The science of history, among the Arabs in the age of ignorance, had been muddled up with myth and superstition. This principle of human knowledge was centered on the character of the holy Prophet, peace be upon him in early stages of Islamic development and gradually turned into an independent science with different structures and categories. At the beginning, hadith was considered as part of history and narrated in the same way. For this reason some hadith collections have reported events of the early Islam, especially personality and biography of the holy Prophet, Pease be upon him, along with fiqhi (jurisprudential) and tafsiri (exegetical) hadiths.Without doubt, Islamic historiography is indebted to hadith in its origin. Therefore there is a profound relationship between them. Of course, hadith has made advantage of this relationship. Historical knowledge has been of high importance in evaluating the strength and weakness points of hadith reporters (which is the base of Rijal science) and also in explaining, understanding and analyzing hadith texts and sources. After explaining the concept of hadith and history, the author of the present paper deals with the origin and development of Islamic historiography and then clarifies the existing relationship between them their interactions.