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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


ارمغان دانش

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: Injuries are an important health problem among children.Statistics show that children under 16 year old constitue 20%-30% of the persons admitted to general hospital and emergency departments. Cousidering the importance of injuries and its varying trend in cities and periods, this descriptive studies was conducted to investingate the injuries among children admitted to emergency department of Shahid Beheshti hospital in Yasuj in 1378. Materials & Methods: Data collected from the given questionnare contained about case, age, sex, diagnosis, admission data, duration of Methods staying in emergency department till discharing transferring to either another department or city, and expiration was recorded. Collected data were analysed statiscally using SPSS software.Results: Our results show that of 115 injured children the megarity (680.9%)were boys and 59.9% of them were between 7-12 years of age. Most frequent injury was found to be head injury(40.7%).The incidence of injuries was higher in summer in compare with other seasons(38.4%).The average duration of admission in hospital for all injured children was 22.64±2.24 hours of working shift and 91% of the injured cases were discharged directly from emergency department to were? The most specialists which were found to be needed for treatment of injured children were neuro surgen (47.6%), orthoped (18%) and general surgen (10.8%).Conclusion: It is recommended that while giving enoug Public instructions about prevention of injuries in children the necessary facilities for a center of injuries in the province be given.

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: Having reliable information about causes of mortality is a necessity for health planning and control of diseases in society. This study is performed to determine the causes of morality in patients refer to Shahid Beheshti and Imam Sajad hospitals in 1380. Materials & Methods: Subject of this study were 227 patients that died in Behashti hospital and Emam Sajad hospital in 1380.The means of this study was a questionnaire filled up with necessary information like cause of death, age, sex, season and time of hospitalization.Results: According to this study higher level of mortality was for ages above 65 years. The most common cause of death is cardiovascular disease. This study showed that mortality rate in men is more than women. Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death.Conclusion: Relation between age and cause of death is the most problem, so for increase of life expectancy decrease in cardiovascular disease and trauma and risk factor for any disease is necessary.

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: Paying attention to health and education of todays children, Can guarantee the future of the society. Since school children constitute a big portion of the population, paying attention to their health in school is an absolute requirement. This article is an attempt to study the result of health examination of children who were to enter first grade elementary school in Yasuj and Gachsaran. The aim was to promote the quality of school health through more efficient planning. Materials & Methods: This study is of descriptive type in which the results of medical examination of 2846 children, who were due to enter first grade in academic year 1379-80,are reviewed. The examination was carried out by Gps in Yasuj and Gachsaran. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS. Results: The means of height and weight were 113-8 ± 4.9 and 18.47 ± 3.36, respectively. The means among boys were greater than girls. The means of primary and permanent dental decay were %3.6 ± 3.2 and %0.12 ± 0.38, respectively. Both were seen to be greater in Yasuj than Gachsaran. Disorders seen were an follows: Visual 8.8%, hearing 2.4%, nail biting 1.9%, dysphasia 1.2%, enuresis 3.6%, aggressiveness 1.2%, depression 1.2%, Iron deficiency anemia 6.3% and parasite infestation 11.83%. The polio vaccine was the most incompletely received vaccine with 7.64%.The rate of incomplete courses of vaccination or zero vaccination. Was higher in Yasuj than in Gachsaran. The highest frequency of diseases in this population belonged to Fauvism, Febrile convulsion Epilepsy, Goiter, Cardio vascular diseases, thalassemia and asthma. Conclusion: The low weights of children in this study, as compared with the established percentile standards and similar studies are indicating of malnutrition of our population. Also, considering the existing common disease in the region, proper planning for early diagnosis and treatment seems to be urgent.

