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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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نقص پروتئین آلفا یک آنتی تریپسین (AATD) برای اولین بار در سال 1962 در یکی از بیمارستان های شهر مالمو سوئیس کشف گردید. این کشف بر اساس الکتروفورز سلولز استات سرم افرادی بود که در اثر بیماری شدید ریوی به پزشک مراجعه می کردند که باند آلفا در الگوی الکتروفورزی آنها دچار کاهش شدید بود. با مطالعات بیشتر اریکسون، لورل و فاگرول نام این پروتئین را آلفا یک آنتی تریپسین (AAT) نهادند. با مطالعات بیشتر مشخص گردید که ژن AAT به صورت هم بارز به ارث می رسد. با پیشرفت روش ها در علوم پزشکی الکتروفورز کانونی (IEF) جانشین الکتروفورز سلولز استات شد و هم اکنون برای تعیین فنوتیپ های این پروتئین بکار می رود.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: In serious competitions in order to keep the acquired fitness, athletes are advised to reduce the exercise intensity before starting the races. This technique is called taper. The purpose of this study was to compare four usual procedures of Taper and effect of them on the Hematological responses by measuring Vo2 max, hematological and biochemical factors. Methods and materials: Sixty semi professional athletes, 20 to 35 years old with Vo2 max between 30-45 three milts/kg/min were selected. Exercises were in three stages and took for eight weeks. In the first stage, which lastd for 4 weeks athletes did moderate intensity exercise three days a week and 30 minutes a day. Second stage started after the first stage with vigorous exercise three days a week and 45 minutes a day that lasted for two weeks. In the third stage taper, the subjects were randomly divided into four groups. The program of the first group was two days week and exercise intensity so was done with 85%, 75%, 65% and 55% of maximum exercise intensity. Second group program was two days a week exercise with 50% of maximum exercise intensity. The third group program was two days a week exercise with gradual reduction of exercise intensity. The fourth group had only rest. At second and sixth weeks after doing progressive exercise and taper, blood samples were taken from the cases and were sent to a reliable diagnosis lab.Results: Collected data from different taper methods were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and no significant difference between biochemical factors (P>0.05) was seen but the data showed a significant difference among Vo2 max values after using theses methods (P=0.04). In addition, there was significant difference in hemoglobin, hematocrit, M.C.H, M.V.C, platelets, W.B.C and Vo2 max when measured in second week, sixth week and later on Taper (P<0.05).Conclusions: According to the results of this study, taper III has a considerable effect on semi professional Hematological responses.

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Background: Stroke is a major cause of death and disability in all societies and the disability resulting from stroke most commonly presents as hemiplegia or hemiparesis. The purpose of this study was to determine postural control and balance problems in hemiparetic patients and the effects of functional, balance and strengthening exercises protocol (FBS) in treatment of these impairments. Methods and materials: This clinical trial was performed in Kahrizak charity foundation in 1382. Thirty-four hemiparetic patients secondary to stroke with a mean ± SD age of 52.41 ± 6.19 years participated in the study through simple non-probability sampling. All patients were screened to ensure that their time since onset of stroke was at least 12 months. Patients were assigned randomly to either an experimental group or a control group, and their balance were assessed using balance part of functional, balance and strength scale (FBSS) before and after 12 sessions of intervention. The experimental group received FBS protocol. The control group received all FBS protocol except for strengthening exercises. In parametric data independent and paired t-tests and in nonparametric data Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests allowed for comparisons between the pretreatment and post treatment test results between and within groups, respectively.Results: Index of total balance in the experimental group increased from 53.3 ± 8.1 to 70.5 ± 6.3 (ordinal) (P<0.0001). Index of total balance in the control group increased from 48.4 ± 8.5 to 52.9 ± 7.2 (ordinal) (P<0.0001). Significant improvement (P<0.0001) after treatment was seen in the experimental group in measures of total balance index compared to control group. The Mann-Whitney test also identified a significant difference (P<0.0001) between the experimental group and the control group with respect to mean difference of total balance variable scores.Conclusions: The results of this study support the effectiveness of muscle strength training to improve postural control and balance in the chronic stages of rehabilitation following stroke.

