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Any kind of form is formed within the geographical perspectives associated with social processes. Ecological and spatial segregation within the cities have different reasons, including social, racial and economic specifications. symbolic consumerism which is a kind of lifestyle, makes the people with similar tastes to gather in affluent areas of the cities and thereby creates a specific characteristic to their own living place which prevents the entry of people with different life styles in to their neighborhoods. This study aims to investigate the relationship between symbolic consumerism and ecological segregation in Tabriz city in two separate neighborhoods of Kooye Ferdovs and Valiasr. The main research question is that "whether there is a relationship between the symbolic consumerism and ecological segregation? The present research from the nature point of view is of quantitative research type with analytical- descriptive method which surveying method was used for finding proper answers to the questions. For statistical analysis, Pearson correlation test and for independence test of two samples, Mann-Whitney U test has been used.Due to the nature of the research is a quantitative research is descriptive and analytical method which has been used to find answers to questions. For statistical analysis, Pearson correlation test and Mann-Whitney U test was used to test the independence of two apart. The number of the selected sample for Kooye Valiasr was 350 people and for Kooye Ferdovs was 150 people. The results relevant with correlation test shows that there exists a positive correlation with coefficient 0.623 between the symbolic consumerism and ecological segregation. The obtained results of regression analysis shows that 39% of the cause of segregation can be found in consumerism. The obtained results of the two independent samples show that although these two societies have no difference from the view point of brand loyalty and willingness to segregation but the tendency to luxury oriented and use of luxury goods and social reasons and their views and approaches toward each other is different and the same has caused that a group select Valiasr neighborhood and the other one select Ferdovs neighborhood as the brand for segregation.

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Urban sustainable development is a form of urban development that can be continued without causing any destruction to resources and systems that depends on it. Increasing trend of urban population and growth of cities necessitates the attention to how control the development of the cities with program and move along the principles of sustainable development. In fact, appropriate urban Sustainable development will be realized when the land to be used in appropriate with its capabilities.The aim of this Research is evaluating the Land Suitability of Ahvaz city for urban development.. This study in terms of goal is an applied one and in terms of research method is descriptive – analytical one. Firstly the appropriate layers have been normalized in ARC GIS environment and considering that the nature of the research is decision-making and selection of suitable lands, Multi-criteria decision-making methods were used. Thus 15 considered Criteria were completed by using Fuzzy Dematel technique questionnaire by 15 members of the experts of spatial planning and urban planning field and the weights of criteria was calculated in Excel software, then the calculated weights was multiplied to each layers. Finally, the TOPSIS technique was implemented in ARCGIS and the layers were overlapped together and prioritization map has been presented for urban development in Ahwaz County. The area of priorities is given as follows: the first priority is 54975 Hectare, the Second priority is 250168 Hectare, The third priority 75367 Hectare, the fourth priority 44658 Hectare, and Fifth priority is 3642 Hectare. The first priority is located in southern parts, the southwest and northeastern and more of its area is in the wastelands.

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Rural guide plans are provided and implemented to provide the situation for development of rural areas. The main objective of the rural guide plans is to organize the rural texture and organizing all the activities that are performed in the villages. Locating the land uses in rural guide plans should be done in a way that will not diminish with passage of time or changes shall be minor and ensure the sustainability of rural development. On this basis, all the organized and regular activities which have been made for organizing and rehabilitation of physical environment of rural settlements have been considered by planners. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the satisfaction of rural communities with regard to locating the proposed uses of rural guide plan in the sample villages of Khanmirza. The present study is of applied one from the view point of aim and based on nature is of analytical–descriptive one The data obtained through the questionnaire with a sample size of 316 people in five rural settlements in which five years have been passed from the implementation of Guide Plans in them. The apparent reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach' s alpha coefficient (0.854) was approved. The data analysis was performed using SPSS software. The research findings indicate that locating the proposed uses in guide plans has the most compatible with the requirements of rural communities. In contrast, the value of t-statistic for social and economic dimensions is 3.2 and 2.7 respectively, which indicates a lack of proper attention to the social and economical indicators is in preparing and conducting projects.

