In present paper, housing has been considered as a multidimensional and heterogeneous item. Its characteristics has been considered as key elements in determination of unit price of each building unit. The aim of the Present paper is to determine the degree of importance which each charactericstics of housing has for users. Therefore, hedonic price function of urbun housing in Khoramabad estimated. The result showed that area of land, social security of rigonal, skeleton, building facet, lane or street width, distance from city center, parking have positive and significant influence and age of building, number of room have negative and significant influence on housing price in Khoramabad. The results also showed that social security, in the preferences of the users, lane or street withd are ranked as first to third priorities. distance from city center, skeleton and building facet are intermediate priorities. The number of room, parking and age of building are in bottom of list of priorities for users.