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Iran's borders as the communications' bottleneck and by having extra geopolitical capacities of economic, security, access, international and regional communications has the functions for creating power in the country, in which the lack of development and existence of welfare gap between the border cities and the central ones, which has created a kind of border, has increased the necessity of territorial planning of these areas. In this regard, the aim of this study was to evaluate the factors effective on Geo-economics and geopolitical conditions in border areas of South-East of the country and their effects on Territorial development and Spatial Planning. The research method is descriptiveanalytical method and the sample size is 85 experts and professionals people and sampling method is random and systematic, the indices for examination of geopolitical and Geo-economic factors of the province were 22 indicators of economical, social, political and cultural ones. Based on the findings of path analysis model, geo-economic variables with the value of 0.764 have the highest effect in reducing the regional dichotomy and decreasing the center/periphery gap, but the ethnic -cultural geopolitics' variables with value - 0.538 has had negative and decreasing effect on the province planning, which their greatest effect is through the direct effects. Meanwhile, the increase of ethnic tensions due to the incitement of extra regional powers and under the effect of proximity with the border leading to insecurity in the region and these factors destroy all the existing opportunities in the area in the field of economical development, and in the main body of this study, some strategies have been presented for optima territorial planning and development in the region.

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One of temperature status is high temperatures and occurrence of hot days. Surveying hot days and their atmospheric mechanism together with this event is an inevitable necessity regarding the importance of this temperature status. In the present paper, it is tried to recognize, classify and analyze the widespread hot days of Iran. For this purpose, two databases have been used in this study; Firstly, data base network of the state maximum temperature, these data are the outcome of interpolation of the beginning of 1961 up to the end of 2007. The second is atmospheric data including sea surface pressure (Hectopascal), zonal and meridian wind (M/S) and geopotential height (m). to study these data, an area between 10o of West longitude up to 120 ° of East longitude and 0° up to 80o of north Latitude was considered.During the statistical period, 1539 hot days have been identified. These days has been classified in to 4 categories by using cluster analysis. Analysis of atmospheric conditions together with these days showed that together with forming warm days, the regional low pressure and negative anomaly of pressure is possible in the country. So the wind direction from southern areas especially Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Africa in lower levels of the earth and even middle of the atmosphere, which is due to the height increase on Iran, has been observed. Surface and higher elevation heating has made the atmospheric sustainability, because the temperature difference of the two elevations and consequently the thermal vacation is decreased and stability of temperature status is expected.

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Vulnerability reduction against earthquake needs clear and targeted Plans and It necessitates an integrated approach regarding the dimensions and causes of vulnerability. So, this research is aimed to assess Iran 5-years development plans and answering to these questions: 1) Do Iran 5-years development plans have integrated approach to earthquake vulnerability? 2) What changes have happened in the approach of Iran 5-years development plans to vulnerability? for answering these questions, theoretical framework has made and two hypothesis offered. For testing hypothesis, at the framework of descriptive- analytical research method, the operational definition of "quality of the approach of development plans to vulnerability" offered in 4 dimensions, 16 indexes and 64 indicators, based on the Likert scaleand by SAW AND AHP methods. Data was gathered with library method. Analysis the data were done with quantitative and descriptive method. Results for confirming the first hypothesis suggested that the degree of socio- economic dimension of vulnerability is low and unsuitable in all plans. Also the degree of the participatory- cultural aspects is low and unsuitable. But, in contrast the degree of management- commandership aspects and technical-physical dimensions has increased strongly after the second plan. Results indicates the dominance of management, technical physical approach and lack of an integrated approach. Also, the results for approving the second hypothesis showed that the expanding of attention to disaster management and vulnerability reduction has increased quantitatively from the first plan up to the fifth plan, mostly in indexes related with management and technical- physical dimensions.

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The experience of centralized countries showed that one-side and subject view looking at the city will cause great problems. Removing such problems is possible through public supervision (responsiveness), collaborative action and promoting the efficiency level of urban functions. Good urban governing is suggested as the new approach of decision-making system and managing urban affairs and in fact is a process that is formed on one hand, according to interaction between organizations and official foundations of managing city and on the other hand private organizations and organizations of civil society.The purpose of the recent research is to measure the situation of indices of good urban governing and showing the role of facilitator of citizens in access to this great goal. The methodology is descriptiveanalytical one and by using SWOT and questionnaire, the position of the strategic program of good urban governing is analyzed. To this end, based on Cochran formula, 385 questionnaire of citizens and 32 questionnaire of the professionals and experts of municipality and city council were completed.The result showed that according to citizens, the best situation among indices of good governing belongs to the indices of strategic insight and partnership and according to experts, the best status belongs to receptiveness and answerability indices. The results obtained from SWOT analysis showed that governing status in Zahedan city is on defensive status among four statuses of invasive, conservative, competitive and defensive, procedures are as the following: Attraction of participation and attention to the people's view in preparing the plans and information about the details of plans, concentration on strategic thought and gathering local managers on implementation of urban integrated management and the necessity of coordination between organizations, special attention to environmental issues in the planning, attention to justice issues, equal access of the districts to the facilities and decreasing the created gap between the districts in this regard.

