Preeclampsia is a major unsolved obstetrical problem and a contributor to maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of preeclampsia and its correlation to maternal and fetal complications in women referred to Emam Sajjad hospital of Yasuj for delivery or termination of pregnancy. The study was carried out on 1000 women who delivered from summer to autumn of 2001 in that hospital. Data were collected by performing interviews and physical examinations from women in order to recognize signs and symptoms of preeclampsia with regard to relevant labratory test results.Prevalance of preeclampsia was found to be 5.4%.The rate of maternal and fetal complications in preeclamptic women were significantly higher in comparison with others who delivered in the same period and included: abruptio placentae (14.8%) Cesarian section (29.6%), eclampsia (9.2%), preterm labor (30.2%), lowbirth weight (23.5%), stillbirth (11.1%), fetal distress (27.8%) and low Apgar score (22.2%), (P<0.0001). Maternal age over 35 years old, maternal diabetes and history of preeclampsia in previous pregnancies were risk factors for preeclampsia in this study. Considering the above findings, the prevalence of preeclampsia in our study was in the same range as that reported from other parts of the world .Since the maternal and fetal complications of preeclampsia in the study area is significant, therefore mothers with preeclampsia have to be identified early by promoting prenatal care in local heath centers.