Background : In recent years, the widespread use of microwave producing instruments specially cell phones; result in growing concern regarding the possible effects associated with these waves on human health especially pregnant woman and neonates. In present study, we investigated the genotoxic effects of cell phone radiation on the mice (Balb/C) and their offspring.Materials and Method : In this experimental research, pregnant mice were irradiated with cell phone for 4 days of gestational age (days 14th -18th, 6h per day, from 9am until 3pm) and after litter, 2nd -day offspring studied for morphology, weight and CR length. By following, for assessment of possible genetic damages in erythrocytes after bleeding from heart, smears of spleen tissue prepeard for histological studies. Mice peripheral blood and bone marrow smears prepared and stained with May-Granowald and Gimsa.Results : The finding in experimental group indicated that cell phone radiation decreased offsprings’ weight and CR length (p<0.001). Megakaryocytes in marrow (p =0.02) and red blood cells in spleen (p =0.03) were increased but were not shown any changes in lymphocytes (p>0.05).An increase in micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood erythrocytes were seen in experimental newborn (p =0.006) and adult mice (p<0.001) but we did not found any change in the frequency of micronuclei in adult mice bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes (p>0.05).Conclusion: Above findings indicated that cell phone radiation (940 MHZ) are able to increase the frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood erythrocytes of adult mice and their of fsprings and induce a genotoxic response.