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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (مسلسل 59)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Rivers are one of the most important water resources with a wide scope of applications. On the other hand, any entrance of polluting items into rivers may cause different physical and chemical changes. Therefore it is necessary to have a good knowledge of these parameters and changing process of them. Meanwhile Khersan River is one of the greatest headbranch of Karoon as the most important of State’s rivers. This is due to supplying of major part of required water for civil, rural, agricultural purposes. The present paper intends to specify any physical and chemical parameters of Khersan River (including Nitrate, Phosphate, Liquid oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen demand, Temperature & pH). It is accompanied with a study of annual changes of it. Since there was not a real research on Khersan River with such dimensions, therefore it could be useful in the field of different applications most of which is dam construction on the concerned river.Method: In order to perform some physical and chemical tests, we performed 12 steps of sampling on monthly basis. All water samples belonged to 6 stations through the river way. We applied standard sampling method and test procedures.Findings and Discussion: According to the findings, there is maximum rate of water temperature changes at concerned stations through July & August. Therefore it may find a reducing process and minimum rate in February as well. pH rate of water was in optimized scope in all stations and through all months of the year (6.5-9.5 mg/liter). It was at minimum rate at all stations through the September & October. The quantity of liquid oxygen in water was in optimized scope (more than 5 mg/liter) in all stations and all months of the year. Then it may reach to the minimum rate through July & August and then to its maximum amount in winters. Biochemical oxygen demand of water had the maximum rate at station No. 1 in the middle of October. Generally we had biochemical oxygen demand more than permitted maximum rate. The process of nitrate changes in all stations was in optimized scope in all months of the year.Conclusion: Any agricultural activities and distribution of agricultural lands besides this river and also presence of neighboring villages and civil areas, have great roles in pollution of the river water.

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Finding a new method for storage of huge amount of hydrogen gas with the proper safety manners for using in vehicles and other equipments has attracted the environmental and energy researching centers attention. In this research by using molecular dynamics simulation the adsorption isotherms of molecular hydrogen on FeTi nano particles system and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCN) at several temperatures ranging from 60 to 100 K by calculation of Adsorption coverage. Iso-steric heat, and binding energy were studied at different temperatures and pressures. The amount of Hydrogen adsorbed at the pressure: 10 MPa and temperature: 60 K for the first layer on the FeTi nano particles was gained between0.28 to 0.35 and inside the SWNT in highest chosen diagonal was 0.008. Consequently the FeTi nano particles can be used as a new and suitable material in order to storage the hydrogen gas in fuel cells.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1128

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    4 (59)
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Objective: The purpose of this research is the effect of initial concentration of lead absorbed on the equilibrium time by active carbon.Materials and methods: The study of granular activated carbon (GAC) of the raw material is wood w. For experimental, Absorption kinetics of initial concentration 1 to 500 mg L-1 was used and measuring the remaining concentration absorbed by atomic absorption (Model 220 AA company varian Australia) was performed.Results: Process adsorption equilibrium reached at 45, 60, 75, 90, 75, 70 and 60 min for initial lead concentration of 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 mg L-1. Study equilibrium time at varied concentrations showed that decreased equilibrium time with decreasing initial lead concentration from 50 to 1 mg L-1. Efficiency adsorption increased while the initial lead concentration decreased from 500 to 1 mg L-1. The maximum percent adsorption of lead was found to be %99.7 at initial lead concentration of 1 mg L-1. The experimental data were fitted using two adsorption kinetic models, the Ho et al. (1996) and Lagergren (1893) models. Results showed that lead ions adsorption followed adsorption model of Ho et al. (1996). Also, fitting Langmuir and Freunlich adsorption isotherm models on experimental data showed that Freundlich model described experimental data in a better way.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1347

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    4 (59)
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The simplest and most economical technique to reduce CO2 of atmosphere and climate regulation is carbon sequestration in plant and soil by development of vegetation and green space. Impact of afforestation and soil fertility on soil carbon sequestration and climate regulation was investigated, in two 15-year old stands of needle-leaved (Pinus eldarica) and broad-leaved (Robinia pseudoacacia) in 2 areas with different irrigation treatments (municipal effluent and well water) and also a control area (without afforestation), in an arid zone (south of Tehran).For this purpose, sample plots (30 m´30 m) were systematic-randomly chosen in either of both stands. In each sample plot, four soil profiles were dug to take the samples in depths of 0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm. In laboratory, soil organic carbon (SOC) content of soil samples was determined by the Walkley–Black method.the results demonstrated that in each stand there was a significant difference (p<0.01) in the amount of soil carbon sequestration between two irrigation treatments (municipal effluent and well water). No significant difference in the amount of soil carbon sequestration of two stands was detected, but each stand sequestered higher carbon content in soil compared to that of in control area. In two studied stands, with increasing of soil carbon content, growth parameters and biomass significantly (p<0.01) were increased.With regard to more average of wood biomass and carbon sequestration and be evergreen of elder pine trees, can say that afforestation of eldar pine in comparison with block locust has more role in decreasing of air pollution and climate regulation.

