During the past two decades, FDI has appeared as a new phenomenon in the economic performance of the countries. FDI as one of the important forms of capital l11ovemel1! has successfully fulfilled the theoretical expectations about the efficacy of production factor movement. This role of FDI has been indeed reflected in increasing economic growth, creating job opportunities, technology transfer, increasing competitive power. financial and human resources development of the countries.
In this study we have tried to investigate the effect of FDI on employment in host developing countries. For this purpose, following the theoretical analysis of the effect of FDI on the employment of the host developing countries we have presented an appropriate empirical model. The model has been presented in a way to analyze the statistical information and data for several selected countries (South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Brazil), using the OLS and Time Series method during I 980-2000s. The results confirm the positive effect of FDI on the employment of host countries and reveal that the intensity of FDI effect depends on the interaction of two factors: first the degree of development and predisposition of the host countries for attracting the investments and transferring new technologies; second the importance and contribution of the foreign financiaol resources to supplying the financial needs of host countries.