Meeting the growing demand for energy to achieve social welfare is the biggest challenge of the governments in both developed and developing countries. Social costs and excessive consumption of energy, especially for transportation, have increased to such an extent that many countries are facing political and social problems. Moreover, the increasing trend of environmental pollution and the global warming caused by greenhouse gases are among the challenging topics in the world. To eliminate these problems, there is no way except reducing the consumption of energy and urban and industrial pollution. To this end, either policies aimed at increasing the price of fuel should be adopted, which may negatively affect social welfare, or modern electronic commerce (e-commerce) systems should be used to reduce the consumption of energy and pollution. No doubt, both people and authorities will prefer the latter because it can reduce the consumption of energy and pollution without affecting people's lives negatively. Statistics on the e-commerce indicate that only in the IBM Company a massive reduction in the consumption of energy has caused the reduction of CO2 by 35 million tons. Using the Internet to fill the empty spaces of trucks, publishing all kinds of electronic books and journals, electronic shopping, payment of utility (electricity, gas, telephone) bills are the examples of e-commerce, which can be done in the short run and which can help save a lot of money. Therefore, informing people and familiarizing them with the effectiveness of the e-commerce in decreasing the environmental pollution and increasing the GDP are quite necessary. In this regard, the government, as the policy-maker, should act as a pioneer to present a model of e-commerce, especially for urban transportation and specifically for the mega-city of Tehran, which is now facing the above-mentioned problems.