resources for agricultural purposes, contamination of water resources and disease outbreaks, threaten??? aquatic life. Study of blood indicators can play an important role in the recognition of environmental changes and aquatic diseases. For this purposeblood samples from caudal vein were collected from 30 juvenile Snow trout weighing 6.34 grams from wells in Sistan area. After centrifugation and separation of serum, the measurement of the biochemical parameters was made by using auto analyzer. The statistical analysis of the data was done using the statistical software Sigma State 3.5. The mean ± SD were calculated for different materials as follows: 129.52±37.84 for Glucose, 274.48 ± 118.35 for triglyceride, 271.87±53.42 for cholesterol, 59.95±14.05 for HDL, 176.73 ± 41.92 for LDL, 176.73 ± 41.92 for calcium, 8.54 ± 1.84 for phosphorus, 20.77 ± 3.35 for BUN, 4.13 ± 1.11 for.

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In recent years concerns about long term effects of heavy metals as environment polluters has aroused. Nowadays considerable quantities of heavy metals have been released into the environment by human activities. Heavy metal can be a serious threat for the stability of ecosystems. In this study we examine the levels of zinc‚ copper‚ lead and cadmium in the feathers of twenty Great White Heron (Egretta alba) collected from Hara Biosphere during November and December in 2012. The results showed that the mean concentration of heavy metals in feathers of male significantly higher than female (p<0.05) ‚. Also‚ there was no significant difference in heavy metal concentration between adult and juvenile birds. We compared the mean concentrations of heavy metal with standards. The results showed that the levels of lead‚ copper and cadmium in feather was below toxicity level except zinc‚ but the high concentration of heavy metal in some samples indicate that birds are potentially pose at the risk of heavy metal in their habitate.

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In order to estimate the biomass of demersal resources in Khouzestan and Boushehr waters (North-West Persian Gulf), a research survey was carried out using R/V Ferdows-1 covering the depths 10-20, 20-30 and>30m. Study area was stratified into 2 strata (A, B) and 32 stations were selected randomly and sampled by Swept Area method. In substrata A1, B1, B2 and B3, 44, 43, 54 and 36 species were identified, respectively. Catch Per Unit Area and biomass in substrata A1, B1, B2 and B3 were 2396, 3102, 4942, 7904 kg/nm2 and 1198, 1292, 2471, 3952 kg, respectively. The maximum biomass was recorded for Upeneus sulphureus (1269kg) and Nemipterus Japonicus (857kg) and the minimum for Apogon sp. (2.23kg) and Scorpion sp. (4.18kg). Total biomass in the area was estimated at 9015 kg of which 6491 kg was non-commercial. A decrease of fishing effort should seriously be taken into consideration.

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The main goal of this study was estimating discards of trawl nets in north western part of the Persian Gulf. Data were collected from fishing boats in fishing areas of Khuzestan from October 2011 to September 2012 with collaboration of fishery office. Discard samples include 101 species from 61 families which are 39.5% of commercial catch and 60.4% of non-commercial catches. Rayfish and catfish have been observed in most fishing nets. The average size of bony fishes in discard samples was lower than 15 cm. Total weights of discards was estimated about 1109 tons per year. Total weight of commercial fishes with small size in discards was estimated 2736 tones. The rate and proportion of discards in total catch of trawl was estimated 0.5 and 1.03 respectively. Osteichthyes with 70 species and 50.7% of trawl catch has the highest percentage of discards in trawl nets. High rate of small fishes in commercially important species of discards is probably due to nursery role of Khuzestan coastal waters.

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Nowadays, because of bad urban, agriculture and industrial management many of water resources suffer quality issues. Remote Sensing play a key role in water quality assessment and management. Many of pollutions can be observed using remote sensing images, so it can be a very useful tool for water resources management. Because of wide spreading of water bodies, field work cause to increase in time and cost of studies, so using satellite images can be an alternative. Quality monitoring such as salinity, water color, suspended sediment may measured using satellite images. For assessing Water Quality, some empirical relations should be found to relate water quality to one or some spectral bands. Water Quality parameters such as color, chlorophyll, Suspended Sediment and Salinity may be assessed using Remote Sensing techniques. Remote Sensing can be used for assessment and monitoring algal concentration in lakes and water resources. Increase in chlorophyll cause to reduction in Blue band reflectance and increase in Green band reflectance. For assessing Water Quality, some empirical relations should be found to relate water quality to one or some spectral bands. In this study, Chl-a, concentration of Tripton and Turbidity of a small part of the Persian Gulf was estimated applying a bio-optical model.

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To determine the cellular and adaptations changes in mitochondria-rich cells under different salinities, Sparidentex hasta as a urihaline has been studied.180 fish weighing 150 ± 0.5 gr and 23±1 cm length, were directly exposed to (5, 20, 40 and 60 ppt) salinities for a week. Sampling was performed on days 1, 2 and 7 and three fish from each tank (12 fish from each treatment) were sampled each time. Samples were fixed in glutaraldehyde 2.5 % solution and washed with 0.1M (pH=7.4) buffer phosphate. Samples were dehydrated in increasing ethanol series (from 50 % to pure ethanol) followed by 100 % acetone. Tissue blocks were frozen by liquid nitrogen and then immediately followed by scanning electron microscope LEO (Model 1455VP) with 15Kv voltage. Scanning electron microscope revealed three types of mitochondria-rich cells with derived apertures, shallow and deep apical openings. The number and size of mitochondria-rich cells in the apical openings in 60ppt salinity increased on the first day compared to rest of the treatments. During the experiment, the density and size of the openings in the mitochondria-rich cells in the lower salinity increased but in higher salinity of sea water size and density of openings decreased during experiment.

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