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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease produced by the death of dopaminergic neurons, and the response to current treatments is varied. It is important to develop a model for the evaluation of ES cells as an alternative model for treatment.Materials and Methods: The model for PD was developed in rats. First, ES cells were transplanted into experimental models in three groups: treated by RA, non-treated by RA and transfected by BDNF gene; the fourth group received culture media. Then the ability of the cells to improve Parkinson's disease was evaluated.The cells were labeled by Brdu. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations were done at day 5, and behavioral evaluation was carried out at week 8th after transplantation.Results: At day 15, histological evaluation by H&E and crystal violet stainings indicated that the transplanted cells had differentiated into neural cells and integrated into the host tissue. Examination of transplanted cells with the electron microscope showed, neurons and oligodendrocyte. In addition, the Immunohistochemical result was positive for tyrosine hydroxylase, which is an important marker for. dopaminergic neurons, and confirmed the differentiation of transplanted cells to dopaminergic neurons. At day 5, the embryonic stem cells that were labeled with Brdu and expressed SSEA1 antigen were detected in the transplantation area. At week 8th after transplantation, the results of histological and Immunohistochemical investigation were confirmed by behavioral test, indicating improvement in three groups, i.e., treated by RA, non-treated by RA and transected by BDNF gene when compared with the control group.Conclusion: Our results indicated that CCE embryonic stem cells are an appropriate cell line for transfection and differentiation to dopaminergic neurons, which can be used for research based on cell and gene therapy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: Differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into Insulin secreting endocrine cells. Materials and Methods: In this study, Royan B1 mouse embryonic stem cell (derived from C57BL/6 mouse) were used. In directed differentiation method, embryonicstem cells after embryoid bodies formation were differentiated into insulin secreting cells. Nestin positive cells were obtained after culture in selection medium. In final stage, these cells were expanded in the presence of bFGF, followed by addition of Nicotinamid to promote differentiation of insulin- secreting cells.Cells were assayed by immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and insulin secreting assay with Radio-Immuno assay kit.Results: Analysis of differentiated cells immunocytochemistry showed that these cells can be insulin, Glucagon, somatostatin and polypeptide pancreatic. RT-PCR reaction demonstrated the expression of insulin and Glucogon genes. Differentiated cells secreted insulin in response to Glucose, but no significance difference in insulin concentration was observed when concentration of glucose was increased.Conclusion: Results of this study showed that mouse embryonic stem cells can differentiated into insulin-secreting cells. But it seems that these cells aren't real beta-cell.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The Present study was designed to investigate the OT effects on differentiation of P19 carcinoma cell line into cardiomyocytes.Materials and Methods: P19 carcinoma cell line were cultivated in hanging drops for 2 days to form aggregates termed embryoid bodies (EBs) and in suspension for 5 days. The EBs was treated with oxytocin hormone and DMSO. The EBs were then plated onto gelatin- coated tissue culture dishes, and monitored microscopically daily for the presence of contracting areas, as well as the distribution of the timing of onset of spontaneous beating and beating frequency per minute was evaluated for each EBs. Cells from the spontaneously contracting areas within EBs were stained with anti  a- actinin, anti-desmin, and anti-cardiac troponin I in 21- day- old EBS.Results: Spontaneously contracting areas appeared in most of the EBs of OT and DMSO groups in 7+3 and 7+5 day, respectively. Immunohistological analysis showed that the harvested cardiomyocytes were stained positively with all of and bodies and displayed many features characteristic of native cardiomyocytes. Conclusion: These results indicate that oxytocin hormone can induce differentiation of P19 carcinoma cells to cardimoyocytes, but the exact mechanism of this process is unclear. Thus, the OT-OTR system can play an important role in cardiogenesis even in vitro.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: This study designed to examine polarized culture of epithelial cells from human ovidutc and their ultrastracture under polarizing condition.Materials and Methods: The human oviduct was obtained from patients having undergone total hysterectomy and epithelial cells were isolated using collagenase type I. The epithelial cells were either cultured on ECM (Extracellular matrix) Gel coated millipore filter inserts or polysteren plastic surface as polarized or non-polarized culture respectively. Epithelial nature of the cells was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Both cultured cells (polarized and non-polarized) and oviductal mocusa were prepared for TEM (Transmission electron microscopy) and embeded using either routin procedure (polarized cells and oviduct mocusa) or flat embedding technique (non-polarized cells).Results: The cells cultured on plastic surface were morphologically different as compared to those existed in oviduct mocusa. These cells were appeard spindle shape in the microscopic sections and in contrast to in vivo state, no tight junction were observed between adjacent cells. The epithelial cells cultured on ECM-Gel, similar to cells in oviduct mocusa were columnar in shape with basally located nucleuose, apical microvilli and tight Junction between the cells. Observing of the sections revealed some differences between ECM-Gel cultured and in vivo cells in term of ciliated cells, nuclear euchromatin, amaunt of mithochondira and the presence of lipid droplets.Conclusion: The epithelial cells of human oviduct cultured on ECM-Gel could maintain polarity but their ultrastructure were not as same as that from oviduct tissue, perphas due to the some factors exsited in vivo but not in our culture condition such as stromal cells and hormonal factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: This study is designed to