The organization of dispersed villages is one of the efficient strategies in
development planning, and also the most pivotal model of spacial-Physical rural
regions. This strategy is based on two major aims of "optimization of places" and
"optimization of functions", and intended to present an optimized model of spacial
settlement of places and its commensuratefunctions.
Actually, the rural organization is possible through the recognition of rural regions
environmental, economic, social and spacial - physical structures, that through
analysis of these structures and functions; the population centers and the activities
of a collection of villages can be organized in a hierarchical system.
Thus, the rural settlements efficiency and activities output are optimized and their
development stepped up. The Zahedans Kurin rural district was studied on the
basis of the above - said strategy and after analysis of findings this region was
divided into operational domains in the light of different aspects of environmental,
economical, social and cultural and finally spacial - physical and other effective
elements. On the whole, four thoroughly specified areas (sarjangal, shoroo,
Doomak, Ghalabid) were found and determined. In the later analyses out of 417
rural areas of this region 35.9% were instable, 24.7% were stable, and at last 39.5%
were evaluated as static.
Finally, from the collection of organization models presented in this study, three
models "addition, merger, and at last development and equipment" of the regions
villages was paid more attention. Based on this trend, an addition center, two
merger centers and ten key centers which were prepared for development and
equipment, were specified and located. The status of detailed studies and performed
analyses are elaborated in the main body of the article.