Purpose: This was a quasi-experimental clinical trial study carried out in the emergency room of Ali asghar Hospital of Boushehr city in 1999. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of therapeutic touch before venipuncture on the anxiety level of school-age children.Materials and Methods: Twenty patients were selected for each of the case, placebo and control groups using acceidental and accessible sampling methods with the chareteristics of samples (e.g. age, sex, ...) being matched in the three groups. Before the veipuncture in the case group therapeutic touch was used fer 10 minutes, in the placebo group speech and behavioral suggestion was used for 10 minutes, and in the control group no intervention was used except the presence of investigator over the same period of time. In all of the three groups the level of anxiety was measured by the vital sign chart (pulse, respiration, blood pressure and oral temperature), the behavioral symptom check list consisting of 9 objects ranged from 0 to 3, and the face anxiety exam scale of children filled by a colleague, before and after the intervention.Result & Discussion: Data analysis with chi square showed that demographic factors were similar in the three groups (p>0.05). Comparision of the level of anxiety before and after the therapeutic touch between the case and control groups by the ANOV A test indicated a significant difference (p<0.0001).Therefore, the first hypothesis of this research stating that "the level of anxiety in school age children will decrease after the therapeutic touch" is accepted. In addition, comparison of the anxiety level, before and after the touch, between the case and placebo by the ANOV A test indicated a significant difference (p<0.000l). Therefore, the second hypothesis of this research stating that "the level of anxiety of children will decrease after the theraputic touch" is also accepted. It is therefore recommended that the therapeutic touch, as an attentive technique, can be used to decrease the level of anxiety before the venipuncture in school age children.