Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the cognitive and neuropsychological functions as well as neurological soft signs in patients with obsession. Method: In this cross-sectional analytical study, 46 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (21 obsessive patients with depressive symptoms, 25 obsessive patients without depressive symptoms) and 25 normal subjects matched with regard to age, sex, education, marital status and IQ, were selected. Using clinical tests for obsession and depression (BDI-II, MOCI, CAC), neuropsychological tests (BD, WMS, TOH, WCST) and neurological tests (EHI, NES), three assessments were applied. Results: The difference between the OCD group and the normal control group was significant in clinical tests for obsession and neuropsychological tests; but no significant difference was found with regard to psychological soft signs. Also, in classifying obsessive patients into depressive and non-depressive groups, no significant statistical difference was found with regard to neuropsychological tests (except WMS) and neurological tests (except sensory integration). Conclusion: The OCD and normal groups are different with regard to neuropsychological characteristics; and orbitofrontal circuits are probably involved in the development, persistence, and/or deterioration of these signs in OCD. However, in instances of interaction of depression and obsession, deciding on the above characteristics according to the applied tests is difficult and needs more precise and general methods.