Background and purpose: Due to economic and biological, evacuation of the protein quality in food substances is of great importance. Therefore, biological, microbiological, chemical land combinational methods have been introduced and used to determine protein quality, among which suggested appropriate methods include net protein ratio (NPR), relative NPR, true protein digestibility (TPD) and protein efficacy ratio (PER). Regarding the importance of protein quality, particularly in low income families, this study was conducted in 2006 (1385) to compare the protein value of wheat-based cerelac (commercial) and Mixed Noodle-Soybean (domestic food) in rats.Methods and Materials: This experimental study was conducted on 64 male wistar rats of 21-day age, divided into eight groups receiving eight varying diets: 4 diets including cases (commercial and domestic baby food), standard (casein + Methionine) and basal (protein free) to investigate NPR, RNPR and PER and 4 diets to investigate TPD. NPR investigation lasted 14 days. To calculate NPR, protein intake and weight gain were determined in rats. TPD investigation took 9 days, and to calculate TPD, nitrogen intake and fecal nitrogen were determined. PER was investigated in 28 days and to calculate it, protein intake and weight change were observed in rats. NPR, RNPR, TPD and PER for the casein + Methionie group with 2 commercial and 2 domestic baby food samples were analyzed using Hest.Results: for casein + Methionine, Cerelac and domestic food group, respectively we found NPRs 4.3±0.4, 4.3±0.9 and 3.6±0.2 TPDs 92.8±4, 87±8 ; 88.5±4.1; PERs 3±0.2, 2.5±0.4 and 2.9±0.2. Also, difference of NPR and TPD were not significant across the two groups but that of PER was significant.Conclusion: According to the findings, NPR of the domestic noodles + soybean food is lower than commercial cerelac but acceptable. Also, its PER and TPD are higher.