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In the era of globalization of economy, metropolises play an important role in countries development, especially in developing countries. Today, metropolises by entering into the global cities network have access to the world-wide capital markets, advanced technologies, tourism and trade and thereby the background of economic and social dynamic is provided. The Aim of this research is to prove this theory that the planning and efforts of urban managers particularly metropolises for connecting to the global cities network was a step in the development of cities. Due to the benefits of this network, including the flow of foreign capitals, production technologies and facilitating the exchange and export of manufactured and produced goods in to the world markets, major parts of the present problems and challenges can be solved. In this regard, this research has considered the relationship between the rank of the global city and the rate of their stability. In order to study this relationship, the results of Taylor and his colleagues study about determining and ranking the global cities have been used. Firstly 16 cities among the world cities of the both groups of developing countries and developed countries as well as Tehran metropolis was selected and then the status of economical, social, environmental and physical indicators of these cities were extracted and was ranked using TOPSIS model. At the final stage the rank of their sustainability was compared with the rank of their global city. The results show that the cities with high ranking and position among in the ranking of global cities equally have higher stability. Meanwhile Tehran metropolis also had the least privilege and evidence of globalization in the rankings of Taylor, has the less rank of stability. Also, the results of correlation test between globalization variable and sustainability is a positive significant coefficient 0.54 which implies a positive and significant relation between globalization of city and urban sustainable development.

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The aim of this study is to examine the factors effective on formation and evolution of alluvial fans at the southern slopes of Joghatay mountains at the West Sabzevar in Khorasan Razavi province. To achieve the above objective, firstly the limit of 25 of the basins and alluvial fans by using the maps, aerial photography and with help of software GIS were identified. And using some geomorphic indicators the effective processes were analyzed. the used indices in this study are as the following: The ratio of valley floor width to Valley's depth (Vf), Gradient along the river (SL), Basin shape ratio (BS), Topography symmetry Factor transverse (T), Catchment asymmetry index (Af), Mountain front sinuosity (Smf), Mountain Front Alignment of indicator shrinkage (Fd), Integral index over the facade (Hi), and Iat index which provides an average of the results of the above indices. The results of the study indicate that 71.5 percent of the indexs introduce the region from tectonic point of view as active up to semi-active region. This issue is showed also in Iat index that is obtained from other indicators. On the basis of this index, 4% of the areas (West Sarough) have a very high active tectonic condition 56% of basins have high tectonic condition And 40% of areas have a medium tectonic condition. So all indicators confirm the role of tectonic factors on the development of alluvial fans. In addition, the emergence of relatively large alluvial at the end of some small basins confirm this issue. After this, the effect of common factors including litho logy and tectonic with respect to the nature of active faults in the region can be mentioned, Including the active thrust faults that thrusting soft sediments and marl Pliocene and Eocene flysch units on the hard and Pliocene conglomerate. And has had a great impact have on the provision of sediment and development of alluvial fans in this area. In addition, in some cases through creating blocking hills, divert the main channel of the river from its previous path And has created multi-sectoral, asymmetric and sliced fans. Thus it can be said in the development of alluvial fans of the area, tectonic factor is the most important one and then is the litho logical factor And the study findings show that there is a high correlation between the feedign basin area with the alluvial fan areas.

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Universe has been increasingly vulnerable to the risks. Identification and reduction of vulnerability of the cities, especially in Iran in which cities have old and heterogeneous tissue, is of great significance. In recent years, the active institutes and agencies in the field of disaster reduction, have concentrated their activities on reaching a resilient society against disasters. the purpose of this study is the evaluation and estimation of the amount of resiliency in Kerman city without considering any kind of risk. For this purpose, among 400 experts overlooking the condition of the city, 40 of them has been chosen as sample by stratified random sampling considering expertise and occupation. The stability of the used data has been evaluated by Cronbach alpha of 0.942. In the order to reach this goal, descriptive- analytical research method was used based on the analysis of questionnaire among experts. And in order for data analysis, it has been used of statistical methods of mean, mode average, K-S test, on sample T-test and step by regression. The results of statistical analysis show that according to the experts the resiliency of Kerman city in every dimensions and elements is lower than the desired level. In a way that the calculated resiliency of total society is 2.62 lower than the basis 3. Finally based on regression test, among the resiliency dimensions of Kerman city, the institutional- management dimension with B coefficient of 0.282 has had the most impression on resiliency dimension, environment- skeletal dimension, social and economic dimension with B coefficient of 0.259, 0.230, 0.226 and at last economical dimension with B coefficient of 0.216 have had the most share in resiliency of Kerman city.