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Promoting social justice, optimal resource allocation, price fixing and improving income distribution are of the main objectives and Philosophy of existence of subsidies' payment in all countries of the world. Also in the fifth and sixth socio-economical development plan of Iran, the aim is that the government through targeting the obvious and hidden subsidies, pays the obtained resources of this policy to the goal groups. The purpose of this study is to recognize the impact of targeting subsides plan on the life of villagers of the central villages of Nurabad mamasani township. The research method is descriptive –analytical one and the necessary data was gathered through analyzing and distribution of questionnaire among the goal groups, The under study statistical community consisted of 4, 494 rural households in three villages of Nurabad township and the sample size was determined 353 households by using Cochran formula. According to the indices of the subject matter, 7 questions out of 15 questions were analyzed which were related to the impact of subsidies on changing consumption patterns in rural households. The results obtained from one-sample t-test indicate that by implementing the policy of targeted subsidies, a favorable trend has been created in the consumption pattern and such improvement is more obvious in poor and low income rural areas. Findings from field surveying and information obtained from the questionnaires and spatial analyzing by using Kernel density function and Hot spot analysis in GIS environment shows that improvement of consumption pattern and promoting the welfare of rural households in Jozar village is significant due to the productivity of its rural areas and less dependent on urban areas and the villages of Javid mahori and bakash Yek, due to their dependence and closing of rural households to Nurabad township and increase of costs, improvement of consumption patterns is not so meaningful and is evaluated as medium. Also it is determined that in the studied villages, the cash subsidies is useful and effective for those in need and poor rural communities, but for high-income groups is evaluated as average.

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The most fundamental concept of social life is security and societal security is the most important aspect of security. One factor that has a negative impact on societal security is drug smuggling in the community. This study sought to examine the impact of drug smuggling on societal security in Kerman province, which performed by descriptive and spatial analysis methods. The required data collected by library method. They gathered from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Statistics Center of Iran and Kerman Province’s Applied Research Office of police commander. Societal insecurity indicators such as the rate of armed robbery, robbery rape, kidnapping and murder with the amount of drugs seized and drug smuggling territory between 2007-2011 according to Kerman province is studied. It is used to analyze data from SPSS software for computing coefficient Of correlation of research variables and Arc GIS software for computing and spatial analysis by method of Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation and without weighted linear Combination (WLC). The results show that the townships of eastern half of Kerman province that are the areas under the influence of drug smuggling to smuggle drugs into the province and the country are more untoward than townships of the western half of the state societal security. This means that areas of drug smuggling have more societal insecurity and security crimes than other areas.

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Public spaces are among the important variables which affect on the citizens' satisfaction. The main objective of this study is the review and recognition of effective factors and indicators relevant with the favorability and satisfaction of public spaces by emphasis on the women's view. Based on the findings and results, it is a surveying study of district No.4 of Isfahan city and by using indicator making technique, some indicators were extracted for measuring the satisfaction rate of citizens about the under study area for women. This study from nature and method point of view is based on descriptive-analytical approach and from the objective view is of applied –developmental one. The research method is a combination of library-field one and the data were gathered through questionnaires and the statistical society comprises of women over 15 years in the public spaces of district No.4, Isfahan. Using factor analysis, 5 factors of the 27 indicators were extracted that all had a special value of over 1 and define a total of 68.50 percent of the variance. Regarding the obtained results, it can be said that environmental security components with correlation coefficient of 0.876, safety with coefficient 0.819, environment cleanness with coefficient 0.827, sense of belonging and dependency on place of coefficient 0.814 and the space beauty of coefficient 0.806 are the most important factors of satisfaction in public spaces of the city from the view point of women and were recognized as the most important factors ion citizens' satisfaction.

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Green spaces and parks are one of recreational services and in particular as one of the important uses that deal with large urban populations which include significant levels of city area are facing problems such as shortage, Inappropriate distribution of the population needs and so on. Now the purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution of green spaces and parks in the city of Piranshahr and how to organize appropriately. The research method is Cross-sectional. To analyze and classify information ANP, AHP models and network analysis model is used and to perform this operation ARC/GIS, Super Decisions software are used. The result of the analysis indicates that green space in the city of Piranshahr in terms of compatibility with other users and also in terms of access, is inappropriate.Then with combination of different effective layers, the final map of the optimal areas for construction of urban parks were developed and recommended.

