INTRODUCTION: With respect to the geographic variation of diabetes prevalence, recognition type 2 diabetes risk factors in each area are important. Expert diabetic committee suggest men and women should be screened for type 2 diabetes if they are over age 45, have BMI over 27 kg/m2, a family history of diabetes, a blood pressure over 140/90, a history of gestation diabetes, delivered a baby over 4.1 Kg, Hypertriglyceridemia and previous evidence of impaired glucose homeostasis. In this survey the relation between type 2 diabetes and family history of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, gestational diabetes, 2 or more spontaneous abortion and stillbirths was studied. MATERIAL & METHODS: This study was case-control and the population under study included 240 patients from Kurdistan diabetes center and 240 none diabetic controls. Data were analyzed by x2, Mantel Hansel and t-test. RESULTS: There was a significant correlation between family history of diabetes OR=8.17, CI 95%(4.65-14.47); obesity OR=1.92, CI 95% (1.31-2.81); age over 40 OR= 8.65, CI 95% (4.36-16.81); female sex OR=0.58, CI 95% (0.38-0.88); hypertension OR=2.53, CI 95% (1.66-3.88); stillbirth OR=2.3, CI 95% (1.3-4.20) and type 2 diabetes. There was no significant correlation between gestation diabetes, spontaneous abortion and type 2 diabetes mellitus.CONCLUSION: With respect to the result of this survey screening program for those people who are 45 or more, are obese, hypertensive, have a family history of diabetes and stillbirth prerecord is suggested.