Molla Sadra's Transcendental Philosophy still has opposers who view it as a mixed school that has compiled ontological teachings of different epistemological fields - peripatetic philosophy, illuminationist philosophy, theosophy, theology and Islamic texts - in an unharmonious structure and regardless of a philosophical method. In this article, based on the statements of Molla Sadra, the unique methodological attributes of transcendental philosophy are shown using the descriptive analysis method. Additionally, it is shown that transcendental philosophy, while using contents of various ontological fields in Islamic civilization, uses only philosophical method in proving or rejecting statements.This article also includes methodological review of theoretical theosophy in view of transcendental philosophy, methodological distinction of transcendental and illuminationist philosophy, the position of intuition and Islamic teachings in transcendental philosophy, comparison of the traditional method with rational and intuitive methods in understanding the ontological truths, terminology of illuminated intellect in transcendental philosophy and manifestation of multi-disciplinary studies in transcendental philosophy.