In order to investigate the effect of drought stress on grain yield and chlorophyll, in Rapeseed cultivars a field experiment was conducted as split-plot arrenged in a Randomized Complete Block Design(CRBD) with four replication of karaj in 2002/03. There were two factors, Irrigation at two levels as main factors (80 percent of evaportation, as control, and drought stress from started stem elongation stage) and cultivars in 10 levels: Sarigol, Goliath, Heros, Comet, Amica, Sw 5001, Crackerjack,Eagle, Wildcat, Sw hotshot, as sub factor. Results showed that no significant difference on grain yield beetween cultivars, irrigation levels, and interaction effects. The maximum number of seed in the main branches pod (25.75), chlorophyll ratio (2.29 a/b) and chlorophyll percent (%69.33) belonged to Amica (p<0.05). Maximum total chlorophyll, chlorophyll b (1.37 mg/g.fw) and Chlorophyll a (1.56 mg/g.fw) belonged to Swhotshot (p<0.05). Interaction effect of irrigation levels and cultivars showed that on Irrigation condition, maximum percent of chlorophyll a (72.23%) and chlorophyll ratio (2.73 a/b), belonged to Heros.Swhotshot had maximum chollorophyll content and chollorophyll b in drought stress. Also Heros had maximum chlorophyll a (1.63 mg/g.fw) and grain yield (3830 kg/ha), in the same condition relationship to other cultivars, that maybe had a better adaptation to the drought stress.