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Rotated factor analysis (RFA) is a powerful tool for climatic regionalization and delineation of rainy regions.Using this technique, we detect three main precipitation regions with different mechanisms in Iran. The first and the most important rainy region runs along Caspian Sea coasts. Inthis region rainfall mainly occurs during summer and fall. The second region coincides with Zagros Ranges. Winter is the most rainy season in this region. The third rainy region of the country covers northwestern and northeastern parts of Iran with more precipitation in spring

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The Quaternary mapping of central North Iran has provided the first documentation of the loess deposits of the area. The loess is derived from the adjoining flood plains and has been transported by winds over relatively short distances at low altitudes. An accumulation rate of about 12 cm/1000 years has been assumed which implies that the investigatedNowdeh loess section, Mazandaran province, spans the last 208000 years. Paleoclmatic evidence indicates the loess of central North Iran was deposited under cold, dry and windy conditions interrupted by short, war~ periods represented by paleosol formation. The loess-paleosol sequence of the Nowdeh section corresponds to the Riss Glaciation, Riss-wilrm interglacial, wilrm Glaciation and the present interglacial. The reflection of world-wide paleoclimatic fluctuations in the loess record is demonstrated by a fairly good correlation with deep sea core data. Both the loesspaleosol stratigraphy and the reconstructed kd/cl (coarse silt/ clay ratio) curve seem to reflect the 20/000-year and the 100/000-yearcycles which, tentatively, permit the prediction that the inception of the next windy, cold and dry phase will be in approximately 6/000 years time, while its major peak will be in 56000 years time.

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گنجی محمدحسن

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    پیاپی 1
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بسیاری از اندیشمندان و متخصصین جغرافیا، علم خود را بررسی طبیعت (محیط زیست) و انسان (جوامع انسانی) و روابط بین این دو (جمیع فعالیت های انسان) تعریف می کنند و مدعی هستند که آنچه در محافل علمی و دانشگاهی می آموزند و آموزش می دهند مربوط به یکی از این سه پدیده یعنی محیط زیست، جوامع انسانی و روابط بین آن ها می شود. البته درباره ماهیت جغرافیا تعاریف زیادی عرضه شده و بحث هایی به عمل آمده، کتاب ها و مقالات زیادی نوشته شده و مکتب های فکری متعددی به وجود آمده و علم جغرافیا در یکی دو قرن اخیر توسعه زیادی پیدا کرده است به طوری که در ایران امروز ما، که اولین دانشگاه رسمی که حدود 70 سال پیش از (1314 هـ.ش.) تاسیس شده، در 54 مرکز آموزش عالی در سطح کارشناسی تدریس می شوند، در 17 دانشگاه برنامه کارشناسی ارشد اجرا می شود و در 8 دانشگاه امکانات تحصیل تا دکترا فراهم است ...

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The past three dicades can be considered as a period in which the fundamentals of scientific epistemology have been subjected to drastic revision.The dissemination of the general theory of systems in 1972, one year after the death of ludwing von Berthalanfi, the proposition of fuzzy logic by Zade, and the formulation of chaos theory in 1986 by Harison and Biswas all served to explode the myth that scientific thought was invulnerable. It is beyond dispute that the finalist and the dispensableness of causality characteristic of systems theory, the rejection by fuzzy logicians of scientific logic as a means of accounting for many multi-valued phenomena, and the nonconformity of a large number of events and modes of behaviour to scientific order in Chaos theory revealed one of the incontestable facts of our world: the inadequacy of scientific epistomology to analyse the behaviour and mechanism of certain phenomena. The endeavours made by researchers in scientific epistomology to endous events with systematicity have been predominantly geared towords gratifying the frenzy of predicting events and modes of behaviour. And this is exactly where chaos comes into the picture. For it points out the fact that, although such attempts have been fruitful in many cases, yet, not all events and modes of behaviour can be said to conform to scientific order, and that despite their predictability, linear predictions could hardly be regarded as a suitable solution in such cases. The concept of Chaos within geomorphology is primarily concerned with a systemic point of view and falls into the category of disequilibrium. And in the analyisis of many events and phenomena if this kind we wont be able to understand or explicate their underlying mechanisms without resorting to non-linear techiques, especially on a long time scale. This paper, which has resulted from the theoretical investigation of project based on the paraglicial sediment and glacial evidence on the Zagros-pishkoh to explain the elements of chaos theory and their compatibilitywith geomorphology.

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This article deals with the necessity of development in Iranian cities. First, todays Iranian cities problems and existing bottlenecks are indicated, then urbanization arenas and urban management, management aims in world today are investigated. The situation in which industrial countries municipalities overcame their problems, and the actions taken within their management arenas to step up the urbanization levels and solving cities problems are studied. Todays Iranian urban problems are briefly discussed. Finally, this problem is compared to theoretical foundations of urban managementprinciples and industrial countries municipalities methods of functioning the article concludes that urban managementshouldbe especializedanddevelopmentsbe carriedout,the necessity . of development in urban management organizations to improve social and economic structure is elaborated; and proposals are put forward to improve their situation.

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The methodologist scholars have classified researches in to two general groups: 1- quantitative researches and 2-qualitative researches. This article is aimed at considering the qualitative researches. Therefore, first important characteristic of qualitative researches and the improtant differences of such researches and quantative ones are studied. Then some examples of qualitative researches are discussed, and their major implementationsare presented. The results of this study are as follows: 1-The qualitative researches do not stand in a lower rank than quantitative researches from the importance point of view and the scientific structure of research. 2-The choice between a quantitative or qualitative research depends on numerous factors. The most important detenninant structure is the nature of the subject, the problem under study and the experience of the researcher. 3-Some of the kinds of quantitative research methods (as an example, the case and groUl1d research) can present deep and accurate information about phenomena and complicated organizations. Obtaining such information through quantitative researches is not possible. 4-ln most cases both kinds of quantitative and qualitative techniques can be used to increase internal and external feasibility t.e. the quantitative and qualitative research methods can complete each other. It is Auggested that quantitative research techniques and methods should be written more practical and more complete to strengthen their internal and external feasibility, and the credibility of such researches should increase in future.