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Nowadays with the development of media use in the daily life, we are witnessing the formation of new generation with new lifestyles. In this modern world, there are different lifestyles, which has been of interest to scholars because attention to this issue arising from the social and cultural developments that has specified the contribution of each women and men in different areas. The lifestyle of men and women in the context of the modern world has been faced with a lot of changes. Thus the aim of this study was to gender analysis of lifestyle and its influencing factors among villagers of Zanjan Township which is conducted through a survey method. The population of this study consisted of rural residents in Zanjan Township (active population of 10 years and above) that by using Bartlett et al., (2001) Table, 250 respondents were selected and data were collected using a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS20 and AMOS20 soft wares. The results showed that the relationship between the media environment and lifestyle was positive but non-significant for men (b-0.020, r-0.827) where this relationship was negative and significant for women (b-0.405, r-0.008). Therefore the moderation effect of gender on the relationship between media and lifestyle is confirmed. Also, the results show that the social environment has a significant positive effect on the life style for both men (b-0.331, r-0.000) and women (b-0.335, r-0.030) that due to the same direction and significant of the relationship for both groups the moderator assumption of gender on this relation is not confirmed. In addition, this results about the effect of the economic environment on the lifestyle for women and men showed that the effect of the economic environment on the lifestyle for men was positive and significant (b-0.365, r-0.000) but for women was non-significant (b-0.127, r-0.361), that in this relationship also due to its significance for one group but insignificant for other, the assumption of gender moderating on the relationship between these two variables is approved.

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The existing countries in geopolitics space of the world has always changed through out the history and will change. In this relation, there exists a set of deformation forces in the geopolitics of the world which continuous the changing and transformation trend. In relation with this changing, Isostays or parity between the opposite political- geographical forces shall be considered, that this parity along with separation or unifying is resulting from the movement factor. Also opposing forces in the political geography science with including 500 personnel are classified with the names such as symbolism, circulation, centrifugal, dispersion and central tendency and based on the findings of this study are classified as Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization. Although the main approach of this study is of realistic type and its main attention is toward the governments' acting besides the other sub-national and trans national actors but nationalism is one of the main deformation and transformation forces which enables the condition for creation of new countries.Globalization, geopolitical realities and power relationships are the other conditions which facilitates this creation. The method of this study is of descriptive- analytical one and is trying to answer this main question that if new countries are added to the political map of the world or not? The findings of this study show that there is a power named reterritorialization in political geography which determines and defines the space, rules and orders of our world in upcoming years and pave the road for creation and appearance of new countries in the political space of the world.

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Temperature is one of the important climatic elements which may be influenced by various geographical factors. Accordingly, investigating about this element can be helpful in order to discover the effects of those factors. The purpose of current study is to investigate the pattern of the regions with similar gradient of annual temperature changes in Iran. Thus, annual temperature of all Iran's territory was adopted for 50 years.Our findings showed that the gradient of annual temperature of Iran can be classified in to five major regions which contains high, moderate, low and increasing, stationary and decreasing trends. Region 1: with high increasing trends; region 2: with moderate increasing trends; region 3: with decreasing trends; region 4: with low increasing trends and finally region 5: with severe increasing trends. Our findings showed that all reigns, except for the third one which showed a decreasing trend, experienced an increasing trend by different values. Investigation of spatial distribution of these regions showed a tempo-spatial patterns over the regions which indicated that the regions are influenced by local factors, such as elevations. The representative pixels of each region was selected by using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique, and ARIMA modeling was conducted for representative of each region of similar gradient of changes. The findings showed that the dominant pattern on the cell temperature of each region was so simple. According to the models, temperature in all regions followed stochastic terms of one to two previous years. For instance, two models, including ARIMA (1, 0, 1), and ARIMA (0, 1, 1) were the best models which fitted on annual temperature of regions with decreasing and increasing trends respectively.

