Technology and technical knowledge play a major role in the production of industrial goods, and a labour force which enjoys more training and technical knowledge would be capable of creating technological improvement and dynamism of the production cycle, hence, increasing capabilities in regional and the world markets. This research has benefited the time- series data approach during the years 1966-2001 for the study of the impact of education which leads to economic growth. The results show that one percent increase in physical capital, human capital, skilled and unskilled labour would increase the value added of the industrial sector by 0.34, 0.29, and 0.11 percent respectively. Hence, education has positive effects on value- added of industry sector, and GDP shows more reflection in proportion to skilled labour in comparison with the production factors. In this manner the training of labour force increases the production of industrial sector, and by increasing human capital, domestic production will increase. This research indicates that investment in man power of the industrial sector would increase the growth of industrial production hence creates more economic growth.