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The organization of dispersed villages is one of the efficient strategies in development planning, and also the most pivotal model of spacial-Physical rural regions. This strategy is based on two major aims of "optimization of places" and "optimization of functions", and intended to present an optimized model of spacial settlement of places and its commensuratefunctions. Actually, the rural organization is possible through the recognition of rural regions environmental, economic, social and spacial - physical structures, that through analysis of these structures and functions; the population centers and the activities of a collection of villages can be organized in a hierarchical system. Thus, the rural settlements efficiency and activities output are optimized and their development stepped up. The Zahedans Kurin rural district was studied on the basis of the above - said strategy and after analysis of findings this region was divided into operational domains in the light of different aspects of environmental, economical, social and cultural and finally spacial - physical and other effective elements. On the whole, four thoroughly specified areas (sarjangal, shoroo, Doomak, Ghalabid) were found and determined. In the later analyses out of 417 rural areas of this region 35.9% were instable, 24.7% were stable, and at last 39.5% were evaluated as static. Finally, from the collection of organization models presented in this study, three models "addition, merger, and at last development and equipment" of the regions villages was paid more attention. Based on this trend, an addition center, two merger centers and ten key centers which were prepared for development and equipment, were specified and located. The status of detailed studies and performed analyses are elaborated in the main body of the article.

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    پیاپی 1
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نقشه برداری کواترنر در شمال مرکزی ایران اولین مدرک را از نهشته های منطقه فراهم نمود. این لس ها از دشت های سیلابی مجاور، ناشی شده به وسیله باد از فاصله نسبتاً کوتاهی از مناطق کم ارتفاع حمل شده اند. میزان تجمع لس در حدود 12 cm برای هر 1000 سال فرض شده است که به طور غیر مستقیم تشکیل مقطع لس های نوده (استان گلستان) را طی 208000 سال نشان می دهد. مدارک دیرینه اقلیم نشان می دهد که لس های شمال مرکزی ایران تحت شرایط سرد، خشک و بادی که به وسیله تشکیلات خاک های فسیل در دوره های گرم و کوتاه قطع شده اند نهشته شده اند توالی لس و خاک های فسیل در مقطع نوده با دوره های یخچالی ریس ـ وورم و دوره های بین یخچالی ریس ـ وورم و عصر بین یخچالی حاضر مطابقت دارد. بازتاب تغییرات وسیع جهانی دیرینه اقلیم شاهد لس، در یک مقایسه نسبتاً خوب با داده های مغزه ی دریای عمیق نشان داده می شود. هم چینه نگاری لس و خاک های فسیل و هم منحنی بازسازی شده kd.CL (نسبت سیلت درشت به رس) بازتابی از دوره های 20000 ساله و 100000 ساله را نشان می دهد که احتمال آغاز یک دوره بادی، سرد و خشک دیگر را می توان پیش بینی کرد که تقریباً در 6000 سال آینده رخ خواهد داد و حداکثر آن در 56000 سال خواهد بود.

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During the last decade, Balkan has been one of the dominant geopolitical issues in the international affaires.The recent problem in kosovo has an origin which dates back to the presence of the ottoman Empire in Balkan and it is considered as a part of a chain of conflicts existing for nearly five centuries. The Albanian people of kosovo try to restore their own cultural identity, and administrative independence. The central power in Belgrade is resisting to these tendencies, and as aresult; NATO carried out military operations for the first time after World war2.

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Basically, a citys settlement and foundation is dependent more than anything to environmental conditions and geographical occasion, it is because natural syndromes and phenomena have decisive impacts on localization, dispersion, influence domain, physical development and the cities urban morphology and the like which sometimes act as positive or negativeand detterent factors. When cities are being established, their natural environment dynamisms such as floods, earthquakes, winds, faults should be taken in to account; otherwise, cities will face difficulties in future. Thus, authorities should visualize such dire accidents prior to their happening while bulding cities. In addition to considering geomorphological studies as important, the job must be entrusted to specialists. It should be noted that in addition to geomorphologicalstudies, other geographical studies are extremely crucial in urban localization and lack of attention will have irreparable damages in future. This research is aimed at brief analysis of geomorphological phenomena and processes which are effective in cities localization,and urban, planners are warned for lack of due attention lo the said issues.

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The socio - cultural and economical changes deriving from 19th and 20thcentury modernism, have resulted the creation of megalopolises and city of regions which have caused the fundamental changes in the structure and their spacial - physical organization. Tehran with a little historical background has been rapidly developing compared to the others. This has resulted to a great change in its texture and structure, and has been introduced as megapolis or primat city which appears to be a communicative bridge to the external and internal world. This has affected the entire inner cities of the country and rural areas. This article attempts to study and analyse the ways of socio - cultural changes being derived from modern industrial revolution in the process of changes in Tehran.

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The peresent study deals with considering one of the effects of rural depopulation. Rural immigration enhanced leaving rural areas especially those villages with less than fifty persons which is due to lack of small units stability against immigration phenomenon. Emptying the villages of age pyramid and age structure of the poputalion by having a case study in some villages in Birjand, the present study analyzes the effects of depopulation on population structure. This study is part of the research entitled Depopulation and the procedure of Leaving Birjand villages which is done by the present researcher.

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