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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Thumb and finger sucking and tongue thrust swallowing are the most common habit in the children. Prevention can decrease the rate of malocclusions in people. This study was done to determine the rate of thumb and finger sucking and tongue thrust in Shiraz elementary schools.MATERIALS & METHODS: This study was done in 2001 in 20 schools from all education and training organization districts of Shiraz. By multi-stage random sampling, 500 children aged 7 to 12 were selected for interviewing and filling questionnaires. RESULTS: The incidence of thumb and finger sucking was 38.4%.The incidence of tongue thrusting was 29.8%. There was no significant correlation between the prevalence of oral habits and sex of children. Oral habits were more prevalent in young children.About half of the tongue thrusters had anterior open bite. Both digit sucking and tongue thrusting habits were significantly correlated with increased overjet. The prevalence of upper incisors spacing and lower incisors crowding were significantly higher in thumb suckers children. CONCLUSION: In children with thumb finger sucking habit, occlusal disorders like labial tilt of upper incisors and lingual tilt of lower incisors and overjet were more prevalent. About half of the tongue thrusters had an anterior open bite. There was no significant correlation between the prevalence of these oral habits and sex of children

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INTRODUCTION: H.pylori, one of the human pathogens that usually invade upper GI and makes active inflammation of gastric mucosa, is the most common cause of gastritis and is related to peptic ulcer, disease. MATERIALS & METHODS: Statistical population included 85 patients who referred to Sanandaj Besat &Tohid hospitals because of upper GI complaints. All referred patients underwent upper GI endoscopies and a biopsy was taken in suspicious cases. H.pylori infection was diagnosed using ureas test. Data was analyzed using description statistic by SPSS win software.RESULTS: 58 patients (65.2%) were infected by H.Pylori. Most of the patients referred because of the epigastric pain. 15 patients (16.8%) had upper GI malignancy and 66.6 percent of those with upper GI malignancy had H.pylori infection.CONCLUSIONS: Upon the result of this study it seems that the incidence of H.pylori infection in upper GI malignancies in Kurdistan is less than what has been reported elsewhere. It might be due to lower prevalence of H.pylori infection in the area. Further studies are suggested to determine the prevalence of H.pylori infection in the Kurdistan territory.

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INTRODUCTION: With respect to the geographic variation of diabetes prevalence, recognition type 2 diabetes risk factors in each area are important. Expert diabetic committee suggest men and women should be screened for type 2 diabetes if they are over age 45, have BMI over 27 kg/m2, a family history of diabetes, a blood pressure over 140/90, a history of gestation diabetes, delivered a baby over 4.1 Kg, Hypertriglyceridemia and previous evidence of impaired glucose homeostasis. In this survey the relation between type 2 diabetes and family history of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, gestational diabetes, 2 or more spontaneous abortion and stillbirths was studied. MATERIAL & METHODS: This study was case-control and the population under study included 240 patients from Kurdistan diabetes center and 240 none diabetic controls. Data were analyzed by x2, Mantel Hansel and t-test. RESULTS: There was a significant correlation between family history of diabetes OR=8.17, CI 95%(4.65-14.47); obesity OR=1.92, CI 95% (1.31-2.81); age over 40 OR= 8.65, CI 95% (4.36-16.81); female sex OR=0.58, CI 95% (0.38-0.88); hypertension OR=2.53, CI 95% (1.66-3.88); stillbirth OR=2.3, CI 95% (1.3-4.20) and type 2 diabetes. There was no significant correlation between gestation diabetes, spontaneous abortion and type 2 diabetes mellitus.CONCLUSION: With respect to the result of this survey screening program for those people who are 45 or more, are obese, hypertensive, have a family history of diabetes and stillbirth prerecord is suggested.

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INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular health is a health priority area in all societies, especially in developing countries. This study was done to respond to the concerns raised about the priority of establishing a coronary angiography centers in Kurdistan province, especially with respect to the limitation of resources and considering other priorities. Materials & Methods: The study was descriptive and statistical population included 209 patients referred to health clinics that were diagnosed must undertake coronary angiography. Required data regarding demographic and angiography indication were registered in questionnaire. Data was analyzed with SPSS Win software and descriptive statistics.RESULTS: The results showed that coronary angiography was needed in 209 patients including 80 female (38.3 percent) and 129 male. The average age of patients was 54 year with standard deviation of 12. From this group 114 patients (55.3%) declared that they could refer to other centers for angiography but just 60 patients (28.7%) referred.CONCLUSION: The information obtained from this study shows that establishing a coronary angiography center in Kurdistan province is a top priority and will increase the unseen burden of the coronary angiography.

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INTRODUCTION: Children are susceptible to parasite infections and because of the subsequent resulting damage they need greater care and protection against parasite infections.MATERIALS & METHODS: To study the prevalence of oxyuris in Urmia kindergartens, the city was divided into three districts according to the social and economical factors. From each district three kindergartens were chosen randomly. Considering the number of the children in each kindergarten totally 900 cases were selected. After informing parents and the managers of the kindergartens, a questionnaire was filled for each child. The questionnaire included information such as the age, sex, occupation and literacy of the parents. For each person two sampling tube were given to be sampled every other day. Data was analyzed using Chi-square test. RESULTS: Of 830 cases who returned glasses 294 were positive. The percentage of the prevalence was 35.4% and the highest prevalence was in two years old age group. There was inverse relation between literacy of parents and parasitic contamination of children. There was a significant relationship between parents literacy, parents job, residence location, socioeconomic status of the cases , kindergartens location and the prevalence of oxyuris. CONCLUSION: With respect to the result of this study for better control and prevention of the parasite infections the study of the disease and its relation with education and health problems of the region is suggested. Epidemiologic study about the factors affecting distribution and transfer of the disease, public health education, nutritional level, healthy water and treating the whole family together, is recommented.