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Background: The application of cold is the most common treatment of traumatic soft tissue injuries in order to decrease bleeding and swelling, but the appropriate time without existing of reactive vasodilatation is not clear.Methods and materials: The survey was performed to detect the reactive vasodilatation and to measure the skin impedance after 20-minutes cold gel pack application.Results: 70 healthy people (39 males & 31 females) with mean age of 24.81±3.41 were evaluated. Cold gel pack was applied to anterior aspect of their forearms for 20 minutes. The current intensity of skin was recorded by digital multi meter, before, during & after the cold application. Then skin impedance was calculated by Ohms rule. Statistical analyses of the data were done with paired T-test.Significant increase was found in skin impedance before and after cold application. That this increase was noted during the first 15 minutes after cold gel application, reactive vasodilatation during 20 minutes cold gel pack application was not observed.Conclusions: These finding revealed that 20- minutes cold gel pack application decreased in blood volume, therefore the clinical use of cold on this time can reduce in local circulation such as in the management of acute-phase soft tissue trauma.

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Background: Blood exchange is one of therauputic methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. But this method has some complications. One of these complications is hypocalcemia. In some studies, for avoiding from this problem, calcium gluconate injection is recomm ended. But in some studies there was any important difference between calcium treated group and the group without calcium prescription.Due to lack of documented evidences about prevalence of this complication, this study was conducted to compare the result of using calcium gluconate injection in the incidence of hypocalcemia and hyper calcemia.Methods and materials: For this purpose in a randomized controlled clinical trial in Ali_ Asghar pediatric hospital in Zahedan, 40 hyperbilirubin neonates that were hospitalized for blood exchange came into this study. These patients were randomized in two groups so that they were adjusted in terms and preterm delivery. For 22 patients, 1 ml of calcium glucdnate%10 was injected in each 100 ml exchanged blood and for 18 patients (control group), calcium injection wasn’t been done. Calcium serum level was tested before, immediately after and 6 hours after blood exchange in all patients. Data analysis was been done by means of fishers exact test, Chi_ Square and Binomial test.Results: In calcium treated patients, hypocalcaemia wasn’t being present after blood exchange. But in non _ calcium treated patients hypo calcemia was seen in 4 cases(%22.4) after blood exchange (P<0.013). All of these 4 cases were preterm. In calcium treated patients hypocalcaemia had a significant increase after exchange especially in term neonates (P<0.028).Conclusions: On the base of these results, in preterm neonates, calcium gluconate injection after blood transfusion exchange is recommended. But this procedure isn’t necessary in term newborns because may result in hyper calcemia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Labor pain is one of the most sever pain which only the females experience it. In all of the countries continuous epidural analgesia is known as the most reliable and safe method. In spite of this there are some concerns about the effects of analgesia on mother and fetus hence avoiding this technique in Iran. This article undertaken to show the effects of continuous segmental epidural analgesia on the labor process.Methods and materials: This study is a randomized clinical trial undertaken in Kermanshah UMSHS. Study conducted on 90 primipara cases ranging between 17-30 years old age which randomly allocated in two case and control groups. Segmental epidural block with bupivacaine combined with sufentanil was conducted in the study group. Data collected with check list and analized with SPSS software. Differences of labor duration in the first and second phases was compared with t-test, any unwanted cesarean section due to dystopia or fetal distress with exact Fischer test, apgar scores of newborns in two groups with corrected K square test aby use of devices for delivery with K square test and quality of analgesia was measured with visual analog score (VAS).Results: In this study labor duration in two groups for first and second stages showed no significant difference (P<0.05), also unwanted sectarian section, use of vacuum or forceps and first minute apgar scores of nweborns didnt show any significant differences. Complete analgesia (VAS=0) obtained in 97.8% of cases and remaining 2.2% experienced partial analgesia (VAS≤2). Conclusions: If cases are selected correctly and confusing factors and partial and absolute contraindications of epidural technique are spared continuous segmental epidural analgesia hasnt any side effects on labor process and mother and fetus health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Patients who begin endodontic therapy may experience pain or swelling during therapy or after obturation of root canal system (flare –up). The causes of flare-up phenomena are numerous and often multi factorial. The goal of this study is to examine the incidence of flare – up and its connection with variables such as pulp and periapical conditions, the type of treatment, the number appointment and the tooth groups under treatment.Methods and materials: In this study 1168 patients were selected from among the patients referring for treatment to the endodontics ward of Zahedan faculty of Dentistry. At each visit information was obtained on each patient as to their demographics, presenting signs, symptoms and diagnosis and then treatment performed. After complete of the appropriate forms the data were analyzed with the chi-square statistical method.Results: The results of the study indicate the incidence of flare – up to be 3.2%، with a significant relationship between the incidence of flare – up and the pulp and periapical conditions (P<0.05) and no significant relationship between incidence of flare – up and the type of treatment performed, the number of treatment appointment and the type of tooth (P>0.05). Conclusions: Because bacteria are the source of pulpal and periapical infection, eliminating of bacteria is necessary for resolve of signs and symptoms of flare-up.