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View 815

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Introduction: Remote sensing provides the basic data to undertake inventory of land resources specially vegetation mapping.Material and Methods: In this study for producing vegetation cover percentage map in Mouteh wild life sanctuary, IRS-P6, LISS III data was used for June 2006. First geometric and atmospheric correction was done. Vegetation cover sampling was done with 290 plots in heterogeneous cover areas and Data were collected from overall region. Vegetation Indices were produced using satellite image. Simple linear regression was done between plots information and vegetation indices and models were produced for each index and vegetation maps were produced using each index model.Results: Results showed that SAVI index had highest correlation with field sampling equal 0.78 and it was used for vegetation cover percentage mapping. Using SAVI model vegetation cover was classified in four classes: 0-10%, 10-20%, 20-40% and 40%<.Disscusion And Conclusions: Results showed that 10%> and 10-20% crown cover were dominate in region. SAVI index with soil coefficient reduced soil background reflectance effects. In this study NDVI, TSAVI1 and RVI had high correlation (0.77, 0.78 and 0.76).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1257

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    4 (59)
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One of the most important ideas in forest management is maintaining and developing of biodiversity. Biodiversity measuring is one of the most difficult works, time consuming, high cost and in this context; there is not exist comprehensive and standard recipe toward biodiversity measuring. This study has been accomplished in order to preserve of biodiversity in Darabkola forests (area 280 ha) with measuring tree species diversity in two geographic aspects (northern and southern). In order to investigate of tree, eighteen plots (1000 m2), were taken by a systematic random sampling method. Values of species diversity was calculated using Simpson, Shanno - wiener and species richness Margalef, Menhenich and evenness (Pit and Hill) indices at each plot. Species diversity, species richness and evenness indices Value maximum, at north and southern aspects is related to Shanon-Viner, Margalef and Hill indices, respectively. Results indicated that species diversity indices at northern aspect is more than southern aspect, but richness species indices was the same in the both aspects. For northern and southern aspects Pit and Hill indices were higher respectively. Also results indicated that species diversity indices and evenness have significant correlation with together, but there wasn’t a significant correlation within species diversity indices and evenness. As a result, evenness indices have higher effect to increase biodiversity in comparison with richness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2763

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    4 (59)
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Introduction: A research has been performed on antibiotics' resistance in negative gram bacteria separated of wild common carps intestinal organ.Material and Method: 126 negative Gram bacteria have been separated in total and resistance rate of bacteria in relation to 6 Antibiotics are measured: Ampicillin (10 microgram Am), Streptomycin (30 microgram S), Tetracycline (30 microgram T), Chloramphenicol (30 microgram C), Gentamycine (10 microgram GM), Amikacin (30 microgram AK).Results and Discussion: The results showed that negative Gram bacteria in comparison to antibiotic such as Ampicillin (93.5%), Streptomycin (51.15%), Tetracycline (46.5%) had higher resistance. So it showed that such bacteria’s resistance in comparison to Chloramphenicol (12.15%). Is relatively low and it showed loss of existence of resistance in negative Gram bacteria in comparison to Gentamycine and Amikacin (0%).Surveying of the resistance rate of bacteria to some antibiotics show that 80% of separated bacteria from fish intestinal organ in comparison to consumption antibiotics are multi-resistance.Research shows that antibiotics consumption in animal is growing and more consumption of antibiotics in environment could cause bioenvironmental problems such as resistance against antibiotics. This research which was done for the first time in Anzali Wetland on Antibiotic resistance rate in negative Gram bacteria separated of wild common carp digestive system shows that negativegram system resistance against antibiotics in Anzali Wetland is high.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1816

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Introduction: In Zahedan, about 0.8 ton sawdust generates in each day. This sawdust is landfilled despite their good effects on composting process. The aim of the present study was to reuse these serviceable wastes for improving C/N ratio, preventing nitrogen loss from the piles and investigating the effect of sawdust on moisture content of composting piles.Methods: Four composting piles were prepared with 0% (blank), 16%, 32% and 70% sawdust admixture. Once sampling was done in each week and samples were analyzed for the C/N ratio, moisture, nitrogen and carbon content.Results: The percent of decrease in moisture content was 33% in blank treatment, whereas this decrease was 15, 15 and 10% for 16, 32 and 70% respectively. Loss of moisture was decreased with sawdust addition and this is very important for arid and hot area because of water sources shortage. The optimum C/N ratio was observed in 16% treatment and loss of nitrogen was decreased with sawdust addition. The percent of decrease in nitrogen content was 30, 7, 7 and 15% for blank, 16, 32 and 70% respectively. The maximum amount of nitrogen in final piles was observed in 16% treatment.Conclusion: Based on experimental data obtained, it can be concluded that sawdust caused water and nitrogen preservation in composting piles and it also improved undesirable and low initial C/N ratio. 16% treatment was shown more desirable effects on composting process and compost quality among other experimental treatments.