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INTRODUCTION: In the modern world which all affairs is relied on advanced Technology, nothing is safe and accidents at work and its resulting damages is always a threat for health staff. Preparing secure environment for staff and patients at work and deal with the accidents is of great importance for managers. MATERIALS & METHODS: This study was descriptive and the sample under study included all of the hospitals of Kurdistan University of medical sciences. Data collection was done through filling a questionnaire including ten titles and 167 questions regarding the status of security in various sectors including management, mechanical, electrical, operating room, hygiene, laboratory, nursing services, nutrition and laundry which was completed through observation and interview with staffs. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic using SPSS software.RESULTS: Security management in 90% of units was medium. It was good just in 10% of units. In 20% of mechanical equipment units security was weak, 70% was medium and the rest was good. In the health services & kindergartens units security was similar to operating room. In 20% of laboratory units security was weak, 20% was good and the rest was medium. In 20% of radiology units security was weak, 60% was medium and the rest was good. Security in 10% of the nursing units was weak, 10% was good and the rest was medium. In the nutrition units 20% was classified weak, 70% medium and the rest good. In 30% of the laundry units security was weak and in 70% it was medium. Security was not good in none of the laundry unit.CONCLUSION: Among ten wards of ten hospitals just one of them had good security. 20% to 30% of units had weak security and the security in the rest was medium. The result of this study showed that in some aspects the status of security in medical centers is serious but solvable. Upon the result of this study establishing security committees for hospitals to solve their security problems, considering the detail needs of each unit and continuous study about the cause of unsecured incidences is advised.

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INTRODUCTION: To reach a goal the most economic way must be selected. Different ways including cost-effectiveness and cost - efficiency analysis allow us to reach this purpose. This study was done in 2002 to analyze the cost of Sanandaj health centers services.MATERIALS & METHODS: This study was descriptive and carried out in 16 health centers and 7 health sites. Through interview, observation and by referring to registered documents data was collected and registered in a designed questionnaire. Statistical description including sum of cost, median and Standard deviation of data was done using excel software. RESULTS: Based of analyzing collected data, the average per unit costs of Health family, Midwifery, Vaccination, Environment health, Professional health, physician, Dentist, Injection & Dressing and Pharmacy units during a six months period were 11932, 11205, 10974, 14550, 22514, 18953, 54304, 34825, 19316 rials respectively. CONCLUSION: By transferring part of health and therapeutic services to private sectors and through appropriate management of human resourses including multi occupation and motivation of personnel the cost of service -unit can be decreased.

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INTRODUCTION: It seems that yogurt can direct immune system responses toward cell-mediated immune response, Th1, and makes a relative tolerance to environmental allergies. These two factors together can reduce the prevalence of atopic diseases. This study was done to determine the relation between yogurt consumption and atopic disease in the people of Sanandaj who consume yogurt as a main food. MATERIALS & METHODS: This study was descriptive analytic and statistical population included 3500 men aged 16 to 25 years. Data was gathered by questionnaire, physical examination and history taking.RESULTS: There was a significant reduction in the prevalence of chronic rhinitis and conjunctivitis (P<0.105), but not seasonal rhinitis and conjunctivitis (P<0.057), in those who consumed yogurt. The prevalence of allergic asthma (P<0.015) and atopic dermatitis (P<0.036) was also lower. No relation was found between yogurt consumption and other atopic diseases.CONCLUSION: This study showed that the prevalence of rhinitis, chronic conjunctivitis and dermatitis was less common among the residents of Sanandaj who consumed yogurt as breakfast. Seasonal Asthma was also lower in those who used a lot of yogurt

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INTRODUCTION: Different forms of Learning Materials (LMs) including class notes and reference books are used by students in Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) courses which may bring different effectiveness. Evaluation of their effectiveness can help in selection of more appropriate LMs for BMS courses.MATERIALS & METHODS: Using designed questionnaires and official documents following data were obtained from students of Kurdistan Medical School. Types of LMs used during BMS courses & BMS exams held in March 1999 & March 2001, the ranks and average grades of students in the above mentioned country-based exams, types of LMs recommended by faculties, Views of faculties and students about appropriate LMs and students idea about teaching standard books and the language of the books. After considering necessary coefficients, the differences in ranks and grades of courses in two exams used as standard for evaluation of different performances of students which were partially the result of different MLs used by students for each exam. RESULTS: Based on the results of this study nine types of LMs had been used and there were significant differences in effectiveness between some types of LMs and number of LMs which were used by students. 68 percent of faculties and 85 percent of students was agree with the edition of standard books for BMS courses. Both faculties and students nearly had common ideas about the choice of language. 36% recommended English language for all books, 28% both English and Farsi based on kind of LMs, 9% concurrent English and Farsi in each book and 25% Farsi language for all books.CONCLUSION: Results of this study revealed that in most courses, class notes combined with a concise English or Farsi book had the highest effectiveness and detailed English or Farsi books and referring to several detailed text books had the lowest effectiveness in education. Two LMs for each course had the highest effectiveness. Qualitative results of this study suggest logical reduction in volume of LMs especially in factual subjects and more emphasis on applied aspects in learning materials. Gradual substitution of Farsi LMs by English LMs during BMs courses is recommended.

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