Introduction: As substance abusers are prone for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, this study was established to estimate the prevalence of HIV infection and related risk factors among injective substance abusers in Shiraz.Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional descriptive study, we studied 360 male intravenous substance abusers in a random "time location sampling" method all around Shiraz. During September to December 2008, participants were asked by standard structured questionnaire of behavioral study. We obtained three blood spots from their fingers to evaluate HIV infection. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistical methods such as mean, variance, tables and schemas. Results: The mean age of participants were 33±7.26 years (range 19-64). The average age of initial substance use and first intravenous substance use were 18.6±1.63 and 25±6.32 years. 30.2% of the participants were homeless and the most prevalent method of abuse was injection. The most abused illicit drug in the last month was Tamgizak (41.1%). During last month, 15% had used contaminated syringes and 15.6% had used shared syringes; 62.8% of participant had sex with permanent partners such as wife, 36.3% had sex to earn money or drugs, 54% had sex with other partners (not for money or drugs) and 49.4% were homosexual. During last year, prevalence of unprotected sexual intercourse without condom in four mentioned sexual patterns were 49.7%, 31.7%, 43.3%, 75.6% respectively. In addition, 24.7% (89 cases) were infected with HIV.Conclusion: The prevalence of HIV+ cases and high risk behaviors among intravenous drug abusers are high.