Teymouri era was the time of a contrast between two emirate and vizier-ship institute. These two institutes and their related views, vizier-ship-based approach and its followers and emirate-based approach led the political and social events in Teymouri era. Among these, the role of authors of Teymouri era in describing, interpreting and explaining two discourses is so important. One of them in emirate-based approach was Molana Sharaf-a-din Yazdi. By studying his work, Zafarname, and by applying Norman Fairclough’s linguistic instruments, we can describe Yazdi’s attitude about emirate-based discourse. In Zafarname, elements of emirate-based discourse, such as militarism and considering Turks, are endorsed, but elements of vizier-ship-based discourse, such as vizier-ship and being an Iranian, are rambled. Results show that it was political condition of Teymouri era that made Sharraf-a-din to support emirate-based discourse. For example, Teymour, as an emir, was present in political events and he paid attention to militarism. Therefore emirate-based discourse, instead of vizier-ship-based one, was supported.