Background and purpose: Research findings suggest a day-to-day increase in the rate of suicide particularly among the youth. Recognizing the risk factors and taking measures to control them seem essential and this study was conducted to this purpose among patients admitted to Sabzevar Hospital who attempted to commit suicide.Methods and materials: The study is a deh1ive study and the study population was cases of suicide at Vase'ee Emergency clinic in Sabzevar Iran from which 106 cases were selected through convenient non-probability sampling. Clinical interviews were done by a psychiatrist; interviews were conducted with other family members of the cases in order to shape a clear picture of cases' personal social and economic characteristics. Throughout the interviews a checklist of intended variables was filled out. The study data were analyzed using Chi-square in SPSS.Results: In the present study, 106 cases (49.1% male and 50.9% female) with a mean age of 24.8±8.4 years were studied. The prevalence of suicide risk factors were 63.2% singleness, mental disorders (41.5%) with depression being the most prevalent (28.3%), conjugal conflicts (15%), drug-dependence (14.2%), family problems (12.3%), physical disorders (8.5%), unemployment(6.6%), stressful events such as loss of a close relative (6.86%), educational problems (3.8%) and divorce (2.8%).Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study the risk factors contributing to suicide in Sabzevar Iran may include adolescence and beginning of adulthood mental disorders conjugal conflicts family problems unemployment educational failure marital disagreement having lost a close kinsman and disappointment.