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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Considering disease and ill-effects occurrence due to gases inhalation and metallic vapors resulting from welding process with electric arch, we tried to design a device in this research in order to minimize the rate to which a worker is exposed to these adverse factors. Materials & Methods: Designing and constructing welding tongs apparatus with electric arch and ventilation system was fully innovative. It is composed of: main body, vacuum canal, driving canal, vacuum hood, special tongs, face – protecting shield and a wire connected to the tongs. Using this machine at the time of welding with electric arch, the worker can be protected from gases and metallic vapors produced by the welding operation.Findings: The designed apparatus was tested and constructed with defined abilities. This apparatus has been made in a way that meets the desired goal that is protecting workers against metallic smokes and other adverse factors resulting from welding operations.Discussion & Conclusion: The constructed apparatus was tested, according to the goals of the research, proving a good efficacy in protecting workers from being much affected by the produced gases and metallic vapors at the time of welding activities with electric arch. Because of inaccessibility to appropriate technology for manufacturing the apparatus, the prepared sample does not fully match the designed model which needs to be made using a more appropriate technology. More attempts are to be done to prepare the device in a more effective form.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The purpose of this research was to predicate the teachers' assessments of the school-students' performances in Math & Sciences fields according to Meeker's Cognitive Abilities Test. These subscales are based on Guilford's intelligence model. These tests identify the comprehensive profile of advantages and disadvantages of cognitive abilities. After performing the tests, specific training interventions can be provided to individuals. Materials & Methods: Through the research, 60 boys and girls among the elementary school-students were selected randomly .Statistical method of multiple regression was used. Prediction variables were Meeker's Test 26 subscales, and the criterion variable was the teacher's assessment.Findings: Regression analysis showed that the best predicting variable of the students' empowerment in Math subjects was NSS (P<0.001), CMU (P<0.001), CSS (P<0.02) and DFU (P<0.04). Furthermore, the best predictors of student empowerments in sciences subject were ESS (P<0.001) and DSR (P<0.03).Discussion & Conclusion: It is possible to identify the students' empowerments via Meeker's Cognitive Abilities Test, and if there are any potential deficiencies, they may be removed by appropriate early interventions and educations.

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Introduction: Varicocele is the most common cause of male infertility with approximately 19 to 40% prevalence that leads to low sperm production and fertilization through several mechanisms. In this case-control study, seminal total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were investigated as one of the possible mechanism(s) by which varicocele may affect the sperm parameters quality and male infertility. Materials & Methods: Semen samples were provided from healthy (normalospermic; n=15) and varicocelesuffering (infertile; n=14) men at babol IVF centers, then analyzed according to WHO (World Health Organization/1998) standards. Seminal TAC and MDA levels in the entire specimen were measured by FRAP and TBA methods, respectively. Findings: Based on the results, mean concentration (±S.D) of TAC in the seminal plasma of varicocele-suffering men (1092.43±370.56 mmol/l) was significantly lower (p<0.001) than that of the healthy men (2335.44±764.78 mmol/l). Moreover, MDA levels in seminal plasma of varicocele-suffering cases (0.92±0.27 nmol/ml) was significantly (p=0.001) higher than that of the healthy ones (0.57±0.22 nmol/ml). Discussion & Conclusion: It implies that low level of seminal TAC activity and subsequently high oxidative status could be regarded as one of the negative effects of varicocele on sperm quality and he function which initiates further studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Leptospirisis is an important zoonosis disease with the most widespread prevalence in tropical and semitropical regions. It is also very common in flat areas of Guilan province (northern Iran). Pathogenic leptospires excreted from carrier animals can survive in surface waters and humid soil along with nonpathogenic serovars for a long time. A limited number of serovars are usually common in any endemic region and whose characterization is helpful in revealing epidemiological features of the disease and detecting the source (s). This study has been planned to isolate and identify the common leptospira strains from surface waters of central regions of the flat areas of Guilan province.Matrial & Methods: Sampling from surface waters of the area was done from May to late September 2006. Each sample was inoculated in EMJH medium. DNA extraction was performed for all the positive cultures by the standard method and REA was done for DNA of each strain using EcoRI. Each band profile was compared and analysed by band profile of standard strains. Findings: 168 samples of all the 301ones were positive in the first round of culturing, but only 33 samples showed high rate bacterial numbers in the following culturing stage, so were in good position to perform ERA. Band profiles of only 27 isolates were comparable and similar to some pathogenic (Interrogans, Kirchnery, and Borgpetersenii), and saprophytic (Biflexa, and Wolbachia) species belong to pathogenic serogroups:Icterohaemorrahgia, Pomona, Ballum, Hardjo, kanicola, and grippotyphosa, and finally nonpathogenic serogroups: Andamana, Patoc, and semaranga. Discussion & Conclusion: Our study showed that pathogenic serovars are more common in rice paddies, because of the long time stop of water and high trafficking rate of domestic and wild animals and rodents. Saprophytic serovars were more common in rivers and irrigation canals.