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Development of tourism has many direct and indirect economical, social, cultural and environmental advantages for the host community and plays an important role in shaping the pattern of development; but on the other hand, such an approach rises some concerns about the threats facing the environment and natural, cultural and historical heritage of local residents on the part of tourists. That’s why today sustainable tourism is regarded as a new concept to deal with the negative effects of tourism development in the context of sustainable development programs in order to protect the environment of touristic areas. Due to the severe impact of behavior of tourists on the environment, this study attempts to investigate the effect of subjective attitudinal and demographic variables in explaining environmental behaviors of tourists. For this purpose, 230 questionnaires were distributed randomly among the tourists visiting Zarivar Lake in Marivan from which 200 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The results indicated that there is no significant relationship between gender, age and length of stay on one hand and environmental behavior of tourists on the other. The results also showed a significant relationship between the level of education, the means of travel and type of accommodation on the environmental behavior of visitors. Moreover, stepwise regression analysis revealed that environmental concerns and education have the most impact on the dependent variable. In other words, higher education level and higher environmental concerns of tourists causes more environment-friendly behaviors in them.

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The phenomenon of sprawl, physical development with low population density, unplanned and scattered which through unlimited expansion in the neighboring areas are mostly determined as the natural value of the city and In recent years, it has changed to one of the main challenges of the spatial development of the cities through out the world. In this respect, the present research with the purpose of planning for dealing with sprawl phenomenon in the metropolitan area of Shiraz, intends through identifying the effective drivers to propose a comprehensive and integrated framework. The main selected method of this study which is considered as explanative research type is intended to identify the effective causal relationships on the occurrence of sprawl phenomenon are statistical method based on the path analysis together with spatial analysis methods including Holdern and ANN. The used data are of secondary type data and in a form of time series, in which some of the population and housing censuses of Iran Statistical Center and a part of comprehensive projects, urban community and Shiraz area have been used. Findings of the made analyses show that the rate of the occurred sprawl has a direct relationship with the distance from shiraz metropolitan.The study of the indices and drivers effective on the occurrence of sprawl phenomenon in Shiraz metropolitan area indicates that unlike the great number of the studied experiences, the factor of land per capita is not the main factor and " population growth" resulting from occupational chances, higher relative family income, development policies of low price housing around Shiraz metropolitan city in the form of various residential cities are considered as the main factors. Also the attraction of creative population due to the development of knowledge based economy and also progress of information and communication Technology infrastructures strategy has had a diverse effect on the occurrence of sprawl phenomenon. Urban development based on automobile has also intensified this phenomenon through excitation of urban dispersion in valuable natural and rural areas. Based on the final recommendations of this article regarding facing with sprawl phenomenon, unilateral dependence on common strategies like building density and infill development plan and consequently decreasing the land use per capita are not lonely effective, but considering the role of identified factors in programming priorities and resources allocation simultaneously with respect to the established casual relationship between them is necessary.

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View 1997

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Addressing the concept of rural development is as a process in which the status of rural communities should be promoted in every dimension: ecological, social, economical, environmental, institutional-managerial and physical-spatial.; and in relation with urban and other areas, it should provide the possibility of achieving regional and national balances. Since rural population of Iran comprises 30 percent of the total population of the country, therefore, any economical-social movements of such population at the regional and national level, can affect various subjects. Thus, considering the importance of rural development at the large-scale level, the present study, at a micro-scale level, aims to establish the role and impact of government’s policies during two recent decades in rural development of villages located in Ghaemshahr City with physical- spatial approach. Generally, it’s a comparative study of the role of effects and physical-spatial operations in rural development planning. The present research is functional in terms of purpose; it is empirical in terms of nature; it is descriptive-exploratory survey in terms of the method of collecting data; and finally it is analytical. The main issue is to identify government’s policies of physical-spatial approach at the regional and national level and also the policies toward rural development during two recent decades (The second to fifth development programs). And also it tries to determine what effects and results do such spatial- physical approach and associated policies have on rural areas. Finally, it proposes solutions for the improvement of rural areas and rural development. The research results reveal that, as compared with other planning, the fifth planning succeeded in the field of physical-spatial; policies like; retrofitting, upgrading, and rural guide plans.