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View 1346

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In regarding to the adverse impacts of solid waste landfilling in improper places, selection of proper sites according to the criteria and rules has great importance.In this study Karaj solid waste landfill is evaluated with regional and local screening method. For evaluating this site in regional scale 22 km radius from the center of Karaj city was selected. Then regional criteria including distance from surface water, distance from residential centers, water ground depth, geology, etc were studied with producing different layers in geographical information system. In order to inspect these criteria in regional studies; maps were produced from related organizations and centers. After production of basic maps in order to product the final suitability map in regional scale according to the pattern, layers were reclassified with three proper, average and improper class. In the end, final reclassified map was produced. According to this map the mensuration of improper sites is 142915.8 hectare, the mensuration of average sites is 5089/3 hectare and the mensuration of improper sites is 4046.9 hectare and also the landfill suitability is evaluated as improper.For evaluating needed land for studied solid waste landfill, factors like population growth rate, the amount of yearly solid waste, shape and height of the landfill were studied and the mensuration of the site was evaluated as improper.Then the landfill was studied in local scale and the criteria like soil depth, natural land cover of the site and landscape of the site, etc were studied with weight and point method and its suitability was evaluated as average.

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The leachate quality of Mashhad landfill and receiving and fermentation units of its composting plant was studied. Samples were taken during spring and summer, 2006. BOD, COD, TDS, TSS, NO3-N-, NH4-N+, PO4 3-4, Cl-, pH, as well 10heavy metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn analysis in the samples. Mean COD, NO3-N-, and NH4-N+ in landfill, receiving and fermentation units samples were obtained 17418, 50512, 91168 mg COD/l and 2.34, 25.40, 25.97 mg NO3-N-/l, and 658.78, 570.89, 633.89 mg NH4-N+/l, respectively. The quality of leachate samples compared with Leachate of Tehran landfill and landfills in USA, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Kuwait. The results showed the leachate of Tehran and Mashhad landfills and the composting plant have more organic materials than the other countries. BOD5/COD that shows biodegradability of organic matters was 0.44, 0.51, and 0.55 in the leachate of landfill, receiving and fermentation units, respectively. It means biological treatment can be useful for all of them. Heavy metals concentrations were under national effluent standard in the landfill leachate. But the concentration of Fe, Zn and Mn were above the standard in the leachate of receiving and fermentation units. The results showed that it is possible to meet the national standard by using a combination of physical- chemical and biological treatment methods.

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View 2924

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Aim: The aim of this research is the study of the role of children satisfaction of open spaces in residential in the form of causal model.Methods: This research method is correction study with the design on the structural model relation. 147 parents settling in Shahid Fallahi and Omid complexes in Tehran, were selected by Random cluster Sampling. They were asked to cite their own believes on open-spaced complexes included in the 57 questionnaires. Validity of the Instrument Calculated by Content method and the understudying constructs showed that the instrument had a proper validity. Also, reliability ratio of instrument was calculated approximately a=0.954. Direct and indirect effects of variables on satisfaction of residential complexes of open space were calculated through path analysis and regression methods.Results: Results showed that the factors to satisfaction of residing children in residential complexes to follow the direct and indirect relationships.Conclusion: Variables such as natural factors (herbal covering), Space form, Ergonomics have direct effect on children satisfaction of residential open space, and the other variables like flexibility child's play tools, visual stimuli factors have indirect effects on the children satisfaction of residential open space.

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Introduction: Due to spectacular geographical location, the Province of Yazd, located in the center of Iran, it has been in the center of attention since long ago. It is considered one of the driest provinces in Iran with hot and dry climate, and annual average precipitation of 50-100ml. The day and night temperature varies between 11.9 to 20.7 degrees of Celsius. The special climate in Yazd has resulted in beautiful gardens such as, Moshir- o- Almamalek Garden, which is one the most famous and beautiful gardens in Yazd. It is 18000m2 in area and is located in the north-west of Yazd. It was established by Mirza Fathollah Khan, Moshir - o - Almamalek in Ghajar era. He was in charge of collecting tax in Yazd and when the Governor was absent, he took up the responsibilities. As the elderly people from Yazd say, Yazd was controlled from his residence, i.e., Moshir – o – Almamalek Garden.Material and Method: Literature review and field study were used in this study. This study is descriptive-analytical. Through the restoration of the place, current national and international patterns along with Iranian-Islamic architectural concepts were used. Cameras like Cannon Power shot S5 IS and Olympus C160 were utilized during the field study.Result: Except the central building, the other buildings lack foundation. The most preeminent material used is mud-bricks. In the past, drinking water was supplied by subterranean canals (ghanat). It is now, however, supplied by the city water system. The trees in the garden would be fruit bearing, e.g. fig, vine, apple, etc. Other plants such as olive, persimmon, and citrus have recently been cultivated.Discussion: Using elements such as grass, water, and plants during restoration, which constitute the main elements of ancient Iranian architecture, is vividly observable. This demonstrates the relation between the nature and architecture in the present and past Iran. Transparency, space linkage, organized spaces, space integration, geometry, and symmetry implemented in the garden reflect thought and rationalization in the Iranian garden establishment, which intentionally and consciously pursued physical and spiritual peace for human looking for tranquility.

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