The success of any project depends on the satisfaction of the people using the scheme. Mehr housing project was one of the most extensive urban housing projects in the history of Iran's housing plan However, the satisfaction rate of residents of these plans has been less studied. However, this research has evaluated the satisfaction degree of inhabitants from the residential environment quality in Mehr housing in Ovshib and Mehre Velayat complexes of Babol city. The study method was descriptive-analytical and the data collection method was documentary and survey using questionnaires. To analyze of data, SPSS software was used.The research society consisted of 600 husbandmen who were living in the settlements with their families.According to Cochrane formula, sample size was estimated to be 360. The analysis of data was made by using SPSS software and statistical methods such as Chi-square test, Pearson correlation analysis and t-test one sample was conducted. This process can be divided in two parts; the first part of the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of individual variable with satisfaction that here the relationship between marital status and gender (nominal variables) with the satisfaction of using the chi-square test square has been done and the relationship between three variables of age, and income facility (continuous variables) and satisfaction was assessed using Pearson correlation test. The second part examines the satisfaction of residents from their location to be explored. The statistical methods used in this section, single-sample T-test is. Chi-square test results show that the relation between sex and marital status of satisfaction with residential units, there is a significant relationship. Also, the results of Pearson correlation analysis, shows that the relationship between age and average monthly income with the consent of the residential complex, is significant. On the other hand, one-sample t-test results showed that satisfaction was moderate people from their residential complex. So that, residents of the environmental dimension, lighting and ventilation, security, physical characteristics, and other parameters relative satisfaction (average) are. Thus, most measures of satisfaction of residential units are located at the intermediate level and the satisfaction of residents of housing complexes Babol moderate (3.33) is calculated and the results are significant factors are high at 99%. Finally, the results of independent t test to compare two Maher residential complexes show significant differences does not exist in terms of housing satisfaction level in the Ovshib and Mehre Velayat complexes of Babol city.