determine the sexual dimorphism pattern in volume of the cerebral hemispheres and lateral ventricles in schizophrenia using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to compare it with normal sexual dimorphism pattern in healthy brains.Materials and Methods: This study is performed on 29 healthy volunteers (21 males, 8 females) and 29 patients suffered from schizophrenia (21 males, 8 females) after exact psychiatric examinations based on DSM-IV criteria. Males and females in each group were in the same age. The brains of patients and controls serially sectioned in full coronal series of 1.5 mm thickness by a 1.5 tesla MRI. The volumes of whole brain, hemispheres, and lateral ventricles and the ventricular - Brain Ratios (VBRs) were estimated by Cavalieri's principle. Finally the sex difference for each parameter was evaluated by t-student and non – parametrical Mann- Whitney tests.Results: The volumes of the whole brain and each of its hemispheres were significantly smaller in healthy females than those males (P<0.005). The volume of the right ventricle was also smaller in healthy females than those males (P<0.05). The volume of both lateral ventricles was tended to be smaller in females than males (0.05<P <0.1). However, the volume of the left ventricle was similar between two sexes in healthy controls. In schizophrenics, the volume of the whole brain and each of its hemispheres were significantly smaller in females than males (P < 0.005), but there were not any significant sex difference in ventricular volumes. VBRs were similar between two sexes in healthy controls. In schizophrenics, the- VBRL and the YBRW were significantly higher in females than males.Conclusion: The lateral ventricular volumes, particularly in left, are larger in schizophrenic females than those males. On the other word, since the VBRL and the VBRw are higher in schizophrenic females than those males, it is concluded that the internal cerebral atrophy in schizophrenia is more severe in females than males, particularly in the left hemisphere.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The circle of willis is responsible for blood supply of brain, which may suffer from anatomical variations. These disturbances can lead to aneurysm or even arterial rupture. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anatomical structure of the cerebral arteries forming the circle of willis in adult cadavers. Also, cerebral versus non- cerebral versus non-cerebral arterial walls were studied using light microscopy.Materials and Methods: A total of 57 brains from normal adult cadavers were studied and arterial variations of hyperplasia, multiplications, aplasia and common trunk between two arteries were put into consideration. Seven vessels of anterior, middle, posterior, anterior communicating, posterior communicating, vertebral, and basilar arteries were studied. Also, cross section of cerebral (MCA) and non-cerebral arterial walls were made using microtome and stained with hemotoxyline-eosin.Results: The results showed that 19 cases (33.3%) of arteries forming willis were abnormal and the most common variation was noticed in posterior cerebral artery which was a branch of internal carotid rather than basilar artery. In addition, 22 cases had only one anomaly and the rest showed more than one anomaly. The microscopic results showed that cerebral vessels were lacking external elastic membrane and vasa vasorum.Conclusion: With the presence of variations in circle of Willis of adult brains, especially in posterior circulation, evaluation of cerebrovascular variations in regards to clinical status of the patients is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: we previously reported that maternal valproic acid (VA) administration during rat pregnancy produced CNS defect ranely, syringomyelia. Furthermore, it seems that administration of valproic acid during critical period of pregnancy may affect on development of other embryonic skeletal portion such as craniofacial region. The goal of our study was to determine whether there is a relationship between maternal valproic acid exposure and craniofacial defects.Materials and Methods: In this study 3 groups pregnant wistar rats were received single dose of 800mg/kg VA on either 9th-11th days of gestation. The control groups were treated with the same volume of physiological serum at the same periods. For teratological studies, fetuses were examined on day 18th of gestation and histochemichal studies in craniofacial region were carried out.Results: However various malformations were observed among different experimental groups but the most important finding was craniofacial defects, such as cleft palate, hypoplasy of mandible microphtalmia among fetuses in group 2 (63%) in comparison to experimental groups 1 (18%) and 3 (16%). Histological study of craniofacial defects, showed some of abnormalities in components of face such as palatine processes and mandible.Conclusion: Among gestational days, these findings suggest that day 10th of rat pregnancy is critical period for face formation. Any teratogens such as VA may interfere with developmental phenomena which result in spectrum of craniofacial defects in mouse and probably in human.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: Survey of protective effects of Ghazzayaghi (Falcaria vulgaris) extract against ethanol-induced peptic ulcer in rat.Materials and Methods: Thirty-five young male rats (NMRI); 200-250gr weight divided in to five groups (7 Rats/group), the groups were treated with: distilled water 10kg in Control negative group, 50mg/kg ranitidine in control positives group, and three case groups were treated with 50, 100, 150-mg/kg extract by gavages, all groups were treated with 50% ethanol (10 mg/kg), and after one hour, all rat were killed and dissected. The stomach cut in greater curvatures and ulcer index was defined. Then, the stomachs were fixed and after tissue processing, 5-6, mm sections prepared for H.E staining and histological study and microscopic ulcer index.Results: 70% ethanol extracts of Gazzayaghi with 50,100mg/kg body weight, significantly (P<0.05) decreased stomach ulcer index, and curative ratio for 50,100,150mg/kg were 55.9%, 76.9% and 80.25% respectively. Microscopic ulcer index with this three doses were reduced significantly (P<0.05) and curative ratio were 53.52%, 69.48% and 83.82% respectively.Conclusion: The plant extracts have effective protective effect against gastric ulcer induced by ethanol.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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