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Large-scale landslides, especially those that block rivers, are among the most dangerous natural phenomena in mountainous regions all over the world. Occurrence of the world's biggest landslide in the Kabirkuh and on the way of Seymareh and Kashkan rivers blocked rivers and formed Seymareh and Jaydar dam lakes. The aim of this research which is an applied-developmental research and which is conducted using observational, historical and analytical methods is to reconstruct the dam lakes caused by Seymareh landslide occurrence and also to determine the age of them utilizing thermo luminescence techniques in order to determine the date of the occurrence of Seymareh landslide and formation of the lakes. Field studies using physical and conceptual tools together with laboratory methods have led to recognize four staged stalactites slips in the Kabirkuh and the subsequent formation of four lakes in the area of Seymareh valley and a single-stage lake within the Kashkan valley. The findings based on dating of eight samples from the surface and floor of Seymareh and Jaydar lakes using Thermo luminescence shows that the occurrence date of the Seymareh landslide and primary formation of of Seymareh lake is 85000 years ago.The second Seymareh Lake formed 16500 years ago, the third one formed 10500 years ago and the fourth lake formed 10100 years ago. Therefore, Seymareh Valley has been exposed to consecutive landslides from 85000 to 10000 years ago. Jaydar lake sediments dating suggest that the formation of Jaydar Lake coincided with the occurrence of the main Seymareh landslide in about 85000 years ago and its evacuation in about 5000 years ago. Thus, Jaydar Lake has been lasted for about 80000 years.

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The success of any project depends on the satisfaction of the people using the scheme. Mehr housing project was one of the most extensive urban housing projects in the history of Iran's housing plan However, the satisfaction rate of residents of these plans has been less studied. However, this research has evaluated the satisfaction degree of inhabitants from the residential environment quality in Mehr housing in Ovshib and Mehre Velayat complexes of Babol city. The study method was descriptive-analytical and the data collection method was documentary and survey using questionnaires. To analyze of data, SPSS software was used.The research society consisted of 600 husbandmen who were living in the settlements with their families.According to Cochrane formula, sample size was estimated to be 360. The analysis of data was made by using SPSS software and statistical methods such as Chi-square test, Pearson correlation analysis and t-test one sample was conducted. This process can be divided in two parts; the first part of the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics of individual variable with satisfaction that here the relationship between marital status and gender (nominal variables) with the satisfaction of using the chi-square test square has been done and the relationship between three variables of age, and income facility (continuous variables) and satisfaction was assessed using Pearson correlation test. The second part examines the satisfaction of residents from their location to be explored. The statistical methods used in this section, single-sample T-test is. Chi-square test results show that the relation between sex and marital status of satisfaction with residential units, there is a significant relationship. Also, the results of Pearson correlation analysis, shows that the relationship between age and average monthly income with the consent of the residential complex, is significant. On the other hand, one-sample t-test results showed that satisfaction was moderate people from their residential complex. So that, residents of the environmental dimension, lighting and ventilation, security, physical characteristics, and other parameters relative satisfaction (average) are. Thus, most measures of satisfaction of residential units are located at the intermediate level and the satisfaction of residents of housing complexes Babol moderate (3.33) is calculated and the results are significant factors are high at 99%. Finally, the results of independent t test to compare two Maher residential complexes show significant differences does not exist in terms of housing satisfaction level in the Ovshib and Mehre Velayat complexes of Babol city.

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