There are lexical items and conjunctions in the holy Quran whose syntactic diversity requires that a lot of attention be paid to Arabic syntax in the process of translating them into Persian. A times, translators commit errors in translating these conjunctions due to not recognizing their type. Owing to the particular significance of conjunctions in Arabic language, the present article seeks to subject the translation of some of them (wav, fa, hatta, laken, and bal) to scrutiny in renditions of Ayati, Ansarian, Rezaei, Foulavad and Mojtabavi which are among the superior translations of the Quran and enjoy greater popularity. Comparison of these translations and identification of their differences, strengths and weaknesses may be a step, though a small one, towards correcting and modifying the translation of the Divine Book, and a better and more accurate translation of the signification of the Divine Word is made available for the scholars of the Quran.