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The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction effect of 8 weeks aerobic training and vitamin E supplementation on mtDNA deletion in human leucocytes after exhaustive exercise. Forty untrained, healthy and non-smoker students (age of 21.3±1.3 yrs, weight of 74.2±14.4 kg & BF% of 17.9±6.1) voluntarily participated in this study and randomly assigned to one of the 4 groups: (aerobic training+vitamin E), (aerobic training+placebo), (vitamin E), and (placebo). Subjects completed an incremental cycle ergometer test until exhaustion. The initial workload was 50W at 60 rpm for 5 min. Then, workload was increased progressively by 25W every 5 min until exhaustion while, the rpm was constant. Venous blood samples were collected 1 hour before and immediately after exhaustive exercise. Subjects of the groups 1 and 2 were influenced by independent variables during 8 weeks by 50-75% HRR (Carvonen  method). Subjects of the groups 3 and 4 didn't perform any regular exercise during the period of study. In the groups of 1 and 3 subjects took a daily dose of 400 mg vitamin E. Subjects of the groups 2 and 4 took placebo containing sucrose. Blood sampling and performing exhaustive exercise were the same as prior to the study. The mtDNA deletion was analyzed using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. The results of Kruskal-Wallis and Sign test analysis demonstrated that there is a common deletion in human leukocytes mtDNA after exhaustive exercise bout (p<0.05). However, no significant differences were observed in mtDNA deletion after exhaustive exercise bout, after 8 weeks study. Therefore, discussion about effect of training on mtDNA deletion needs more studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the present study was to examine the relations between energy expenditure of physical activity and mortality count in a five years follow-up of a sample of East Azarbaijanian men over 30 years of age (n=2530), which was initiated in 2001. Odds ratio resulting in relationship between non-leisure physical activity & cardiovascular disease mortality and fatal myocardial infarction points that there is a reverse relationship between the increased physical activity & mortality. Also there is a reverse relationship between the increased physical activity & all cause mortality. There is a direct relationship between all cause mortality & time spent sitting. Age-adjusted relative risks relating quartiles of average daily energy expenditure to mortality were estimated. These relations were due mainly to the contribution of non-leisure energy expenditure, which represented, on average, 53% of men's total activity. The results illustrate the importance of non-leisure energy expenditure in the assessment of total activity. These data support the hypothesis that physical activity is inversely associated with risk of death in men.

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This study was undertaken to examine the relationship between a few anthropometrical features and biomechanical parameters with open and close hands of backstroke start techniques among male and female Iranian National swimmers. Six males and six females Iranian national swimmers with rang aged between 15-22 participated in this study. Anthropometrical and body composition features which were measured included: eight, weight, neck and head circumferences, shoulder wide, length of trunk, arm and forearm, palm, thighs, shanks, feet, body fat percentage, throwing angle, initial velocity, the time and height to reach the peak, as well as the time and distance between the initial position till entering to the water were measured. To determine the body position and biomechanical parameters while performing the two techniques in backstroke start, a video camera and a checked board were used. Findings showed that in male swimmers for the closed-hands technique the length of thigh and body fat percentage were significantly correlated with the starting distance. In female swimmers for the closed hands technique, the length of forearm and circumference of the neck were significantly correlated with the starting distance. In the opened-hands technique, no correlation between male and female swimmers (regarding anthropometrical features) was observed. Though using this technique, a meaningful correlation between height of peak and starting distance was observed between the two groups of swimmers, whereas in the closed-hands technique the correlation between height of peak and starting distance was just observed in males group. All parameters have been meaningfully correlated with the total flight time in both techniques. Regarding the findings of this study, it is necessary to concentrate on the role of the biomechanical features to influence the start in both techniques in backstroke in male and female groups. The findings also proved the superiority of closed-hands technique in backstroke among male members of the group whereas in females group both opened or closed-hands techniques were equal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purposes of the present investigation were to study the effect of internal and external attentional-focus on the preparation of rhythmic movements. 24 novice girls and boys from P.E classes were divided into two internal/external attentional-focus groups randomly. The task was key boarding that should execute with given timing. In acquisition phase and in retention and transfer tests, they practiced 60 trials and 15 trails respectively. The results of acquisition phase showed that there was significant interaction (P<0.001) of group and block of trials and external group had better performance in the late of practice. The external attentional-focus also showed less timing error in retention and transfer phases (P<0.001). In conclusion, the externally attention that focuses the performer on the preparation of rhythmic action facilitates the performance and learning.