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Background: Aluminum accumulation in plasma and tissues is a well-described complication among persons undergoing peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. Excess bone aluminum is associated with low bone formation rates and increased risk for fractures. Current recommendations for care of patients with end-stage renal disease include screening for aluminum toxicity with plasma aluminum levels; patients with levels below20 micro g/L are considered to be at low risk for aluminum related bone disease (ARBD). By attention to some clinical symptoms that maybe related to AL toxicity, we measured serum AL level before and after DFO test.Methods and materials: In this descriptive study the incidence of AL toxicity in patients on hemodialysis in Khatam-Al-Anbia hospital of Zahedan-Iran was measured. In 35 patients on hemodialysis, serum level of AL before and after DFO test was measured. We also measured serum level of Ca, P, ALP, PTH and Ferritin in these groups of patients. To evaluate AL level in water used for hemodialysis it was measured at the same time.Results: In our study serum AL levels in most of patients were high (32 out of 35). It maybe due to high level of AL in dialysate. Dialysate AL level before and after RO (Reverse Osmosis) were 16 microgram/Lit and 19.8 microgram/Lit respectively. In only 3 out of 35 patient’s serum AL levels of baseline were less than 20 microgram/Lit and DFO test in one of them was positive. Serums AL level of 16 patients were between 20 to 40 microgram / Lit and in 16 patients were more than 40 microgram/Lit.Conclusions: In conclusion treatment with improperly processed water was the major causes of aluminum toxicity in uremic patients.

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Background: Drug abuse and smoking behavior, particularly in youngsters, affect communities in terms of health and economy. The present study was carried out with the aim of a survey on drug abuse and smoking cigarette amongst high school students in Zahedan city.Methods and materials: The research sample contained 259 girls and 216 boys being randomly selected using multi-stage clustering method. The average age was 15.8 years for girls and 16.04 years for boys.Results: The results showed that 7.8% of girls and 25.2% of boys had experienced smoking at least once. It was found that 0.4% of the female students and 2.3% of male students were used to regular smoking. Drug abuse (using opiate) was shown to be experienced at least once by 1.6% and 8% of females and males, respectively. The initial smoking was most frequently experienced in age of 14 years (26.2%), followed by the age of 15 (15.2%).Conclusions: Smoking and drug abuse in a relatively high percentage of students and decreasing the age of onset of using these materials arise a major alert. It is concluded that students at this age require further notice and they should be considered particularly in the control programs involving cigarette and drug.

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Background: When pelvic organs prolapse exist with anatomic hyper mobility of the urethra, stress incontinence that is the most common cause of the incontinence in women. One of the procedures used in treatment of the stress incontinence is anterior colporraphy with Kelly suture. The aim of this study is to determine the rate of success of this method of surgery in women with different parity. Methods and materials: In this descriptive analysis study in 2000-2002 women were chosen with stress incontinence in Ghods hospital and after anterior colporraphy with Kelly suture the rate of cure of stress incontinence 6 months after operation was determined on them. The women were divided in two groups for comparing the rate of success of operation; first group consisted of 40 patients with parity between 1-3 and second group160 patients with 4 or above 4 parity.Results: Rate of overall successful results after 6 months in patients (164 cases) was (83%). Surgery in first group was successful in 38 cases (95%) and in second group 144 cases (80%) immediately after surgery.After 6 months 38 cases (95%) in first group and128 cases (80%) in second group were treated. The difference between two groups is significantly confirmed with chi -square test (P= 0.046). Conclusions: The rate of success in our study in the patients below fourth parity was greater than the rate of success reported by other studies; so anterior colporraphy with Kelly suture is a good choice in low parity women.

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