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Considering the importance of passive design of buildings to reduce energy consumption in new global approach, understanding how local architectural patterns work to decrease pressure on the natural environment caused by the new construction operations and attempt to revive such patterns in the Iranian architecture seems to be necessary. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the central courtyard of houses at Qajar era, Shiraz by relying on the rate of received solar radiation and shadow effect on radiation. In this regard, this study will answer these questions that What is the effect of registered Qajar era houses on the amount of solar radiation? And what is the effect of length, width and height on the rate of shadow and received radiation? This research method is a combination of the study case studies and field research and the data collection method is of field observations and library documents. In this study, some of the registered houses of Qajar era have been studied as a case and then were analyzed. Then the results were issued by analytical description, inference and their classification. The results show that the best angle of solar radiation receipt at the northern side of the central courtyard of Qajar era houses, is the angle of 25 degrees to the north.

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The most reliable method for simulation of climatic changes in the future, based on the climatic changes is the use of General Circulation Models (GCMs) which are of large scales which needs to be downscaled. In this study, the daily temperature and precipitation data gathered in the Uremia synoptic station, located in the north west part of Iran, 1971- 2000, were used to be inserted in the fine-scale climate Input Software, DSM. Considering the two A2 and B2 scenarios for statistical period of2000-2099, the temperature will increase by 0.45 and 0.35° C and rainfall will increase by10% and 9%, respectively in the future.At the end of the study and under these scenarios, both the flow rate of the river and the conditions of the floods on the surface of the catchment were estimated for the future period. It was performed using the predicted precipitation and temperature data gathered from the local model and the runoff patterns of the Nazloochaei River within the base period as well as the artificial dynamic neural networks.These estimates suggested that the river runoff during the next period under the above dispersion scenarios increased by 48 and 49%.

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In most of developing countries, the tendency of programmers to spatial decentralization, reduction of regional inequalities and urban and rural duality in recent decades has led to adopt different strategies in this regard. One of the most important of such strategies is changing the central villages in to city and their physical development and promotion of their position in the hierarchy of the settlement network. In Iran and in many villages, rural people with the aim of accelerating the development of their settlements, persists on changing their villages to city. But this subject that such changes has caused the improvement of the citizens' life quality is an issue which in this article, is reviewed about Banvareh city in Kermanshah province. Method of this research is applied and surveying type.Statistical population of the research is all heads of households in Banvareh city. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's statistic and a total of 250 people were randomly selected and questionares were completed. Content validity of questionnaire, was evaluated according to the views of academics and experts. Reliability of the questionnaire in the four economic, social - cultural, physical -environmental and ecological scales were reviewed and approved by using Cronbach's alpha. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and Chi-square and t-tests were used. The results show that quality life in the under study settlements in spatial-physical aspect is equal to 01.523, environmental 01.906, economical 1.916 and social –cultural equal to 1.952 in Likert scale (zero to five). Based on the findings of t test, the single variable of tests in all cases (except of social and cultural aspect) is at a high reliability level of 99% and the difference between the real amount and the assumed figure is negative, on the other words, changing Banvareh village to city has not improved the condition of the residents in the said aspects. Also based on the one way analysis of variance test results, improvement of the quality life in social-cultural aspect has been classified in the best condition and in other aspects were classified in the second group. In total, the results show that changing village into city has numerous benefits for the residents, especially in the economic dimension, has had some social and physical services, but a large number of negative consequences has imposed on the residents and On the other hand, due to the high expectations of residents, according to respondents, in general changing village to city has not caused the improvement of the life quality of the residents of the new agropolitans.

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Morphological study of Tabriz north fault indicates the high rate of tectonic activity along this fault.The indices calculated for Tabriz north fault confirms this fault’s activity aswell. Tabriz fault with approximate length of 97 km has formed of two main parts (the northern part and the southern part).The changes of geomorphologic indices value along Tabriz north fault show difference in the behavior of this fault along itself. This difference of behavior impacts on geomorphologic behavior of this fault’s surrounding areas and creates different landscapes along this fault and also at its north and west part. Based on the difference in behavior of Tabriz north fault, it is separable in to three parts.So that, at the northern part of Tabriz north fault, a gentle up rise and tectonic activities at the northern block of this fault and lack of tectonic activities and up rise at its southern block can be observed. The southern part of this fault also shows different behavior along itself, i.e. at a length of southern part of the fault which extends from north of Tabriz airport up to the south part of Baghmishe town. At the northern block of Tabriz fault, a gentle rate of up rise and tectonic activities is observed.While, at a length of the southern part of the fault which extends from Baghmishe town up to Bostan abad town, we observe tectonic activities and up rising at the south block of this fault and low rate of up rising and tectonic activities at the its northern block.

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