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: One of the main duties of the faculty members of universities is research which, in addition to solving many of the social difficulties and problems, can play a great role in their promotion and tenur. The faculty members, however, postpone this main obligation and occasionally, their promotion and tenur is deferred for this very reason. Thus, the researchers performed the present study in order to investigate the related barriers. This study aimed at determining the viewpoints of the faculty members of Yasuj universities with regard to the present obstacles to research activities.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in 1381, The viewpoints of faculty members of Yasuj Universities with regard to the research barriers were collected employing a questionnaire consisting of individual and official obstacles to research activities. These barriers were provided on the basis of valid scientific sources and likert scale. Then the collected data were analyzed using SPSS software and statistical tests such as X2 and Fishers exact test. Results: The faculty members reported the personal barriers of lack of time and great occupation, and lack of interest in research as the most and the least barriers to research respectively .They also reported such official barriers as lack of facilities and equipment, and the undue official regulations as the most and the least research barriers respectively .This study revealed a significant relationship between the subjects research scores and the personal and official research barriers(P<0/01). Conclusion: Results of this study necessitate the removal of these barriers by the research officials of the universities. That is, more possibilities and equipment should be provided for the faculty members and the undue regulations should be reduced as much as possible. It is also recommended that the number of credits that the members have to offer during each term be reduced.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: Consanguinity marriages can increase the probability of single gene disease and multifactorial disorders in offspring. One of the important factors in consanguinity marriages is the attitude of persons to this type of marriages. In the present study, the attitude of high school girls in Shiraz (south of Iran) about the effects of consanguinity on health of offspring was investigated.Materials & Methods: Using cluster random sampling 996 high school girls extended the study and data collection was done by questionnaire. Results: Of 996 girls, 13.8 percent believed that consanguinity marriages had no threat to offspring. Another 40.7 percent believed that consanguinity marriages may be harmful for offspring and 45.5 percent believed that consanguinity marriages are safe and do not threat the health of offspring. After adjustment for confounding variables such as level of parental education, study filed the partial correlation coefficient between response of high school girls and degree of parental relationship was calculated. The estimated correlation coefficient was statistically significant (r= - 0.1266, df=876, P<0.001). Conclusion: The present study shows that high school girls who are the product of consanguinity marriages themselves more commonly believe that this type of marriages are not harmful for offspring.

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: Hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus are the most common chronic diseases and due to their high thrapeutic cost and disabilities, they have high economic burden on Governments. So their on time and rapid diagnosis and correct management are highly important. Thus we assessed scientific knowledge of general physicians about hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus in Jahrom. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was done in Jahrom. (Jahrom is in Fars and it has a medical school). Subjects of the study consisted of 36 general physicians. A questionnaire was used for data collection which included such variables as sex of respondents, the year of graduation, the university where they have graduated from and their workplaces. Then we analyzed the data with SPSS software and the statistcal techniques of student- t test and chi-square test.Results: The knowledge of general physicians about diagnosis and management of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus was not related to the mentioned variables. The mean scores of the general physicians' knowledge were 5.8 out of 13 and 6.68 out of 12, respectively. Their knowledge about diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus was 7.89 out of 14 and 8.31 out of 12, respectively. Chi-square test did not reveal any relationship between the general physicians knowledge and the sex of respondents, the year of graduation, the university they have graduated from and their workplaces.Conclusion: Results of this study indicated that there was a deficiency in teaching these common diseases (hypertension and diabetes mellitus) to medical students. Therefore there is a need for the revision of the educational programs to medical students and offer of continuous medical education to general physicians about these common diseases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: Leishmaniasis is one of the zoonotic and six tropical diseases which WHO had recommended its study and investigation. Each year 300 million of people are exposed to disease and 12 million are infected with this disease. Materials & Methods: In this disease the scar was investigated in 4 seasons, 6 age groups, 2 sexes (male and female) and 8 villages. In home-to-home and school surveys a total of 960 individuals of different age groups were studied. The frequency of number of sores in different age groups and individuals with different sore number range, sore percent on different parts of the body, Analysis of variance of sore number medium in age groups and also in various seasons and villages, correlation of sore number with age increase carried out by Kendall coefficient, comparison of sore number medium in two sexes by t-test and Chi -square, are Analytic testes in this study.Results: The age groups 5-9 and >25 had the most and the least number of sores, respectively. (10.76 , 0.88) Most of tested individuals had 0-2 of sores and the most percentage of sores was observed on legs (35.4%). Sore number medium in different age groups showed meaningful difference in one-way Analysis of variance (p<0.005), but there was not any meaningful difference in sore number medium in seasons (p = 0.41) and villages (p = 0.99). Correlation Kendalls tau coefficient showed negative correlation between sore number and age increase (p = -0.46). on the other hand, the t-test did not show any meaningful difference between sore number medium in sexes (x2=1.15 , P=0.76). The above result was not meaningful either by Ki-square.Conclusion: The age groups 5-9 and 10-13 are the most susceptible age groups to leishmaniasis and in reality this disease is more prevalent among Elementary students. In most of people the number of sores was few and on the whole, the most percentage of sores was observed on the legs. It seems that, duo to their participation in agricultural activities in villages, females are infected with this disease to the same extent as males. These sores are present throughout the year, therefore, there is not a meaningful difference in sore number medium in different seasons of the year.

