INTRODUCTION: Extensive rodents studies have confirmed that dietary calorie restirction improves health, exends mean life span and increases efficacy of immune system. Many researchers have also reported that low calorie diet delays aging of immune system. Fasting in Ramadan month causes low calorie intake, so we decided to assess the effect of fasting in holly month of Ramadan on human humoral immune system. MATERIALS & METHODS: Thirty-six fasting and twenty-five control, healthy young male medical students of Tehran university with mean age of 24 5yrs have been volunteered to participate in the study. In both groups, components of complement system and the serum immunoglobulins (IgG,IgA,IgM) were measured by single radial immunodiffusion method. Specific antirubella immunoglobulin and total serum IgE concentration were also measured by ELISA method. All tests were performed twice, once before and next time at the end of the Ramadan month. RESULTS: There were not significant difference in serum IgG, IgA, IgM, C3c and C4 value following the fasting month in both groups. The ratio of gammaglobulin to total serum protein didnot alter. The concentration of total serum IgE significantly decreased in fasting group (P<0.05) while it showed no change in control group. The concentration of anti rubella IgG also showed no significant change. CONCLUSION: Regarding our study, it can be concluded that Ramadan fasting has no effect on humoral immune system. However, it causes significant decrease in concentration of serum IgE which has a reverse relationship with efficacy of cellular immune system. So, further evaluation is recommeuded to evalute effects of holly Ramadan fasting on cellular immune system.