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Introduction: In Iran, durating the last 20 years, the incidence of drug abuse has been three times more than the rate of population growth. To fight such a problem, the drug request has considerably decreased in recent years, such a procedure includs three main steps as follows: prevention, treatment and loss reduction.In the field of treatment, outpatient clinics are providing necessary services to stop drug abuse by the addicts. The reason to take steps to give up drug-abuse is considered an essencial matter of action for stoping addiction it. This research was designed to determine the factors influencing the decision-making stimula in patients referring to outpatient drug-stop clinics in northern Khorasan (north of Iran).Materials & Methods: The research was of a descriptive-analytic nature that investigated addict patients referring to the out-patient drug-stop clinics of northern khorasan province during the second half of 2007 .The samples were selected by an easy sampling method. The needed data were gathered using questionnaires on the addicts' first visit to the clinic before taking any initial treatment. Besides the demographic, history & type of abuse, style and frequency of addiction, some other factors such as socio-familial , economic, and individual ones were considered. Findings: Among all the 387 clients, 343 (88.5%) cases were male and 44 people (11.5%) were female with the mean age of 32.84+9.65 years, while the mean age on starting to abuse drug was 22.87+7.14 years. The most abused drugs included opium, opium nectar, crystal and heroin respectively. On a decreasing order of frequency, 49.6% of the clients showed a positive family history of addiction. The first drug in 56% of the patients had been abused through a suggestion by a friend. In 42% of the cases, the main factor for deciding to stop addiction was their family. Discussion & Conclusion: The most significant factors encouraging the addicts to stop drug-abuse proved to be of economical, social, empowering, and individual ones. The most important barrier factor for resistance to stop addiction seemed to be lack of self-efficiency.

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Introduction: Assessment of antimicrobial resistance patterns and plasmid profile of 100 uropathogeic E. coli isolated from outpatient with UTI in Ilam(western Iran) was designed as the goal of our research.Materials & Methods: Urinary samples isolated from symptomatic UTI cases were identified by routine methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method according to CLSI guidelines. Plasmid extraction kit was used for plasmid extraction.Findings: All the isolated samples proved sensitive to meropenem. The resistance rates of E.coli were as follows: 81% for amoxycillin, 64% for tetracycline,21% for ciprofloxacin, 16% for cefepime and ceftazidime, 15% for ceftriaxone, cotrimoxazole and tubramycin, 12% for gentamicin, 5% for nitrofurantoin, and 1% for amikacin. Plasmid profile investigations showed the isolated E.coli carried plasmid ranging from 21KD to 1/5KD in size. The number of plasmid in each of these isolates ranged from one to eight of different sizes.The E.coli isolates contained a common plasmid with a molecular weight of 21 KD which proved to enjoy resistance to, amoxicillin and possibilly tetracycline.Discussion & Conclusion: There are doubts as to the role of tetracycline and amoxicillin for empiric therapy of UTI. Meropenem amikacin, nitrofurantoin, gentamicyn and ciprofloxacin are active against the great majority of UTI associated E.coli. 1KD R-plasmid reservoir may contribute to the spread of amoxicillin and probablly tetracycline resistance in our region.

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Introduction: Visceral leishmaniasis (kalaazar) is endemic in Iranian provinces of Fars, East Azarbyjan , and Ardebil . Ahar, a district of East Azarbyjan, is another endemic foci of this disease; thus, considering the fact that fulfilling a faunestic study of sand-flies is regarded be the first step to identify the vector species of such a disease, we decided to carry out our research in the mentioned area.Matrials & Methods: The researchers collected sand-flies using sticky trap in six villages of Iranian Province of Eastern Azarbayjan infected with visceral leishmaniasis during May, June, and July 2002. The trapped sand-flies were then washed using Aceton and preserved in 70% Eithelic Alcohol. All the samples were, afterward, categorized into specific species using reliable keys.Findings: Of all the 1405 collected sandflies, 19 species were identified as follows: 16 species of phlebotomus, and 3 species of sergentomyia. The species p.kandelakii, p. paptasi , p. perfiliewi , p. sergenti, p.anderjevi with atotal number of 1171 ones covered 83% of the total number of trapped sand-flies .The species of P.caucasicus P.alexandri, P.mongolensis , P.halpensis , P.jacusieli , P. longiductus , P.balcanicus , P.major P. tobbi, P. ansarii, P. bergeroti , S.dentata , S.sintoni , S.pawlowskyi covered totally 234 ones equal to 17% of all the collected sandflies.Discussion & Conclusion: It is concluded that, considering the much limited coverage of the searched area, the species variety seems to be very interesting and attention worthy. It also indicates that more species and even new species can be found by carrying out more comprehensive studies in future. The P. anderjevi specie with frequency of 11%, being reported for the first time, showed the highest prevalence in west northern Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Dental fluorosis is a kind of hypoplasia, hypomineralization or dentin and enamel deficiency, occurring during formation, due to fluoride overuse.Considering the importance of epidemiological studies in identifying diseases and designing necessary prevention plans, the present study was fulfilled to assess dental fluorosis in 8-27 years old population of Dehloran, Mousian and Dasht Abbas areas during 2006.Materials & Methods: Throughout this analytical descriptive study, 573 cases of 8- 27 years old population were selected using a cluster sampling method and examined in respect of different fluorosis rates (Dean index: normal, questionable, very mild, mild, moderate and severe) and DMFT rate (WHO index) using observations and questionnaires. The gained data were analyzed using t - student and chi – square tests.Findings: Generally commenting, 86.6% of the studied populations showed degrees of fluorosis and only 13.4% of them proved free from the disease. Dasht Abbas district showed the highest prevalence of fluorosis. The maximum rate of fluoride in Dehloran town's water was 0.67, while it was 0.78 in Dasht Abbas; meanwhile, the rate in Mousian district was 0.37 ppm. Totally, 82.9% of the samples with 12 and less records of residential experience and 91.6% with more than 12 years of residential experience indicated fluorosis. The uninfected people showed a mean DMFT of 2.84, while the fluorosis–free cases showed a mean DMFT of 3.38 without any significant differences.Discussion & Conclusion: The research came to the conclusion that totally 86.6% of 8-27 years old population of Dehloran, Mousian and Dasht Abbas residential places indicated degrees of infection with dental fluorosis in 2006, a rate considered to bo too high for such a population.

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