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The aim of this study was to describe the hematological variations and hemolysis after intensive resistance exercise in active girls. 11 healthy girls subjects volunteered to participate in this study. They drank 15 ml/ kg body wt at before night and in the morning of the experimental days. They completed three sets of 5 – 7 repetitions of six exercises at an intensitycorresponding to 70-80% one repetition maximum (1RM). Venous blood samples were obtained before exercise, immediately after exercise and 24h of recovery and analyzed for MCV, RBC, HCT, HB and bilirubin. Plasma volume analyzed by using a hematocrit and hemogubin standard techniques. Statistical analyses were done using SPSS/11.5 and Excel. The effect of exercise protocol was tested using ANOVA with repeated measures and LSD signed tests for comparisons before, immediately and 24 h after exercise protocol. Statistical significance was set at p£0.05. Results: RBC, HCT, HB and bilirubin increase significantly following resistance exercise (p 0/05), but MCV had not significant changes (p³0/05). RBC, HCT, HB decrease and bilirubin increase 24h after resistance exercise but only HCT and bilirubin changes were significant. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: Intensive resistance exercise induces decrease in RBC, HCT, HB after 24h and increase in bilirubin immediately and 24h after exercise. These results show that hemolysis may happen after intensive resistance exercise in active girls.

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The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of arm cranking on some physiological factors and body composition of middle – aged women to this purpose 33 middle – aged women who had lumbago (backache) and legacke and were between 35 - 55 years old and they were selected voluntarily by giving questionnaire to them. And these people were randomly divided into two, control and experimental (treatment) groups (19 women in experimental group and 14 women in control group). Then an arm cranking program was designed and was performed for 8 weeks. Resting heart rate, exercising heart rate, recovery heart rate, resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures, body weight, body fat percent and skin fold of areas of biceps, triceps, sub-scapular, abdominal, supra-spinal, front thigh and medial calf were the variants that were studied in this research. The result of the research through the independent test showed that the aerobic training of arm cranking had significant effects on number of resting heart rate, exercising heart rate and recovery heart rate and also on skin fold of the areas of biceps and abdominal (P £0.05). However, resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures, body fat percent, body weight and skin fold of the areas of sub-scapular, triceps, supra-spinal, Front thigh and medial calf didn’t have any significant changes (P³0.05). Considering the effect of aerobic training of arm cranking on the development of some physiological factors and body composition in this research, we can come to this conclusion that doing regular aerobic training with arms can have desirable effects like what were observed in aerobic leg training.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research is designed to describe the correlation between implementation of crawl techniques in and out of water. The statistical population includes students who have taken the physical education course with a focus on swimming. The samples include 50 students who are randomly chosen on the basis of the Krejcie and Morgan table. Observation by 3 well – experienced trainers takes center stage in the research. The data presented here represents the viewpoints of the 3 trainers. The data gathered here is analyzed descriptively and cognitively using the correlation quotient presented by pierson. According to the finding of this research the correlation – quotient processed by spss software stood at R=0.365 with a margin of error of p=0.009. The common point was R² = 0.136. That means the swimming techniques could be applied out of water in places like dormitory and or at home and on vaulting horse (simulator). The advantages associated with this are, low – cost training, more coordination between limbs and out – of – water /  raining on how to breath, faster training particularly in situations when swimming pools are not accessible / such as wartime training for veterans.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this research in respect to duties and activities of sport managers is to assess important indices and criterions that from their point of view lead to promotion of their human skills; and also determine the priority of each one of them. The method used in this research is a descriptive survey kind that requires data collection through field research approach. A researcher made human skills questionnaire was distributed between 159 sport managers as the research sample. The questionnaire included 14 indices that its validity has been obtained by use of expert opinions and it’s internal validity and reliability has been obtained through Cronbach Alfa (0.86). The results of this research showed that sport managers need skills such as providing job security for personnel, solving conflicts between personnel, speech and hetorical art to perform their duties and to affect personnel's behaviors. The result of this research showed that from experienced managers’ point of view human skills has significant effect on managers’ performance in their job.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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