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction & Objective: Ice cream is a Frozen product that is made of suitable creaem and other dairy products, sugar, and flavoring agents. It also can contain stablizer and color agents. Nowadays, 80-90% of ice cream in the world is made of solely dairy products and vegetable fats. Since the traditional producers of ice cream are numerous, thus the consumption of ice cream is very high in the summer. Because of the importance of the subject an, epidemiological study has conducted to screen ice cream on the basis of microbiological contents and hygienic processes , and to determine the regulations of Iranian food and drug administration ( article 13). Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive - analytic and time - dependent study that all traditional ice cream producers and distributors are screened randomly in Yasuj . The 13th article of Iranian FDA is related to hygienic and technical rules and this article studies them. All producers and distributors are screened regularly during one week .Samples are collected and transferred to reference lab according to hygienic procedures. The samples are tested according to the national standards such as E .coli, coliform, salmonella, Aureus bacillus, Saph. aureus. 70% of the producers and distributors had contaminations. In order to determine the source of the contaminations, samples of raw materials, milk, water, containers, during transportation, workers hands are taken. All data are collected and input to computer using spss soft ware, and findings are analized.Results: 70% of the samples had microbial contaminations. The sources of contamination were produced, transferred and held by containers and workers hands. Working places are infected by coliform (80%), E. coli (50%), Staph. aureus (40%), serus bacillus (10%) and Salmonelli (0%) The whole Samples were contaminated by coliform (51.5%), E. coli (17% ), Staph. aureus (28.6%) , serus bacillus (1.5 %) and Salmonella (%). 50% of workers had no hygienic card. 70% of producing Pcenters were not protected against insects and had grooves on the walls.There was a meaningful and significant relation between in crease of workers experience and decrease of contamination retes. According to Fischer test, there was meaningful relation between those workers had high school diploma and those who did not. Conclusion: According to the study, producing and holding containers were contaminated up to 100% by Coliform. Workers and containers were contaminated 71.4% and 52.1% by E.Coli respectively holding containers 57.1 %, workers hands 45.4 %, producing containers 14.3% and carring containers zero percent Water and milk had no microbial contaminations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Armaghane Danesh

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Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the benchmark of the motor neuron disorders. ALS encompasses two conditions: progressive bulbar palsy and progressive atrophy.The classic from of ALS is the most prevalent motor neuron disease. The incidence of ALS is approximately 1.6 to 2.4 cases per 100000 population, but this varies with age. The mean age of onset is 55 years old. Distal asymmetrical weakness commonly develops as the early symptom, which is limited to only one limb. The disease progresses rapidly to affect the muscles of the trunk and those innervated by the cranial nerves. Sensation is generally spared. The diagnosis of ALS is based on the presence of a progressive disorder with the characteristic combination of upper and lower motor neuron involvement and confirmed by electro-diagnostic studies.Case: The patient is a man, 54 years old, who referred with progressive weakness and atrophy in right and left upper limbs begun 3 years and 4 months ago, respectively. In physical examination, manual muscle testing of right and left upper limb muscles were 1/5 and 3-4/5 respectively, Normal sensation and gait, muscle stretch reflexes of upper and lower limbs were 0.2 and 3/2 , positive Babinski and Hoffman reflexes and tongue fasciculations were observed. There was mild spasticity in his lower limbs. MRIs of brain and cervical spin were normal. In nerve conduction study, amplitude of compound muscle action potential of upper limbs decreased or was absent and in needle electromyography there were denervation in tested upper limbs muscles and fasciculations in tongue muscles. Conclusion: Diagnosis of motor neuron diseases results in appropriate treatment and prevention of unnecessary procedures of diagnosis.

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