Background: Family environment is the first place in which child may recognize his potentialities and talents and tries to raise those potentialities. If family fails to provide the child with an appropriate situation to grow and evolve his character, he may develop the basis of social delinquencies. All kinds of crimes may form in the family. Studies show family as a social factor and character as an inner factor can create the grounds for the criminal behavior. The present study tries to investigate the psychological and personality factors learning people to run away from their homes.Materials and methods: The present survey is a descriptive- analytical study. The cases were selected by census method. All the women and girls who were kept in the intervening centers were studied during one year. A two-section questionnaire containing demographic, family characteristics as well as the standard questionnaire named SCL 90 was used for data collection. The questionnaire was completed using clinical interview. The data was analyzed using SPSS software.Results: Among 73 cases participated in the study, 37.5% was under 20 years, 91.7% was housewife and 58.3% had elementary education, 58 % was of those who migrated from villages to towns. Most of them were among the mid born of the families. 36% had imprisonment, 30.6% had substance abuse, and 63.9% was among those who had previous crime records. 46.3% of the married ones mentioned compulsory marriage as the cause of leaving their homes. 41.7% had a bad economic situation. 25% of the children were criminal. 54.2% had challenges and disputes with parents which they mentioned this as the cause of leaving their homes. 46.3% of the participants had Phobia, 64.3% had psychotism, 83.5% had hypochondrias is, 90.4% had obsessive compulsive, and 82.8% had depression, 84.9 % anxiety, 68.6% was aggressive, 41% paranoid and 56.2% had supportive problems.Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between leaving homes and variables such as challenges with parents, compulsory marriages, parents’ education and unemployment. Also there is a significant relationship between personal and emotional characteristics and running away from home.