Bovine colostrum contains various essential nutrients, arItibodies, hormones, growth factors, cytokines arId arItimicrobial peptides (e.g. lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase) that are importarIt for nutrient supply, host defense, growth arId for general neonatal adaptation. In this study effects of different levels arId different durations of colostrum eonsumption on somatotropic axis, selected metabolic traits, plasma level of growth hormone arId vital sings in the first week life of calves were investigated. Calves were fed colostrum twice daily for 3 day (group GrC6) or colostrum only as their first meal (group GrC I), followed by milk replacer up to day 7, or they were received only milk replacer but no colostrum (group GrM). PostprarIdial plasma glucose concentration on day 2 increased significarItly (P <%5). More in the groups GrC6 arId GrC I tharI in group GrM arId remained elevated up to day 7 plasma urea concentration on day I decreased significarItly (P <%5). More in the groups GrC6 arId GrCI tharI in group GrM arId remained lower up to day 7 plasma GB concentration was not charIged by differences in nutrition. Calves fed colostrum had significarItly higher rectal temperatures, heart rates arId respiratory frequencies tharI calves provided by milk replacer. The data demonstrate that the somatotrophic axis is basically functioning in neonatal calves arId is influenced by nutrition. Furthermore, significarItly higher circulating glucose arId significarItly lower urea levels in calves fed colostrum tharI those fed with milk replacer indicate that colostrum consumption simulates arIabolic processes.