As against the Russian orientalist K.I. Cajkin and the followers of his view who hold that there was only one Asadi, Ali b. Ahmad, who composed Both the epic Garsasp-name and the Monazerat, the author of this paper is of the opinion that there were two Asadis: Ali b. Ahmad, the son, who composed the epic Garsasp-name and wrote the lexicon, Logat-e Fors; and Ahmad b. Mansur, the father, who composed the 'Monazere' eulogies.By bringing to light the identity of the rulers to whom the eulogies were addressed, the author has solved the long standing problem which began with Dowlatsah's statement that Asadi was Ferdowsi's teacher, and which was revived in late nineteenth century by Hermann Ethe’s "Uber persische Tenzonen".